11 research outputs found

    Autonomous Golf Cars for Public Trial of Mobility-on-Demand Service

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    We detail the design of autonomous golf cars which were used in public trials in Singapore’s Chinese and Japanese Gardens, for the purpose of raising public awareness and gaining user acceptance of autonomous vehicles. The golf cars were designed to be robust, reliable, and safe, while operating under prolonged durations. Considerations that went in to the overall system design included the fact that any member of the public had to not only be able to easily use the system, but to also not have the option to use the system in an unintended manner. This paper details the hardware and software components of the golf cars with these considerations, and also how the booking system and mission planner facilitated users to book for a golf car from any of ten stations within the gardens. We show that the vehicles performed robustly throughout the prolonged operations with a small localization variance, and that users were very receptive from the user survey results.Singapore. National Research Foundatio

    Autonomous Personal Mobility Scooter for Multi-Class Mobility-On-Demand Service

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    In this paper, we describe the design and development of an autonomous personal mobility scooter that was used in public trials during the 2016 MIT Open House, for the purpose of raising public awareness and interest about autonomous vehicles. The scooter is intended to work cooperatively with other classes of autonomous vehicles such as road cars and golf cars to improve the efficacy of Mobility-on-Demand transportation solutions. The scooter is designed to be robust, reliable, and safe, while operating under prolonged durations. The flexibility in fleet expansion is shown by replicating the system architecture and sensor package that has been previously implemented in the road car and golf cars. We show that the vehicle performed robustly with small localization variance. A survey of the users shows that the public is very receptive to the concept of the autonomous personal mobility device.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) (Future Urban Mobility research program)Singapore. National Research Foundatio

    A Parallel Autonomy Research Platform

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    We present the development of a full-scale “parallel autonomy” research platform including software and hardware. In the parallel autonomy paradigm, the control of the vehicle is shared; the human is still in control of the vehicle, but the autonomy system is always running in the background to prevent accidents. Our holistic approach includes: (1) a driveby-wire conversion method only based on reverse engineering, (2) mounting of relatively inexpensive sensors onto the vehicle, (3) implementation of a localization and mapping system, (4) obstacle detection and (5) a shared controller as well as (6) integration with an advanced autonomy simulation system (Drake) for rapid development and testing. The system can operate in three modes: (a) manual driving, (b) full autonomy, where the system is in complete control of the vehicle and (c) parallel autonomy, where the shared controller is implemented. We present results from extensive testing of a full-scale vehicle on closed tracks that demonstrate these capabilities


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    Binatu atau lebih dikenal dengan nama laundry merupakan bisnis yang sekarang dipertimbangkan di dunia pengusaha. Prosedur pelayanan jasa binatu ini terkesan sederhana dan masih banyak kekurangan, salah satunya proses pemesanan dan transaksi yang dilakukan secara manual dan minimnya layanan antar jemput sehingga mengurangi efektivitas dan efisiensi bisnis ini. Kemudian, pengguna jasa binatu tidak bisa memantau proses pengolahan pakaian mereka, pengguna harus menghabiskan waktu untuk bolak-balik toko binatu agar bisa tahu kapan pakaian mereka selesai. Untuk itu, penelitian ini merancang sebuah inovasi dengan tujuan memudahkan pengguna jasa binatu dengan layanan on-demand service berbasis lokasi. Hasil penelitian yaitu aplikasi marketplace binatu yang tersedia untuk pemilik layanan laundry dan pengguna layanan. Pengguna bisa bertransaksi dan dimudahkan dengan fitur lbs yang disediakan aplikasi. Hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan dengan UAT mendapatkan skor 97% dimana termasuk kedalam kriteria sangat setuju

    OpenPodcar: An Open Source Vehicle for Self-Driving Car Research

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    OpenPodcar is a low-cost, open source hardware and software, autonomous vehicle research platform based on an off-the-shelf, hard-canopy, mobility scooter donor vehicle. Hardware and software build instructions are provided to convert the donor vehicle into a low-cost and fully autonomous platform. The open platform consists of (a) hardware components: CAD designs, bill of materials, and build instructions; (b) Arduino, ROS and Gazebo control and simulation software files which provide standard ROS interfaces and simulation of the vehicle; and (c) higher-level ROS software implementations and configurations of standard robot autonomous planning and control, including the move\_base interface with Timed-Elastic-Band planner which enacts commands to drive the vehicle from a current to a desired pose around obstacles. The vehicle is large enough to transport a human passenger or similar load at speeds up to 15km/h, for example for use as a last-mile autonomous taxi service or to transport delivery containers similarly around a city center. It is small and safe enough to be parked in a standard research lab and be used for realistic human-vehicle interaction studies. System build cost from new components is around USD7,000 in total in 2022. OpenPodcar thus provides a good balance between real world utility, safety, cost and research convenience

    Estimating the potential for shared autonomous scooters

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    Recent technological developments have shown significant potential for transforming urban mobility. Considering first- and last-mile travel and short trips, the rapid adoption of dockless bike-share systems showed the possibility of disruptive change, while simultaneously presenting new challenges, such as fleet management or the use of public spaces. In this paper, we evaluate the operational characteristics of a new class of shared vehicles that are being actively developed in the industry: scooters with self-repositioning capabilities. We do this by adapting the methodology of shareability networks to a large-scale dataset of dockless bike-share usage, giving us estimates of ideal fleet size under varying assumptions of fleet operations. We show that the availability of self-repositioning capabilities can help achieve up to 10 times higher utilization of vehicles than possible in current bike-share systems. We show that actual benefits will highly depend on the availability of dedicated infrastructure, a key issue for scooter and bicycle use. Based on our results, we envision that technological advances can present an opportunity to rethink urban infrastructures and how transportation can be effectively organized in cities

    Autonomous golf cars for public trial of mobility-on-demand service

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