4 research outputs found

    Banach-Mazur Games with Simple Winning Strategies

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    We discuss several notions of "simple" winning strategies for Banach-Mazur games on graphs, such as positional strategies, move-counting or length-counting strategies, and strategies with a memory based on finite appearance records (FAR). We investigate classes of Banach-Mazur games that are determined via these kinds of winning strategies. Banach-Mazur games admit stronger determinacy results than classical graph games. For instance, all Banach-Mazur games with omega-regular winning conditions are positionally determined. Beyond the omega-regular winning conditions, we focus here on Muller conditions with infinitely many colours. We investigate the infinitary Muller conditions that guarantee positional determinacy for Banach-Mazur games. Further, we determine classes of such conditions that require infinite memory but guarantee determinacy via move-counting strategies, length-counting strategies, and FAR-strategies. We also discuss the relationships between these different notions of determinacy

    Playing Games in the Baire Space

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    We solve a generalized version of Church's Synthesis Problem where a play is given by a sequence of natural numbers rather than a sequence of bits; so a play is an element of the Baire space rather than of the Cantor space. Two players Input and Output choose natural numbers in alternation to generate a play. We present a natural model of automata ("N-memory automata") equipped with the parity acceptance condition, and we introduce also the corresponding model of "N-memory transducers". We show that solvability of games specified by N-memory automata (i.e., existence of a winning strategy for player Output) is decidable, and that in this case an N-memory transducer can be constructed that implements a winning strategy for player Output.Comment: In Proceedings Cassting'16/SynCoP'16, arXiv:1608.0017