4 research outputs found

    Finanças comportamentais: prospect theory

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    Mestrado em GestãoO presente estudo aborda a temática das Finanças Comportamentais. O seu principal objectivo é replicar para Portugal a investigação empírica desenvolvida por Kahneman e Tversky (1979), tentando perceber se se verificam as mesmas conclusões numa realidade cultural e conjuntura diferentes. O estudo pretende ainda perceber se as variáveis género, idade e área de formação são factores que influenciam questões relacionadas com perdas e exposição/aversão ao risco. Baseado nas respostas de 1000 inquiridos, concluímos que, também em Portugal, se verificam os efeitos certeza, reflexão e isolamento, corroborando assim os resultados de Kahneman e Tversky (1979). Relativamente à influência de factores como género, idade e área de formação, parece haver indícios de que influenciam de diferentes formas a percepção de aversão à perda dos inquiridos.This study addresses the issue of Behavioral Finance. Its mais objective is to replicate to Portugal, the empirical research developed by Kahneman and Tversky (1979), trying to see whether there are the same conclusions in a different conjuncture and cultural reality. The study also aims to understand whether the variables gender, age and formation background are factors that influence issues related to loss aversion. Based on responses from 703 people, we conclude that the certainty, reflection and isolation effects can be witnessed in Portugal, confirming the results of Kahneman and Tversky (1979). Regarding the influence of factors such as gender, age and formation background, there seems to be evidences that those factors can influence the perception of loss aversion of the respondents

    Proceedings of the II International Congress on Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences

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    Interdisciplinarity is the main topic and the main goal of this conference. Since the sixteen century with the creation of the first Academy of Sciences, in Napoles (Italy) (1568), and before that with the creation of the Fine Arts Academies, the world of science and arts began to work independently, on the contrary of the Academy of Plato, in Classical Antiquity, where science, art and sport went interconnected. Over time, specific sciences began to be independent, and the specificity of sciences caused an increased difficulty in mutual understanding. The same trend has affected the Human and Social Sciences. Each of the specific sciences gave rise to a wide range of particular fields. This has the advantage of allowing the deepening of specialised knowledge, but it means that there is often only a piecemeal approach of the research object, not taking into account its overall complexity. So, it is important to work for a better understanding of the scientific phenomena with the complementarity of the different sciences, in an interdisciplinary perspective. With this growing specialisation of sciences, Interdisciplinarity acquired more relevance for scientists to find more encompassing and useful answers for their research questions. CIEO (Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics) organises this conference, being Interdisciplinarity an important issue.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio