4,327 research outputs found

    Experimental evidence of planar channeling in a periodically bent crystal

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    The usage of a Crystalline Undulator (CU) has been identified as a promising solution for generating powerful and monochromatic Îł\gamma-rays. A CU was fabricated at SSL through the grooving method, i.e., by the manufacturing of a series of periodical grooves on the major surfaces of a crystal. The CU was extensively characterized both morphologically via optical interferometry at SSL and structurally via X-ray diffraction at ESRF. Then, it was finally tested for channeling with a 400 GeV/c proton beam at CERN. The experimental results were compared to Monte Carlo simulations. Evidence of planar channeling in the CU was firmly observed. Finally, the emission spectrum of the positron beam interacting with the CU was simulated for possible usage in currently existing facilities

    Non-equilibrium melting of colloidal crystals in confinement

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    We report on a novel and flexible experiment to investigate the non-equilibrium melting behaviour of model crystals made from charged colloidal spheres. In a slit geometry polycrystalline material formed in a low salt region is driven by hydrostatic pressure up an evolving gradient in salt concentration and melts at large salt concentration. Depending on particle and initial salt concentration, driving velocity and the local salt concentration complex morphologic evolution is observed. Crystal-melt interface positions and the melting velocity are obtained quantitatively from time resolved Bragg- and polarization microscopic measurements. A simple theoretical model predicts the interface to first advance, then for balanced drift and melting velocities to become stationary at a salt concentration larger than the equilibrium melting concentration. It also describes the relaxation of the interface to its equilibrium position in a stationary gradient after stopping the drive in different manners. We further discuss the influence of the gradient strength on the resulting interface morphology and a shear induced morphologic transition from polycrystalline to oriented single crystalline material before melting

    Conformal mapping methods for interfacial dynamics

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    The article provides a pedagogical review aimed at graduate students in materials science, physics, and applied mathematics, focusing on recent developments in the subject. Following a brief summary of concepts from complex analysis, the article begins with an overview of continuous conformal-map dynamics. This includes problems of interfacial motion driven by harmonic fields (such as viscous fingering and void electromigration), bi-harmonic fields (such as viscous sintering and elastic pore evolution), and non-harmonic, conformally invariant fields (such as growth by advection-diffusion and electro-deposition). The second part of the article is devoted to iterated conformal maps for analogous problems in stochastic interfacial dynamics (such as diffusion-limited aggregation, dielectric breakdown, brittle fracture, and advection-diffusion-limited aggregation). The third part notes that all of these models can be extended to curved surfaces by an auxilliary conformal mapping from the complex plane, such as stereographic projection to a sphere. The article concludes with an outlook for further research.Comment: 37 pages, 12 (mostly color) figure

    Advanced channeling technologies for X-ray applications

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    Recent studies have shown the feasibility of channeling phenomenology applications to describe various mechanisms of interaction of charged and neutral particle beams and radiations as well in solids, plasmas, laser fields - in general, in external electromagnetic fields. As proved, X-rays and thermal neutrons propagation in metamaterials composed by hollow multichannel substance can be much easily analyzed within channeling theory. Its utilization allows predicting some new peculiarities in the radiation distribution behind multichannel subjects that might create novel fine instruments and methods for future applied techniques

    Stochastic Theory of Relativistic Particles Moving in a Quantum Field: II. Scalar Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac-Langevin Equation, Radiation Reaction and Vacuum Fluctuations

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    We apply the open systems concept and the influence functional formalism introduced in Paper I to establish a stochastic theory of relativistic moving spinless particles in a quantum scalar field. The stochastic regime resting between the quantum and semi-classical captures the statistical mechanical attributes of the full theory. Applying the particle-centric world-line quantization formulation to the quantum field theory of scalar QED we derive a time-dependent (scalar) Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac (ALD) equation and show that it is the correct semiclassical limit for nonlinear particle-field systems without the need of making the dipole or non-relativistic approximations. Progressing to the stochastic regime, we derive multiparticle ALD-Langevin equations for nonlinearly coupled particle-field systems. With these equations we show how to address time-dependent dissipation/noise/renormalization in the semiclassical and stochastic limits of QED. We clarify the the relation of radiation reaction, quantum dissipation and vacuum fluctuations and the role that initial conditions may play in producing non-Lorentz invariant noise. We emphasize the fundamental role of decoherence in reaching the semiclassical limit, which also suggests the correct way to think about the issues of runaway solutions and preacceleration from the presence of third derivative terms in the ALD equation. We show that the semiclassical self-consistent solutions obtained in this way are ``paradox'' and pathology free both technically and conceptually. This self-consistent treatment serves as a new platform for investigations into problems related to relativistic moving charges.Comment: RevTex; 20 pages, 3 figures, Replaced version has corrected typos, slightly modified derivation, improved discussion including new section with comparisons to related work, and expanded reference
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