161 research outputs found

    Processor Verification Using Efficient Reductions of the Logic of Uninterpreted Functions to Propositional Logic

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    The logic of equality with uninterpreted functions (EUF) provides a means of abstracting the manipulation of data by a processor when verifying the correctness of its control logic. By reducing formulas in this logic to propositional formulas, we can apply Boolean methods such as Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and Boolean satisfiability checkers to perform the verification. We can exploit characteristics of the formulas describing the verification conditions to greatly simplify the propositional formulas generated. In particular, we exploit the property that many equations appear only in positive form. We can therefore reduce the set of interpretations of the function symbols that must be considered to prove that a formula is universally valid to those that are ``maximally diverse.'' We present experimental results demonstrating the efficiency of this approach when verifying pipelined processors using the method proposed by Burch and Dill.Comment: 46 page

    A BDD-representation for the logic of equality and uninterpreted functions (a full version with proofs).

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    The logic of equality and uninterpreted functions (EUF) has been proposed for processor verification. This paper presents a new data structure called Binary Decision Diagrams for representing EUF formulas (EUF-BDDs). We define EUF-BDDs similar to BDDs, but we allow equalities between terms as labels instead of Boolean variables. We provide an approach to build a reduced ordered EUF-BDD (EUF-ROBDD) and prove that every path to a leaf is satisfiable by construction. Moreover, EUF-ROBDDs are logically equivalent representations of EUF-formulae, so they can also be used to represent state spaces in symbolic model checking with dat

    Decision procedures for equality logic with uninterpreted functions

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    In dit proefschrift presenteren we een aantal technieken om vervulbaarheid (satisfiability) vast te stellen binnen beslisbare delen van de eerste orde logica met gelijkheid. Het doel van dit proefschrift is voornamelijk het ontwikkelen van nieuwe technieken in plaats van het ontwikkelen van een effici¨ente implementatie om vervulbaarheid vast te stellen. Als algemeen logisch raamwerk gebruiken we de eerste orde predikaten logica zonder kwantoren. We beschrijven enkele basisprocedures om vervulbaarheid van propositionele formules vast te stellen: de DP procedure, de DPLL procedure, en een techniek gebaseerd op BDDs. Deze technieken zijn eigenlijk families van algoritmen in plaats van losse algoritmen. Hun gedrag wordt bepaald door een aantal keuzen die ze maken gedurende de uitvoering. We geven een formele beschrijving van resolutie, en we analyseren gedetailleerd de relatie tussen resolutie en DPLL. Het is bekend dat een DPLL bewijs van onvervulbaarheid (refutation) rechtstreeks kan worden getransformeerd naar een resolutie bewijs van onvervulbaarheid met een vergelijkbare lengte. In dit proefschrift wordt een transformatie ge¨introduceerd van zo’n DPLL bewijs naar een resolutie bewijs dat de kortst mogelijke lengte heeft. We presenteren GDPLL, een generalisatie van de DPLL procedure. Deze is bruikbaar voor het vervulbaarheidsprobleem voor beslisbare delen van de eerste orde logica zonder kwantoren. Voldoende eigenschappen worden ge¨identificeerd om de correctheid, de be¨eindiging en de volledigheid van GDPLL te bewijzen. We beschrijven manieren om vervulbaarheid vast te stellen binnen de logica met gelijkheid en niet-ge¨interpreteerde functies (EUF). Dit soort logica is voorgesteld om abstracte hardware ontwerpen te verifi¨eren. Het snel kunnen vaststellen van vervulbaarheid binnen deze logica is belangrijk om dergelijke verificaties te laten slagen. In de afgelopen jaren zijn er verschillende procedures voorgesteld om de vervulbaarheid van dergelijke formules vast te stellen. Wij beschrijven een nieuwe aanpak om vervulbaarheid vast te stellen van formules uit de logica met gelijkheid die in de conjunctieve normaal vorm zijn gegeven. Centraal in deze aanpak staat ´e´en enkele bewijsregel genaamd gelijkheidsresolutie. Voor deze ene regel bewijzen wij correctheid en volledigheid. Op grond van deze regel stellen we een volledige procedure voor om vervulbaarheid van dit soort formules vast te stellen, en we bewijzen de correctheid ervan. Daarnaast presenteren we nog een nieuwe procedure om vervulbaarheid vast te stellen van EUF-formules, gebaseerd op de GDPLL methode. Tot slot breiden we BDDs voor propositionele logica uit naar logica met gelijkheid. We bewijzen dat alle paden in deze uitgebreide BDDs vervulbaar zijn. In een constante hoeveelheid tijd kan vastgesteld worden of de formule een tautologie is, een tegenspraak is, of slechts vervulbaar is

    Two solutions to incorporate zero, successor and equality in binary decision diagrams

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    In this article we extend BDDs (binary decision diagrams) for plain propositional logic to the fragment of first order logic, consisting of quantifier free logic with equality, zero and successor. We insert equations with zero and successor in BDDs, and call these objects (0,S,=)-BDDs. We extend the notion of {em Ordered} BDDs in the presence of equality, zero and successor. (0,S,=)-BDDs can be transformed to equivalent Ordered (0,S,=)-BDD s by applying a number of rewrite rules. All paths in these extended OBDDs are satisfiable. The major advantage of transforming a formula to an equivalent Ordered (0,S,=)-BDD is that on the latter it can be observed in constant time whether the formula is a tautology, a contradiction, or just satisfiable

    The Small Model Property: How Small Can It Be?

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    AbstractEfficient decision procedures for equality logic (quantifier-free predicate calculus+the equality sign) are of major importance when proving logical equivalence between systems. We introduce an efficient decision procedure for the theory of equality based on finite instantiations. The main idea is to analyze the structure of the formula and compute accordingly a small domain to each variable such that the formula is satisfiable iff it can be satisfied over these domains. We show how the problem of finding these small domains can be reduced to an interesting graph theoretic problem. This method enabled us to verify formulas containing hundreds of integer and floating point variables that could not be efficiently handled with previously known techniques

    The Small Model Property: How Small Can It Be?

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    AbstractEfficient decision procedures for equality logic (quantifier-free predicate calculus+the equality sign) are of major importance when proving logical equivalence between systems. We introduce an efficient decision procedure for the theory of equality based on finite instantiations. The main idea is to analyze the structure of the formula and compute accordingly a small domain to each variable such that the formula is satisfiable iff it can be satisfied over these domains. We show how the problem of finding these small domains can be reduced to an interesting graph theoretic problem. This method enabled us to verify formulas containing hundreds of integer and floating point variables that could not be efficiently handled with previously known techniques

    LCF-style Platform based on Multiway Decision Graphs

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    AbstractThe combination of state exploration approach (mainly model checking) and deductive reasoning approach (theorem proving) promises to overcome the limitation and to enhance the capabilities of each. In this paper, we are interested in defining a platform for Multiway Decision Graphs (MDGs) in LCF-style theorem prover. We define a platform to represent the MDG operations: conjunction, disjunction, relational product and prune-by-subsumption as a set of inference rules. Based on this platform, the reachability analysis is implemented as a conversion that uses the MDG theory within the HOL theorem prover. Finally, we present some experimental results to show the performance of the MDG operations of our platform

    Equational binary decision diagrams

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    We incorporate equations in binary decision diagrams (BDD). The resulting objects are called EQ-BDDs. A straightforward notion of ordered EQ-BDDs (EQ-OBDD) is defined, and it is proved that each EQ-BDD is logically equivalent to an EQ-OBDD. Moreover, on EQ-OBDDs satisfiability and tautology checking can be done in constant time. Several procedures to eliminate equality from BDDs have been reported in the literature. Typical for our approach is that we keep equalities, and as a consequence do not employ the finite domain property. Furthermore, our setting does not strictly require Ackermann's elimination of function symbols. This makes our setting much more amenable to combinations with other techniques in the realm of automatic theorem proving, such as term rewriting. We introduce an algorithm, which for any propositional formula with equations finds an EQ-OBDD that is equivalent to it. The algorithm is proved to be correct and terminating, by means of recursive path ordering. The algorithm has been implemented, and applied to benchmarks known from literature. The performance of a prototype implementation is comparable to existing proposals

    An efficient graph representation for arithmetic circuit verification

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