8 research outputs found

    Wang, anda dan Islam : halal dan haram dalam kewangan dan perbankan

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    Buku ini menjelaskan kepada pembaca pereoalan semasa berkaltan kewangan dan perbankan harian dari kacamata seorang pengamal perbankan Islam, pengguna dan ahli akademik. Ustaz Zaharuddln Abd Rahman mengulas buku ini dengan ulasan yang mudah difahami oleh orang ramai, sekali pun bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai latar belakang perbankan dan kewangan. Ulasan yang dikuatkan dengan fakta pengalaman, nas Al-Quran, Al-Hadis yang sohh, huraian menarik dan mudah pastinya mampu menyelesaikan pelbagai keserabutan dan persoalan orang awam dalam hal kewangan. Adakalanya juga, huraian dibuat dalam bentuk santai dan dialog bagi memudahkan gambaran

    Reflections on the Implementation of Clinical Legal Education in Moi University, Kenya

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    In this work the author intends to examine the challenges faced by the faculty in its quest to incorporate the clinical based approach into its curriculum. In doing so, the author will have to examine the basis upon which the faculty’s CLE is grounded and the method used by the faculty implementing it. An assessment will be made of the specific successes and challenges faced by the faculty in implementing the programme and lastly recommendations to improve its operation will be made. Though references will be drawn from other jurisdictions in certain instances, the author will confine himself within the subject of this work, i.e, CLE in Moi University, Kenya

    Collaborative design for metadata interoperability in webopac

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    Most system metadata development in Malaysian libraries deploys a top-down approach in which actual users were not involved. This resulted in the failure of the system to adequately meet the users’ pragmatic needs. As studies on metadata pragmatic used are rare in the library bibliographic databases, this study investigated common system metadata elements used by Malaysian libraries in describing information objects in the domain of banking and finance, and the preferred user metadata elements in locating the needed information. Specifically, this study addresses two important questions, namely (1) what are the metadata elements preferred by users when searching for library resources on Islamic finance, and (2) how compatible are the system metadata with preferred user metadata elements? This study deployed the conceptual framework of collaborative metadata approach to identify compatibility elements between user metadata and system metadata

    Lodhi 5 Properties Investments CC v FirstRand Bank Limited [2015] 3 All SA 32 (SCA) and the Enforcement of Islamic Banking Law in South Africa

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    On 22 May 2015, the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) handed down a judgment in the matter of Lodhi 5 Properties Investments Cc v Firstrand Bank Limited [2015] 3 All SA 32 (SCA). This judgement considered whether the prohibition against the charging of interest on loan in terms of Islamic law (Shariah law) may be a defence for a claim for mora interest in term of a loan agreement. This note critically discusses the judgement in light of the approach adopted by the SCA with regard to addressing dispute arising from a contract that has Islamic law as a governing law. As this is the first case that came before the SCA in South Africa, this note critically analyses how this court discussed the applicable principles of Islamic law as applicable to the dispute between the parties. In particular, it questions the court’s assertion that a claim for mora interest has nothing to do with and is not affected by the Shariah law's prohibition against payment of interest on a loan debt. It also looks at the SCA’s approach (as a common law court) with regard to the enforcement of Islamic banking law principles. This judgement raises important issues regarding the enforceability of Islamic finance law and therefore merits discussion, in light of the continuing growth and expansion of Islamic banking and finance law in South Africa.    &nbsp

    Lodhi 5 Properties Investments CC v FirstRand Bank Limited [2015] 3 All SA 32 (SCA) and the Enforcement of Islamic Banking Law in South Africa

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    On 22 May 2015, the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) handed down a judgment in the matter of Lodhi 5 Properties Investments Cc v Firstrand Bank Limited [2015] 3 All SA 32 (SCA). This judgement considered whether the prohibition against the charging of interest on loan in terms of Islamic law (Shariah law) may be a defence for a claim for mora interest in term of a loan agreement. This note critically discusses the judgement in light of the approach adopted by the SCA with regard to addressing dispute arising from a contract that has Islamic law as a governing law. As this is the first case that came before the SCA in South Africa, this note critically analyses how this court discussed the applicable principles of Islamic law as applicable to the dispute between the parties. In particular, it questions the court’s assertion that a claim for mora interest has nothing to do with and is not affected by the Shariah law's prohibition against payment of interest on a loan debt. It also looks at the SCA’s approach (as a common law court) with regard to the enforcement of Islamic banking law principles. This judgement raises important issues regarding the enforceability of Islamic finance law and therefore merits discussion, in light of the continuing growth and expansion of Islamic banking and finance law in South Africa.    &nbsp

    Annotated Bibliography Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak Issue 1/2020

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    The Annotated Bibliography Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA SHAH ALAM is a list of library materials added into the collection of Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak in Shah Alam Campus. It will be published quaterly (4 issues a year). The listed materials are available in various formats obtained through the procurement process including donation

    Annotated Bibliography Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak Issue 1/2019

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    The Annotated Bibliography Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA SHAH ALAM is a list of library materials added into the collection of Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak in Shah Alam Campus and all others campuses in UiTM. It will be published quaterly (4 issues a year). The listed materials are available in various formats obtained through the procurement process including donation


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    Brunei Darussalam adalah negara yang memiliki corak pemerintahan monarki absolut berlandaskan hukum Islam dengan Sultan yang menjabat sebagai Kepala Negara dan Kepala Pemerintahan, merangkap sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pertahanan dengan dibantu oleh Dewan Penasehat Kesultanan dan beberapa Menteri. Brunei atau disebut juga Kerajaan Islam Melayu (MIB) benar-benar menjadikan Islam sebagai ideologi nasionalnya. Sistem hukum Brunei berdasarkan pada hukum umum Inggris, dengan peradilan independen, badan penilaian dan undang-undang undang-undang undang-undang undang-undang hukum umum tertulis, dan undang-undang yang disahkan oleh Sultan. Pengadilan mempunyai jurisdiksi yang berbeda, maka hukuman yang dibebaskan pun berbeda-beda.Pengadilan-pengadilan masa itu: (1) Pengadilan Residen, (2) Pengadilan Hakim Tingkat Pertama, (3) Pengadilan Hakim Tingkat Kedua, serta (4) Pengadilan Hakim Pribumi dan Kathis. Sedangkan Sistem Hukum Filipina merupakan perpaduan dari Civil Law Roma dan Sistem Common Law Anglo-Amerika . Sistem Hukum Perdata beroperasi di bidang hubungan keluarga, hak milik, suksesi, kontrak dan hukum pidana sementara statuta-statuta dan prinsip-prinsip dasar Common Law terlihat jelas dalam bidang hukum konstitusional, prosedur, hukum korporasi, instrumen negosiasi, perpajakan, asuransi, tenaga kerja mitra, dan undang-undang perbankan. Hukum Islam berlaku dan diakui di beberapa bagian Mindanao dengan pembentukan suku Syari'ah.Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sistem peradilan agama di Brunei Darussalam dan Filipina. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengunakan Studi Kepustakaan (Library Research) yang merupakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan melakukan penelahan terhadap berbagai literatur-literatur pustaka diantaranya jurnal, buku, majalah,maupun sumber data lainnya, dengan tujuan menghubungkan hasil yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber tersebut. Brunei Darussalam is a country that has an absolute monarchy style of government based on Islamic law with the Sultan serving as Head of State and Head of Government, concurrently serving as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense assisted by the Advisory Council of the Sultanate and several Ministers. Brunei or also called the Malay Islamic Kingdom (MIB) really made Islam as its national ideology. Brunei's legal system is based on English common law, with an independent judiciary, judicial bodies and written common law statutes, and statutes passed by the Sultan. Courts have different jurisdictions, so the sentences imposed are also different. The courts at that time were: (1) Resident Court, (2) First Instance Court, (3) Second Instance Court, and (4) Indigenous and Kathis Judges Court. The Philippine Legal System is a blend of the Roman Civil Law System Anglo-American Common Law. The Civil Law operates in areas such as family relations, property, succession, contracts and criminal law while the statutes and basic principles of Common Law are evident in areas such as constitutional law, procedure, corporate law, negotiating instruments, taxation, insurance, labor partner work, and banking law. Islamic law prevails and is recognized in parts of Mindanao with the establishment of Shari'ah courts. This research aims to find out how the religious justice system is in Brunei Darussalam and the Philippines. The method used in this study uses Library Research which is a data collection technique by examining various literature including journals, books, magazines, and other data sources, with the aim of linking the results obtained from these various sources