8,095 research outputs found

    Accelerated Life Testing Of Subsea Equipment Under Hydrostatic Pressure

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    Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) is an effective method of demonstrating and improving product reliability in applications where the products are expected to perform for a long period of time. ALT accelerates a given failure mode by testing at amplified stress level(s) in excess of operational limits. Statistical analysis (parameter estimation) is then performed on the data, based on an acceleration model to make life predictions at use level. The acceleration model thus forms the basis of accelerated life testing methodology. Well established accelerated models such as the Arrhenius model and the Inverse Power Law (IPL) model exist for key stresses such as temperature and voltage. But there are other stresses like subsea pressure, where there is no clear model of choice. This research proposes a pressure-life (acceleration) model for the first time for life prediction under subsea pressure for key mechanical/physical failure mechanisms. Three independent accelerated tests were conducted and their results analyzed to identify the best model for the pressure-life relationship. The testing included material tests in standard coupons to investigate the effect of subsea pressure on key physical, mechanical, and electrical properties. Tests were also conducted at the component level on critical components that function as a pressure barrier. By comparing the likelihood values of multiple reasonable candidate models for the individual tests, the exponential model was identified as a good model for the pressure-life relationship. In addition to consistently providing good fit among the three tests, the exponential model was also consistent with field data (validation with over 10 years of field data) and demonstrated several characteristics that enable robust life predictions in a variety iv of scenarios. In addition the research also used the process of Bayesian analysis to incorporate prior information from field and test data to bolster the results and increase the confidence in the predictions from the proposed model

    Reliability Assessment of a Packaging Automatic Machine by Accelerated Life Testing Approach

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    Industrial competitiveness in innovation, the time of the market introduction of new machines and the level of reliability requested implies that the strategies for the development of products must be more and more efficient. In particular, researchers and practitioners are looking for methods to evaluate the reliability, as cheap as possible, knowing that systems are more and more reliable. This paper presents a reliability assessment procedure applied to a mechanical component of an automatic machine for packaging using the accelerated test approach. The general log-linear (GLL) model is combined based on a relationship between a number strains, in particular mechanical and time based. The complete Accelerated Life Testing - ALT approach is presented by using Weibull distribution and Maximum Likelihood verifying method. A test plan is proposed to estimate the unknown parameters of accelerated life models. Using the proposed ALT model, the reliability function of the component is evaluated and then compared with data from the field collected by customers referring to 8 years of real work on a fleet of automatic packaging machines. The results confirm that the assessment method through ALT is effective for lifetime prediction with shorter test times, and for the same reason it can improve the design process of automatic packaging machines

    Bayesian accelerated life tests: exponential and Weibull models

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    Reliability life testing is used for life data analysis in which samples are tested under normal conditions to obtain failure time data for reliability assessment. It can be costly and time consuming to obtain failure time data under normal operating conditions if the mean time to failure of a product is long. An alternative is to use failure time data from an accelerated life test (ALT) to extrapolate the reliability under normal conditions. In accelerated life testing, the units are placed under a higher than normal stress condition such as voltage, current, pressure, temperature, to make the items fail in a shorter period of time. The failure information is then transformed through an accelerated model commonly known as the time transformation function, to predict the reliability under normal operating conditions. The power law will be used as the time transformation function in this thesis. We will first consider a Bayesian inference model under the assumption that the underlying life distribution in the accelerated life test is exponentially distributed. The maximal data information (MDI) prior, the Ghosh Mergel and Liu (GML) prior and the Jeffreys prior will be derived for the exponential distribution. The propriety of the posterior distributions will be investigated. Results will be compared when using these non-informative priors in a simulation study by looking at the posterior variances. The Weibull distribution as the underlying life distribution in the accelerated life test will also be investigated. The maximal data information prior will be derived for the Weibull distribution using the power law. The uniform prior and a mixture of Gamma and uniform priors will be considered. The propriety of these posteriors will also be investigated. The predictive reliability at the use-stress will be computed for these models. The deviance information criterion will be used to compare these priors. As a result of using a time transformation function, Bayesian inference becomes analytically intractable and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods will be used to alleviate this problem. The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm will be used to sample from the posteriors for the exponential model in the accelerated life test. The adaptive rejection sampling method will be used to sample from the posterior distributions when the Weibull model is considered

    Bayesian Approach for Constant-Stress Accelerated Life Testing for Kumaraswamy Weibull Distribution with Censoring

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    The accelerated life tests provide quick information on the life time distributions by testing materials or products at higher than basic conditional levels of stress such as pressure, high temperature, vibration, voltage or load to induce failures. In this paper, the acceleration model assumed is log linear model. Constant stress tests are discussed based on Type I and Type II censoring. The Kumaraswmay Weibull distribution is used. The estimators of the parameters, reliability, hazard rate functions and p-th percentile at normal condition, low stress, and high stress are obtained. In addition, credible intervals for parameters of the models are constructed. Optimum test plan are designed. Some numerical studies are used to solve the complicated integrals such as Laplace and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods

    Degradation modeling applied to residual lifetime prediction using functional data analysis

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    Sensor-based degradation signals measure the accumulation of damage of an engineering system using sensor technology. Degradation signals can be used to estimate, for example, the distribution of the remaining life of partially degraded systems and/or their components. In this paper we present a nonparametric degradation modeling framework for making inference on the evolution of degradation signals that are observed sparsely or over short intervals of times. Furthermore, an empirical Bayes approach is used to update the stochastic parameters of the degradation model in real-time using training degradation signals for online monitoring of components operating in the field. The primary application of this Bayesian framework is updating the residual lifetime up to a degradation threshold of partially degraded components. We validate our degradation modeling approach using a real-world crack growth data set as well as a case study of simulated degradation signals.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS448 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    New methods for modeling accelerated life test data

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    An accelerated life test (ALT) is often used to obtain timely information for highly reliable items. The increased use of ALTs has resulted in nontraditional reliability data which can not be analyzed with standard statistical methodologies. I propose new methods for analyzing ALT data for studies with (1) two independent populations, (2) paired samples and (3) limited failure populations (LFP). Here, the Weibull distribution, which can accommodate a variety of failure rates, is assumed for the models I develop. For case (1), a parametric hypothesis test, a Bayesian analysis and a test using partial likelihood are proposed and discussed. For paired samples, I show that there is no exact test for the equality of the survival distributions. Thus, several tests are investigated using a simulation study of their Type I errors. A Bayesian approach that allows for the comparison and estimation of the failure rates is also considered. For computation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are implemented using BUGS. Certain types of devices (such as integrated circuits) that are operated at normal use conditions are at risk of failure because of inherent manufacturing faults (latent risk factors). A small proportion of defective units, p, may fail over time under normal operating conditions. For the non-defective units, the probability of failing under normal conditions during their technological lifetime is zero. Meeker ([29], [31]) called a population of such units a limited failure population (LFP). I propose a new model for LFP in which the number of latent risk factors and the times at which they become fatal depend on the stress level. This model allows for a fraction of the population to be latent risk free. For analyzing this model, I propose a classical as well as a Bayesian approach, which can be very useful when an engineer has expert knowledge of the manufacturing process. In all cases, a real data set is analyzed to demonstrate my procedures
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