14 research outputs found

    Immersive Analytics Through HoloSENAI MOTOR Mixed Reality App

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    This study examines the use of HoloSENAI MOTOR as novel approach for preparing students and professionals for the industry 4.0. This new Augmented Reality technology was developed with UNIT3D and C# language for the Microsoft HoloLens®. This educational resource enables the projection of 3D scenes of a real electric motor into the natural world environment. It was used by undergraduates from an Engineering course in Brazil. Our aim is to identify the potential benefits and barriers to promote immersive analytics and authoring skills through HoloSENAI MOTOR for learning and teaching. We present Immersive Analytics as an approach that combines real-time interaction with visualization techniques for students to explore and analyze information about the motor in their physical environment. This study is based on Responsible Research and Innovation approach and supported by e-authentication and authorship verification TeSLA. It revealed that the key benefits for learners were to increase their motivation, curiosity and understanding in terms of features, properties and functionalities of the motor, including better acquisition of information and data analysis skills. They key barriers highlighted by educational technologies, were the high cost equipment, the technical development of applications and the pedagogical approaches for assessment

    Fly with the flock: immersive solutions for animal movement visualization and analytics

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    Understanding the movement of animals is important for a wide range of scientific interests including migration, disease spread, collective movement behaviour and analysing motion in relation to dynamic changes of the environment such as wind and thermal lifts. Particularly, the three-dimensional (3D) spatial–temporal nature of bird movement data, which is widely available with high temporal and spatial resolution at large volumes, presents a natural option to explore the potential of immersive analytics (IA). We investigate the requirements and benefits of a wide range of immersive environments for explorative visualization and analytics of 3D movement data, in particular regarding design considerations for such 3D immersive environments, and present prototypes for IA solutions. Tailored to biologists studying bird movement data, the immersive solutions enable geo-locational time-series data to be investigated interactively, thus enabling experts to visually explore interesting angles of a flock and its behaviour in the context of the environment. The 3D virtual world presents the audience with engaging and interactive content, allowing users to ‘fly with the flock’, with the potential to ascertain an intuitive overview of often complex datasets, and to provide the opportunity thereby to formulate and at least qualitatively assess hypotheses. This work also contributes to ongoing research efforts to promote better understanding of bird migration and the associated environmental factors at the global scale, thereby providing a visual vehicle for driving public awareness of environmental issues and bird migration patterns

    Markov chain to analyze web usability of a university website using eye tracking data

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    Web usability is a crucial feature of a website, allowing users to easily find information in a short time. Eye tracking data registered during the execution of tasks allow to measure web usability in a more objective way compared to questionnaires. In this work, we evaluated the web usability of the website of the University of Cagliari through the analysis of eye tracking data with qualitative and quantitative methods. Performances of two groups of students (i.e., high school and university students) across 10 different tasks were compared in terms of time to completion, number of fixations and difficulty ratio. Transitions between different areas of interest (AOI) were analyzed in the two groups using Markov chain. For the majority of tasks, we did not observe significant differences in the performances of the two groups, suggesting that the information needed to complete the tasks could easily be retrieved by students with little previous experience in using the website. For a specific task, high school students showed a worse performance based on the number of fixations and a different Markov chain stationary distribution compared to university students. These results allowed to highlight elements of the pages that can be modified to improve web usability

    From Data Literacy to Co-design Environmental Monitoring Innovations and Civic Action

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgments. We would like to thank all the volunteers, partners, and authors who wrote and provided helpful comments for this publication writing process. We gratefully acknowledge the support from the Finnish Cultural Foundation for South Karelia Region and the PERCCOM programme. We also give our gratitude for South-East Finland – Russia CBC programme for supporting AWARE project, funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland as the funding has made it possible for publishing this work and disseminate the knowledge. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).SENSEI is an environmental monitoring initiative run by Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT University) and the municipality of Lappeenranta in south-east Finland. The aim was to collaboratively innovate and co-design, develop and deploy civic technologies with local civics to monitor positive and negative issues. These are planned to improve local’s participation to social governance issues in hand. These issues can be e.g. waste related matters like illegal dumping of waste, small vandalism into city properties, alien plant species, but on the other hand nice places to visits too. This publication presents initiatives data literacy facet overview, which is aimed at creating equitable access to information from open data, which in turn is hoped for to increase participants motivation and entrepreneurship like attitude to work with the municipals and the system. This is done by curating environmental datasets to allow participatory sensemaking via exploration, games and reflection, allowing citizens to combine their collective knowledge about the town with the often-complex data. The ultimate aim of this data literacy process is to enhance collective civic actions for the good of the environment, to reduce the resource burden in the municipality level and help citizens to be part of sustainability and environmental monitoring innovation activities. For further research, we suggest follow up studies to consider on similar activities e.g. in specific age groups and to do comparisons on working with different stage holders to pin point most appropriate methods for any specific focus group towards collaborative innovation and co-design of civic technologies deployment.Peer reviewe

    Dimensionality Reduction and Subspace Clustering in Mixed Reality for Condition Monitoring of High-Dimensional Production Data

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    Visual analytics are becoming more and more important in the light of big data and related scenarios. Along this trend, the field of immersive analytics has been variously furthered as it is able to provide sophisticated visual data analytics on one hand, while preserving user-friendliness on the other. Furthermore, recent hardware developments like smart glasses, as well as achievements in virtual-reality applications, have fanned immersive analytic solutions. Notably, such solutions can be very effective when they are applied to high-dimensional data sets. Taking this advantage into account, the work at hand applies immersive analytics to a high-dimensional production data set in order to improve the digital support of daily work tasks. More specifically, a mixed-reality implementation is presented that shall support manufactures as well as data scientists to comprehensively analyze machine data. As a particular goal, the prototype shall simplify the analysis of manufacturing data through the usage of dimensionality reduction effects. Therefore, five aspects are mainly reported in this paper. First, it is shown how dimensionality reduction effects can be represented by clusters. Second, it is presented how the resulting information loss of the reduction is addressed. Third, the graphical interface of the developed prototype is illustrated as it provides a (1) correlation coefficient graph, a (2) plot for the information loss, and a (3) 3D particle system. In addition, an implemented voice recognition feature of the prototype is shown, which was considered as being promising to select or deselect data variables users are interested in when analyzing the data. Fourth, based on a machine learning library, it is shown how the prototype reduces computational resources by the use of smart glasses. The main idea is based on a recommendation approach as well as the use of subspace clustering. Fifth, results from a practical setting are presented, in which the prototype was shown to domain experts. The latter reported that such a tool is actually helpful to analyze machine data on a daily basis. Moreover, it was reported that such system can be used to educate machine operators more properly. As a general outcome of this work, the presented approach may constitute a helpful solution for the industry as well as other domains like medicine

    A Big Data perspective on Cyber-Physical Systems for Industry 4.0: modernizing and scaling complex event processing

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    Doctoral program in Advanced Engineering Systems for IndustryNowadays, the whole industry makes efforts to find the most productive ways of working and it already understood that using the data that is being produced inside and outside the factories is a way to improve the business performance. A set of modern technologies combined with sensor-based communication create the possibility to act according to our needs, precisely at the moment when the data is being produced and processed. Considering the diversity of processes existing in a factory, all of them producing data, Complex Event Processing (CEP) with the capabilities to process that amount of data is needed in the daily work of a factory, to process different types of events and find patterns between them. Although the integration of the Big Data and Complex Event Processing topics is already present in the literature, open challenges in this area were identified, hence the reason for the contribution presented in this thesis. Thereby, this doctoral thesis proposes a system architecture that integrates the CEP concept with a rulebased approach in the Big Data context: the Intelligent Event Broker (IEB). This architecture proposes the use of adequate Big Data technologies in its several components. At the same time, some of the gaps identified in this area were fulfilled, complementing Event Processing with the possibility to use Machine Learning Models that can be integrated in the rules' verification, and also proposing an innovative monitoring system with an immersive visualization component to monitor the IEB and prevent its uncontrolled growth, since there are always several processes inside a factory that can be integrated in the system. The proposed architecture was validated with a demonstration case using, as an example, the Active Lot Release Bosch's system. This demonstration case revealed that it is feasible to implement the proposed architecture and proved the adequate functioning of the IEB system to process Bosch's business processes data and also to monitor its components and the events flowing through those components.Hoje em dia as indústrias esforçam-se para encontrar formas de serem mais produtivas. A utilização dos dados que são produzidos dentro e fora das fábricas já foi identificada como uma forma de melhorar o desempenho do negócio. Um conjunto de tecnologias atuais combinado com a comunicação baseada em sensores cria a possibilidade de se atuar precisamente no momento em que os dados estão a ser produzidos e processados, assegurando resposta às necessidades do negócio. Considerando a diversidade de processos que existem e produzem dados numa fábrica, as capacidades do Processamento de Eventos Complexos (CEP) revelam-se necessárias no quotidiano de uma fábrica, processando diferentes tipos de eventos e encontrando padrões entre os mesmos. Apesar da integração do conceito CEP na era de Big Data ser um tópico já presente na literatura, existem ainda desafios nesta área que foram identificados e que dão origem às contribuições presentes nesta tese. Assim, esta tese de doutoramento propõe uma arquitetura para um sistema que integre o conceito de CEP na era do Big Data, seguindo uma abordagem baseada em regras: o Intelligent Event Broker (IEB). Esta arquitetura propõe a utilização de tecnologias de Big Data que sejam adequadas aos seus diversos componentes. As lacunas identificadas na literatura foram consideradas, complementando o processamento de eventos com a possibilidade de utilizar modelos de Machine Learning com vista a serem integrados na verificação das regras, propondo também um sistema de monitorização inovador composto por um componente de visualização imersiva que permite monitorizar o IEB e prevenir o seu crescimento descontrolado, o que pode acontecer devido à integração do conjunto significativo de processos existentes numa fábrica. A arquitetura proposta foi validada através de um caso de demonstração que usou os dados do Active Lot Release, um sistema da Bosch. Os resultados revelaram a viabilidade da implementação da arquitetura e comprovaram o adequado funcionamento do sistema no que diz respeito ao processamento dos dados dos processos de negócio da Bosch e à monitorização dos componentes do IEB e eventos que fluem através desses.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, the Doctoral scholarship PD/BDE/135101/2017 and by European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039479; Funding Reference: POCI-01- 0247-FEDER-039479]