13 research outputs found

    Arc-disjoint in- and out-branchings rooted at the same vertex in compositions of digraphs

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    A digraph D=(V,A)D=(V, A) has a good pair at a vertex rr if DD has a pair of arc-disjoint in- and out-branchings rooted at rr. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji, 1jini.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set {ui,ji1it,1jini}\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set A(Q)=i=1tA(Hi){uijiupqpuiupA(T),1jini,1qpnp}.A(Q)=\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i)\cup \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p}\mid u_iu_p\in A(T), 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\}. When TT is arbitrary, we obtain the following result: every strong digraph composition QQ in which ni2n_i\ge 2 for every 1it1\leq i\leq t, has a good pair at every vertex of Q.Q. The condition of ni2n_i\ge 2 in this result cannot be relaxed. When TT is semicomplete, we characterize semicomplete compositions with a good pair, which generalizes the corresponding characterization by Bang-Jensen and Huang (J. Graph Theory, 1995) for quasi-transitive digraphs. As a result, we can decide in polynomial time whether a given semicomplete composition has a good pair rooted at a given vertex

    Proximity and Remoteness in Directed and Undirected Graphs

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    Let DD be a strongly connected digraph. The average distance σˉ(v)\bar{\sigma}(v) of a vertex vv of DD is the arithmetic mean of the distances from vv to all other vertices of DD. The remoteness ρ(D)\rho(D) and proximity π(D)\pi(D) of DD are the maximum and the minimum of the average distances of the vertices of DD, respectively. We obtain sharp upper and lower bounds on π(D)\pi(D) and ρ(D)\rho(D) as a function of the order nn of DD and describe the extreme digraphs for all the bounds. We also obtain such bounds for strong tournaments. We show that for a strong tournament TT, we have π(T)=ρ(T)\pi(T)=\rho(T) if and only if TT is regular. Due to this result, one may conjecture that every strong digraph DD with π(D)=ρ(D)\pi(D)=\rho(D) is regular. We present an infinite family of non-regular strong digraphs DD such that π(D)=ρ(D).\pi(D)=\rho(D). We describe such a family for undirected graphs as well

    Strong Subgraph Connectivity of Digraphs:A Survey

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    Arc-disjoint strong spanning subdigraphs in compositions and products of digraphs

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    A digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) has a good decomposition if AA has two disjoint sets A1A_1 and A2A_2 such that both (V,A1)(V,A_1) and (V,A2)(V,A_2) are strong. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji, 1jini.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set {ui,ji1it,1jini}\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set A(Q)=i=1tA(Hi){uijiupqpuiupA(T),1jini,1qpnp}.A(Q)=\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i)\cup \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p}\mid u_iu_p\in A(T), 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\}. For digraph compositions Q=T[H1,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots H_t], we obtain sufficient conditions for QQ to have a good decomposition and a characterization of QQ with a good decomposition when TT is a strong semicomplete digraph and each HiH_i is an arbitrary digraph with at least two vertices. For digraph products, we prove the following: (a) if k2k\geq 2 is an integer and GG is a strong digraph which has a collection of arc-disjoint cycles covering all vertices, then the Cartesian product digraph GkG^{\square k} (the kkth powers with respect to Cartesian product) has a good decomposition; (b) for any strong digraphs G,HG, H, the strong product GHG\boxtimes H has a good decomposition

    Stochastic Step-wise Feature Selection for Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs)

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    Statistical analysis of social networks provides valuable insights into complex network interactions across various scientific disciplines. However, accurate modeling of networks remains challenging due to the heavy computational burden and the need to account for observed network dependencies. Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) have emerged as a promising technique used in social network modeling to capture network dependencies by incorporating endogenous variables. Nevertheless, using ERGMs poses multiple challenges, including the occurrence of ERGM degeneracy, which generates unrealistic and meaningless network structures. To address these challenges and enhance the modeling of collaboration networks, we propose and test a novel approach that focuses on endogenous variable selection within ERGMs. Our method aims to overcome the computational burden and improve the accommodation of observed network dependencies, thereby facilitating more accurate and meaningful interpretations of network phenomena in various scientific fields. We conduct empirical testing and rigorous analysis to contribute to the advancement of statistical techniques and offer practical insights for network analysis.Comment: 23 pages, 6 tables and 18 figure

    Double Oracle Algorithm for Game-Theoretic Robot Allocation on Graphs

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    We study the problem of game-theoretic robot allocation where two players strategically allocate robots to compete for multiple sites of interest. Robots possess offensive or defensive capabilities to interfere and weaken their opponents to take over a competing site. This problem belongs to the conventional Colonel Blotto Game. Considering the robots' heterogeneous capabilities and environmental factors, we generalize the conventional Blotto game by incorporating heterogeneous robot types and graph constraints that capture the robot transitions between sites. Then we employ the Double Oracle Algorithm (DOA) to solve for the Nash equilibrium of the generalized Blotto game. Particularly, for cyclic-dominance-heterogeneous (CDH) robots that inhibit each other, we define a new transformation rule between any two robot types. Building on the transformation, we design a novel utility function to measure the game's outcome quantitatively. Moreover, we rigorously prove the correctness of the designed utility function. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness of DOA on computing Nash equilibrium for homogeneous, linear heterogeneous, and CDH robot allocation on graphs

    Boundary Layers on Sobolev–Besov Spaces and Poisson's Equation for the Laplacian in Lipschitz Domains

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    AbstractWe study inhomogeneous boundary value problems for the Laplacian in arbitrary Lipschitz domains with data in Sobolev–Besov spaces. As such, this is a natural continuation of work in [Jerison and Kenig,J. Funct. Anal.(1995), 16–219] where the inhomogeneous Dirichlet problem is treated via harmonic measure techniques. The novelty of our approach resides in the systematic use of boundary integral methods. In this regard, the key results are establishing the invertibility of the classical layer potential operators on scales of Sobolev–Besov spaces on Lipschitz boundaries for optimal ranges of indices. Applications toLp-based Helmholtz type decompositions of vector fields in Lipschitz domains are also presented

    Structure of directed graphs and hypergraphs

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