680 research outputs found

    The Development of a Lean Digital Construction (BIM) innovation framework for Irish Construction SMEs

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    The adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must overcome several challenges to succeed. Potential barriers include the need for financial resources, correct BIM guidance, and training. In recent years, SME organisations have investigated how the complementary application of BIM and Lean principles can maximise digital construction practices. For this approach to be successful, structured guidance is paramount. This paper presents the results from an extensive literature review that explores BIM and Lean capabilities, focusing on synergies and existing frameworks. Based on the results from the literature review, the paper suggests an experimental framework that will address the key obstacles and provide a structured approach to BIM and Lean implementation for SMEs. The authors envision that the output of the proposed framework will assist Irish SMEs in minimising waste and improving productivity within their practices

    The agile strategies in IT Governance: Towards a framework of agile IT Governance in the banking industry

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    Digital transformation has changed corporate reality and, with that, firms’ IT environments and IT governance (ITG). As such, the perspective of ITG has shifted from the design of a relatively stable, closed and controllable system of a self-sufficient enterprise to a relatively fluid, open, agile and transformational system of networked co-adaptive entities. Related to this paradigm shift in ITG, this paper aims to clarify how the concept of an effective ITG framework has changed in terms of the demand for agility in organizations. Thus, this study conducted 33 qualitative interviews with executives and senior managers from the banking industry in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Analysis of the interviews focused on the formation of categories and the assignment of individual text parts (codings) to these categories to allow for a quantitative evaluation of the codings per category. Regarding traditional and agile ITG dimensions, 22 traditional and 25 agile dimensions in terms of structures, processes and relational mechanisms were identified. Moreover, agile strategies within the agile ITG construct and ten ITG patterns were identified from the interview data. The data show relevant perspectives on the implementation of traditional and new ITG dimensions and highlight ambidextrous aspects in ITG in the German-speaking banking industry

    Implementing an Innovation Project in an Irish Multinational Subsidiary: A Dialogical Action Research Study

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    This paper presents an action research (AR) study based in APC by Schneider Electric, formerly APC Ireland, an Irish subsidiary of the Schneider Electric Corporation. The two-year study was carried out during a time of significant change in the Irish economy and in the multinational corporation. The research presents the reflections and findings of a dialogical action research study in the manufacturing operations group of the subsidiary. The work tells the story of how the project began, how the AR developed and how it was carried out. The study contributes to the debate for increasing academic–practitioner engagement within a rigorous framework and provides suggestions for further development of this recently proposed variant of action research. Consequently, we conclude that dialogical AR is a promising approach that provides a collaborative and supportive environment to facilitate organisational change and a practitioner’s professional development

    Digital Construction and BIM Research in Ireland 2016-2020

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    As the construction industry opens up post pandemic, new and significant challenges will demand considerable expertise, not least in financial viability, solving the housing crisis and facing the very significant climate change pressures to make the industry less wasteful and less carbon intensive. This presents an excellent opportunity to further inculcate aspects of lean construction, particularly BIM into many aspects of construction not traditionally associated with digital construction, provided the necessary expertise is available and known to exist. Following a well-received recent conference paper summarising BIM-related research published by academics in Ireland’s higher education institutions in 2020, this paper will review and identify noteworthy publications in digital technologies, including BIM, by academics of this island’s third level institutions in the last five years. Areas of expertise of individuals will be identified to act as a useful directory for both industry and fellow researchers as well as providing a valuable national resource to identify research gaps which need funding if the ambitions of the national plan for the digitisation of the industry are to be realised. Using an already proven methodology, a survey of the 16 academic institutions in Ireland will be conducted through identified representatives in each institution, seeking all conference and journal papers published in the 2016-2020 period. The assembled database will be categorised, sorted and analysed to identify academic individuals in the workforce with extant research strengths in the various themes to establish the available expertise and areas for growth in the next five years

    BIM Research in Irish Academic Institutions 2015-19

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    The use of BIM in the Irish construction industry has become pervasive in the last decade and it is an essential element in improving productivity in the market. The developments in BIM education and training in supporting the increase in Ireland’s BIM maturity has been well documented in recent years, principally through the proceedings of the BIM Gatherings and the BIM in Ireland 2017 and 2019 reviews. Similarly, the public and private sectors have been surveyed to establish their readiness for digital transformation on their BIM journey. However, BIM research undertaken by Irish academics, while individually strong, has not been strategic at national level nor has it yet met all the needs of industry. This paper will review the learned publications of all research-active academics on this island in the various aspects of the field of BIM-related research in the last 5 years. It will categorise and analyse their achievements, acting as a national reference source for all parties in this industry. It will also suggest areas where further research opportunities exist in support of the continuing fast-paced evolution of this digital technology in the construction industry, nationally and internationally

    Spartan Daily, March 24, 1987

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    Volume 88, Issue 39https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7565/thumbnail.jp

    Success factors for corporate innovation: the core of business "value creation"

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    Understanding the success factors for corporate innovation is essential for businesses to grow. This research focused on how the external (user)and internal (employee, process) side scan foster innovation. The results showed that including the user in the innovation process increases their willingness to pay. On the internal side, 15 challenges were uncovered for Test & Learn process adoption in CPG corporates. Additionally, innovative work behaviors are promoted by employee motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic. Incentives are important, but companies should rather ensure employees enjoy their tasks and have the freedom to make mistakes when innovating in the workplace

    Abschlussbericht KMU-innovativ: Verbundprojekt Titan Industrial DevOps Plattform fĂĽr iterative Prozessintegration und Automatisierung

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    Unternehmensprozesse zu digitalisieren und dabei eine IT-Infrastruktur aufzubauen, ist komplex. Neue, zum Teil teure Technologien werden eingesetzt, jedoch fehlen erprobte Praktiken. Die daraus entstehende Komplexität lässt sich mit dem klassischen Projektmodell nur ungenügend adressieren. Klassische Planungen basieren auf Annahmen, die sich oft zu spät und als falsch erweisen. Mechanismen, den einmal geplanten Weg zum gesetzten Ziel zu korrigieren, bietet das traditionelle Projektmodell nur eingeschränkt. Ziel des titan-Projekts ist die Integration von Entwicklungswerkzeugen und Betriebs-Technologie in eine Software-Plattform. Kombiniert mit innovativen „Industrial DevOps“- Methoden soll die komplexe Aufgabe einer iterativen Systemintegration im industriellen Umfeld erheblich vereinfacht werden. Im titan-Projekt ist der Prototyp einer Software-Plattform entstanden, die es industriellen Anwendern erlaubt, diese Praktiken auf Problemstellungen der Digitalisierung anzuwenden. Neben Zielen wie Sicherstellung und Überprüfbarkeit von Qualität, Widerstandsfähigkeit und Skalierbarkeit ist die Eliminierung des Vendor-Lock-In ein zentraler Aspekt des Projekts. Insbesondere werden Prozessanpassungen durch die Anwender mittels Flow Based Automation ermöglicht, neue Softwareversionen und Veränderungen können am System routinemäßig in Betrieb genommen werden und domänenspezifische Komponenten können für komplexe Aufgaben genutzt und verwaltet werden. Im Rahmen einer Community wird die titan-Open-Source-Plattform weiterentwickelt. Die während des Projekts entstandenen Innovationen werden so verfeinert und in verschiedenen Bereichen angewendet. Die Erfahrungen aus Projekten fließen in die Software ein und werden innerhalb der Community verbreitet
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