138 research outputs found

    Development and experimental evaluation of the control system of a hybrid fuel cell vehicle

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    This work presents the development and experimental evaluation of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle, focusing on the control system. The main objective of this paper is to present a real vehicle which has been designed in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the use of hydrogen as an energy source for automotive applications. The paper describes the components that are integrated in the vehicle and presents several experimental results obtained during normal operation. A control system is designed and tested in order to perform all the operations related to the coordinated operation of the fuel cell, the intermediate electrical storage and the power train. Its main task is to compute the power that must be demanded to the fuel cell in real time. This computation is done in order to satisfy the power demand of the electric motor taking into account the state of charge of the batteries and the operating regime of the fuel cell. This is accomplished by manipulating the electronic converter which regulate the current that the fuel cell supplies to the batteries.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2007-66718-C04-0

    Акумулюючі пристрої для систем автономного живлення світлотехнічних установок

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    Удосконалено методику експериментального визначення ємності та внутрішнього опору суперконденсаторів. Проведено експериментальне дослідження процесів перерозподілу між внутрішніми шарами суперконденсатора попередньо накопиченого заряду та впливу на такий перерозподіл тривалості витримки зарядженого суперконденсатора під напругою. Запропоновано систему регулювання процесів заряду/розряду суперконденсаторів та Li-ion акумуляторів з використанням ШІМ-контролера та пристрою балансування напруги на окремих їхніх елементах.В статье представлены результаты исследования электрических параметров суперконденсаторов, усовершенствована методика экспериментального измерения емкости и внутреннего сопротивления суперконденсаторов. Проведено исследование саморазряда и влияние выдержки в электрическом поле на постоянную саморазряда суперконденсаторов. Предложено систему управления процессами заряда/разряда суперконденсаторов и Li-ion аккумуляторов на основе контроллера с широтно-импульсной модуляцией и систему балансирования напряжения на отдельном элементе батареи.The article presents findings for electrical parameters of supercapacitors, and techniques for experimental definition of capacitance values and internal resistance of supercapacitors. Research on self-discharge and influence of delay within electric field upon self-discharge constant of supercapacitors has been conducted. Monitoring system for supercapacitors and Li-ion battery charge/discharge based on the verifier with pulse-width modulation and voltage balancing system which is employed on a separate battery element has been proposed

    Залежність енергетичних характеристик кіл заряду суперконденсаторів від їхніх початкових і кінцевих напруг

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    У роботі визначено залежності енергетичних характеристик електричних кіл заряду суперконденсаторів (заряд яких є нелінійною функцією від напруги на їхніх клемах) від ідеального джерела електрорушійної сили, яким для ємнісних накопичувачів електроенергії може бути батарея акумуляторів. Виконано порівняння енергетичних характеристик кіл заряду суперконденсаторів і звичайних конденсаторів. Визначено умови зменшення втрат електроенергії в колах заряду нелінійних і лінійних конденсаторів від акумуляторної батареї. Встановлено особливості впливу на такі втрати енергії початкових і кінцевих напруг на конденсаторах та їхніх ємностей.В работе определены зависимости энергетических характеристик электрических цепей заряда суперконденсаторов (заряд которых является нелинейной функцией от напряжения на их клеммах) от идеального источника ЭДС, которым для емкостных накопителей электроэнергии может быть батарея аккумуляторов. Выполнено сравнение энергетических характеристик цепей заряда суперконденсаторов и обычных конденсаторов. Определены условия уменьшения потерь электроэнергии в цепях заряда нелинейных и линейных конденсаторов от аккумуляторной батареи. Установлены особенности влияния на такие потери энергии начальных и конечных напряжений на конденсаторах и их емкостей.Available dependences of power characteristics of charge circuits of supercapacitors (charge of which is nonlinear function of voltage on their terminals) on ideal source EMF, which for capacitive storages can be the accumulator battery are defined in this work. Comparison of power characteristics of charge circuits of supercapacitors and usual capacitors is executed. Conditions of decrease of electric power losses in charge circuits of nonlinear and linear capacitors from the accumulator battery are defined. Features of influence of energy of initial and final voltages of capacitors and their capacities on such losses are determined

    Процессы обмена энергией между нелинейными и линейными звеньями электрической схемы замещения суперконденсаторов

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    Исследованы процессы обмена предварительно накопленной электрической энергией между параллельно соединенными линейным и нелинейным конденсаторами или звеньями электрической схемы замещения суперконденсаторов, электрическая емкость которых зависит от напряжения на обкладках. Установлены закономерности влияния начальных напряжений на нелинейных и линейных конденсаторах (или звеньях электрической схемы замещения суперконденсаторов), а также соотношений их емкостей на возникающие при этом энергообмене потери электроэнергии. Определены условия уменьшения потерь электроэнергии и увеличения коэффициента ее передачи от нелинейного емкостного элемента к линейному и наоборот.Досліджено процеси обміну попередньо накопиченою електричною енергією між паралельно з'єднаними лінійним і нелінійним конденсаторами або ланками електричної схеми заміщення суперконденсаторів, електрична ємність яких залежить від напруги на обкладках. Установлено закономірності впливу початкових напруг на нелінійних і лінійних конденсаторах (або ланках електричної схеми заміщення суперконденсаторів), а також співвідношень їхніх ємностей на втрати електроенергії, що виникають при цьому енергообміні. Визначено умови зменшення втрат електроенергії й збільшення коефіцієнта її передачі від нелінійного ємнісного елемента до лінійного й навпаки.The exchange processes of previously accumulated electrical energy between parallel connected linear capacitor and nonlinear one or between links of electrical equivalent circuit of supercapacitors, electric capacity of which depends on the voltage on the capacitor plates are studied. It is determined the regularities of the influence of initial voltages and capacities ratio of the linear capacitor and nonlinear one (or links of an electrical equivalent circuit of supercapacitors), on energy loss arising at this energy exchange. Conditions for decrease of losses of the electric power and increase in energy-transfer coefficient at transfer from a nonlinear capacitor element to linear one and vice versa are defined

    On the use of supercapacitors within stand-alone energy systems

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    Hydrogen is a valuable alternative for long-term energy storage, particularly for renewable energy based stand-alone systems. The described stand-alone system has been developed and installed at the INETI facilities. The exceeding renewable energy (provided by sun and wind) is used to generate hydrogen, which accumulated as an energy buffer, while the fuel cell uses this stored hydrogen to produce electrical energy when there is insufficient solar/wind energy. To provide the stand-alone system with a reliable energy storage it was designed a system for storing hydrogen based on metal hydrides. In order to supply sudden power demands two options were considered: a standard DC battery bank and a supercapacitor bank. Experimental and simulation results are presented in order to show the installation obtained performance

    Design of symmetrical high-frequency coaxial wound transformer for multiport converters

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    A bi-directional multi-port converter can accommodate various energy storages and sources. Therefore, a multiport converter will be a good candidate for application as a future universal converter for (hybrid) electrical vehicles or local distribution systems. The main design challenge of the multiport converter analyzed in this paper is the design of its three-phase symmetrical transformer. In this converter symmetry of the leakage inductances is essential to ensure balanced three-phase currents (transferred power). These currents are interconnected by three-phase bridges which are linked together by a threephase, three-port, transformer. To realize the equality of theleakage inductances a specific transformer design is necessary. Since conventionally wound three-phase transformer core shapes suitable for high-frequency are expensive and difficult to build, a coaxial wound transformer will be designed in this paper.

    Three-port bi-directional converter for electric vehicles: focus on high-frequency coaxial transformer

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    A bi-directional multi-port converter can accommodate various energy storages and sources. Therefore, a multiport converter will be a good candidate for application as a future universal converter for (hybrid) electrical vehicles or local distribution systems. The main design challenge of the multiport converter analyzed in this paper is the design of its three-phase symmetrical transformer. In this converter symmetry of the leakage inductances is essential to ensure balanced three-phase currents (transferred power). These currents are interconnected by three-phase bridges which are linked together by a three-phase, three-port, transformer. To realize the equality of the leakage inductances a specific transformer design is necessary. Since conventionally wound three-phase transformer core shapes suitable for high-frequency are expensive and difficult to build, a coaxial wound transformer will be designed in this paper

    Optimization of Energy Storage Systems in HEV\u27s

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    This paper introduces a novel battery model inspired by molecular structures mainly for applications in HEV’s. This novel 3-D adaptive battery topology shows potential for improvement in input and output performance as well as the charging/ discharging efficiency of batteries. The proposed topology provides flexible connections between battery cells to achieve different configurations of battery. A new switching matrix has been developed to achieve the required configurations. Preliminary simulations provide promising results for an adaptive 3-D battery configuration. Comparison between traditional battery configurations and the adaptive 3-D configuration is considered. A significant improvement in power curves is achieved by the proposed topology

    Virtual laboratories on energy management systems: the Hybrid Electric Vehicle case

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    Due to environment and social needs, energy management is becoming a key easy which must be transversely introduced to engineering students. Unfortunately most of this topics are difficult to analyze in traditional laboratories, this paper presents a virtual laboratory on Hybrid Electrical Vehicles specially designed to illustrate the power flow and the energy management algorithms involved in this type of device. The paper describes the models behind the interactive virtual laboratory, the different configurations which can be taken into account and the implementation technology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version