2,438 research outputs found

    Learning Deep NBNN Representations for Robust Place Categorization

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    This paper presents an approach for semantic place categorization using data obtained from RGB cameras. Previous studies on visual place recognition and classification have shown that, by considering features derived from pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in combination with part-based classification models, high recognition accuracy can be achieved, even in presence of occlusions and severe viewpoint changes. Inspired by these works, we propose to exploit local deep representations, representing images as set of regions applying a Na\"{i}ve Bayes Nearest Neighbor (NBNN) model for image classification. As opposed to previous methods where CNNs are merely used as feature extractors, our approach seamlessly integrates the NBNN model into a fully-convolutional neural network. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms previous methods based on pre-trained CNN models and that, when employed in challenging robot place recognition tasks, it is robust to occlusions, environmental and sensor changes

    MirBot: A collaborative object recognition system for smartphones using convolutional neural networks

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    MirBot is a collaborative application for smartphones that allows users to perform object recognition. This app can be used to take a photograph of an object, select the region of interest and obtain the most likely class (dog, chair, etc.) by means of similarity search using features extracted from a convolutional neural network (CNN). The answers provided by the system can be validated by the user so as to improve the results for future queries. All the images are stored together with a series of metadata, thus enabling a multimodal incremental dataset labeled with synset identifiers from the WordNet ontology. This dataset grows continuously thanks to the users' feedback, and is publicly available for research. This work details the MirBot object recognition system, analyzes the statistics gathered after more than four years of usage, describes the image classification methodology, and performs an exhaustive evaluation using handcrafted features, convolutional neural codes and different transfer learning techniques. After comparing various models and transformation methods, the results show that the CNN features maintain the accuracy of MirBot constant over time, despite the increasing number of new classes. The app is freely available at the Apple and Google Play stores.Comment: Accepted in Neurocomputing, 201
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