14 research outputs found

    How Does Word of Mouth from Different Components Systems Influence Product Sales differently?

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    Online word-of-mouth (WOM) has become an important reference for customers’ online purchase decisions. However, current studies ignore the various effects of WOM in different components, i.e., online reviews and the replies in the question and answer (Q &A) discussion area. To fill such a research gap, this study explores the relationship between WOM in two different forms and product sales. We measure the semantic features and thematic consistency of two forms of WOM and product sales. The findings show that the review component and Q&A component differ significantly in terms of quantity and content richness, with the review component being richer and more voluminous and the Q&A section having less content and relatively less quantity in comparison. Besides, the OLS results suggest that topic consistency has a negative impact on product sales, while the richness characteristics of both have a positive impact on product sales, and that the content richness of the Q&A component has a greater impact on sales than the review component

    Discovering latent influence in online social activities via shared cascade poisson processes

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    Many people share their activities with others through on-line communities. These shared activities have an impact on other users ’ activities. For example, users are likely to become interested in items that are adopted (e.g. liked, bought and shared) by their friends. In this paper, we pro-pose a probabilistic model for discovering latent influence from sequences of item adoption events. An inhomogeneous Poisson process is used for modeling a sequence, in which adoption by a user triggers the subsequent adoption of the same item by other users. For modeling adoption of multiple items, we employ multiple inhomogeneous Poisson processes, which share parameters, such as influence for each user and relations between users. The proposed model can be used for finding influential users, discovering relations between users and predicting item popularity in the future. We present an efficient Bayesian inference procedure of the proposed model based on the stochastic EM algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by using real data sets in a social bookmark sharing service

    Online Peer-to-peer Communities: An Empirical Investigation of a Music Sharing Network as a Dynamic Two-sided Network

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    Online peer-to-peer communities and online social networks have become increasingly popular. In particular, the recent boost of online peer-to-peer communities leads to exponential growth in sharing of user-contributed content which have brought profound changes to business and economic practices. Understanding the formation and sustainability of such peer-to-peer communities has important implications for businesses. We develop a dynamic two-sided network model that relates growth of communities to interactions between contribution and consumption of resources in online sharing activities. Using online music sharing data collected from a popular IRC music sharing service over five years, we empirically apply the model to identify dynamics in the music sharing community. We find that the music sharing community demonstrates distinctive characteristics of a two-sided network. Contribution in the community leads to more consumption and consumption leads to more contribution, creating positive network effects in the community. Moreover, we find significant negative externalities among consumption activities and among contribution activities. The combination of the positive and negative externalities drives the underlying dynamics and growth of online sharing communities. Using the dynamic model, we quantify equilibrium growth rate of the community. We find that the equilibrium growth rate changes over time, possibly as a result of legal actions taken by the music industry. Our study provides a first glimpse into the mechanism through which peer-to-peer communities sustain and thrive in a constantly changing environment

    Beyond Adoption Intention: Online Communities and Member Motivation to Contribute Longitudinally

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    As online communities are becoming more and more relevant to business, it is critical to understand why individuals are motivated to contribute content longitudinally. In this paper, we draw on existing literature on motivation and technology characteristics to conceptualize a model of longitudinal content contribution. We view longitudinal content contribution phenomenon as a recursive process of interaction between contributors, other participants and IT artifact of online communities. We conclude with the implications of our conceptual model for future research

    A Review of Information Systems Research on Online Social Networks

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    Over the last decade, online social networks have evolved into a global mainstream medium with increasing social, organizational, and economic impact. This paper provides a structured overview of Information Systems research on this outstanding techno-social phenomenon of the 21st century via a structured literature review. Based on our search in information systems journals and conference proceedings that resulted in 510 papers, we carve out and assess the knowledge and the research fields that have been predominantly addressed and impacted by the information systems research community so far. Moreover, we identify research gaps that future research should address. We analyze how the academic discussion on online social networks developed in the information systems literature over time, which publication outlets are most receptive to research on online social networks, which research areas have already been covered by information systems research on online social networks, and what potential future research areas exist that have not been covered by information systems research yet. We hope that our results will stimulate and guide future research in this field

    Online Peer-to-peer Communities: An Empirical Investigation of a Music Sharing Network as a Dynamic Two-sided Network

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    Online peer-to-peer communities and online social networks have become increasingly popular. In particular, the recent boost of online peer-to-peer communities leads to exponential growth in sharing of user-contributed content which have brought profound changes to business and economic practices. Understanding the formation and sustainability of such peer-to-peer communities has important implications for businesses. We develop a dynamic two-sided network model that relates growth of communities to interactions between contribution and consumption of resources in online sharing activities. Using online music sharing data collected from a popular IRC music sharing service over five years, we empirically apply the model to identify dynamics in the music sharing community. We find that the music sharing community demonstrates distinctive characteristics of a two-sided network. Contribution in the community leads to more consumption and consumption leads to more contribution, creating positive network effects in the community. Moreover, we find significant negative externalities among consumption activities and among contribution activities. The combination of the positive and negative externalities drives the underlying dynamics and growth of online sharing communities. Using the dynamic model, we quantify equilibrium growth rate of the community. We find that the equilibrium growth rate changes over time, possibly as a result of legal actions taken by the music industry. Our study provides a first glimpse into the mechanism through which peer-to-peer communities sustain and thrive in a constantly changing environment

    Determinants of online review helpfulness that steer consumer purchase decision and their willingness to give review:an extended study in a cross-cultural context

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    Abstract. The increased use of social media and other online platforms have enabled consumers to communicate and discuss the products and services of brands with others. Consumers’ look for information in online reviews that assist them in informed purchase decisions. Previous literature has identified factors that influence consumers in adopting those online reviews, but whether consumers are willing to provide an online review after the purchase decision is not yet been studied previously. Another gap in the literate that is addressed is to base this study on output obtained from two countries. Therefore, our study is aimed at identifying factors that contribute to a consumer purchase decision and their willingness to give a review in a cross-cultural context. Our study aimed at restaurant reviews in Finland and Pakistan. Adopting and extending the Information Acceptance Model (IACM) proposed by Erkan and Evans (2016), that is developed by integrating Information Adoption Model (IAM) and related aspects of Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). This study examines the influence of online review helpfulness factors on consumer purchase decision, consequently influencing them to give a review to others. We also aim to identify if review adoption directly influences consumers in providing online review without purchasing the product or service. The proposed model of our study was validated through Structural Equation Modelling by using Smart Partial Least Squares software. A questionnaire was adopted from earlier studies. The questionnaire was measured on a sample size of 104 from Finland and 141 from Pakistan. This study identified review adoption leading towards consumer purchase decision, whereas, onsumers’ willingness to give is not directly linked with their adoption of information, but it is a post-purchase process. The commonalities between the two countries depict the needs of information behind seeking online review information. If the required information is being provided to the customer through online reviews, it will lead to review adoption. Generally, review positiveness, review perceived informativeness and review quality were identified most important factors in consumers review adoption that leads consumers in choosing a restaurant and try the food there. Whereas, the general attitude of consumers towards online reviews was found to be the most exciting factors identified in Pakistan output. Consumers’ perception of online reviews encourages them to read online reviews, and they think that it is always a risk to try a restaurant without referring to online reviews. Pakistani consumers find online reviews useful, providing relevant information about the restaurants that help them in choosing the best restaurant

    CIS1330TK01 Videojuego para promoción turística de San Agustín

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    La promoción turística de los parques nacionales es escasa contribuyendo al desconoci-miento de estos mismos al público en general. Por esto se creó una herramienta tipo video-juego para la promoción turística de San Agustín Huila, orientado al público adulto extran-jero, el juego está disponible en plataforma web para su fácil divulgación. De este modo se da a conocer el parque a un mayor número de personas.The promotion of tourism in national parks is scarce that contributing to the ignorance of the existence of the national parks to the general public. For this I created a videogame like tool for promoting tourism in San Agustin Huila, aimed at adult audiences abroad, the game is available on web platform for easy dissemination. This discloses the park to a greater number of people.Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad

    Assessing the effect of electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) aspects on destination image: a case of vacation tourists visiting Mombasa, Kenya

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    A thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters in Business Administration at Strathmore Business SchoolThe development of the Internet and improvements in information and communication technologies (ICTs) allow consumers to share their opinions and experiences of products and services with other consumers through electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM, word-of-mouse) communication. The impact of innovations in information technology are particularly apparent in the tourism sector; today, social media provide many opportunities for travelers to share their holiday experience with their connected others. This study aimed to assess the effect of electronic word of mouth (EWOM) aspects on destination image with a particular focus on vacation tourists visiting Mombasa, Kenya. Primary data was collected through questionnaires distributed physically to 440 respondents. Results from this study indicate that perceived electronic word of mouth (EWOM) credibility, Positive electronic word of mouth (EWOM), and Volume of electronic word of mouth (EWOM), had a greater influence on destination image as compared to Users Expertise on EWOM, and Negative EWOM, on destination image. The implication of the results to therefore is that managers in their various capacities of service delivery should ensure that tourists have a positive experience of the destination; this, in turn, encourage positive EWOM about the destination image in existing Web 2.0 technology applications