7 research outputs found

    Gas plume species identification by regression analyses

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    Fast and Effective Techniques for LWIR Radiative Transfer Modeling: A Dimension-Reduction Approach

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    The increasing spatial and spectral resolution of hyperspectral imagers yields detailed spectroscopy measurements from both space-based and airborne platforms. These detailed measurements allow for material classification, with many recent advancements from the fields of machine learning and deep learning. In many scenarios, the hyperspectral image must first be corrected or compensated for atmospheric effects. Radiative Transfer (RT) computations can provide look up tables (LUTs) to support these corrections. This research investigates a dimension-reduction approach using machine learning methods to create an effective sensor-specific long-wave infrared (LWIR) RT model

    Optimizing Object, Atmosphere, and Sensor Parameters in Thermal Hyperspectral Imagery

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    Metodolog铆a de validaci贸n de productos MODIS para la estimaci贸n de temperatura de la superficie en zonas heterog茅neas y homog茅neas de Colombia

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    La acelerada producci贸n cient铆fica en geom谩tica, ha permitido conocer fen贸menos sobre la faz de la Tierra. Sus herramientas como el modelamiento espacial, los geodatos de sensores remotos, la administraci贸n de la informaci贸n geoespacial y los estudios sobre la din谩mica del planeta, han suministrado claves de acceso al mejoramiento del entendimiento de los fen贸menos naturales y antropog茅nicos. El avance tecnol贸gico provee el uso de mayor informaci贸n para estudiar variables ambientales como la temperatura de la superficie (del aire a 2 metros). Sin embargo, obtener estos datos de manera tradicional involucra un costo econ贸mico y un cubrimiento espacial insuficiente, ya que esta informaci贸n es requerida para adelantar estudios agron贸micos expansivos, modelos matem谩ticos de interacci贸n Tierra-Atm贸sfera y cambio clim谩tico. Frente a esta necesidad, el uso de informaci贸n proveniente de datos satelitales crece a medida que los objetivos y metas en la investigaci贸n tambi茅n aumentan. En Colombia, la baja cobertura espacial de las estaciones meteorol贸gicas deja vac铆os de informaci贸n que pueden ser estimados a trav茅s de las herramientas geom谩ticas. En esta investigaci贸n, la explotaci贸n de los datos satelitales del sensor Modis en conjunto con los termodatos de las estaciones en terreno, permitieron establecer los par谩metros que explican espacialmente el fen贸meno de temperatura en el pa铆s y c贸mo 茅sta se comporta de acuerdo a las diferencias geogr谩ficas propias del territorio. A trav茅s del modelamiento geoestad铆stico, el conocimiento emp铆rico y los ajustes te贸ricos, se estableci贸 un Modelo de Regresi贸n Lineal M煤ltiple, que estima las temperaturas de la superficie con alta fiabilidad. / Abstract. The growing scientific studies in geomatics allow understanding phenomena related to Earth system. Spatial modelling,remote sensing data, spatial information management and studies on planetary dynamism as tools are keys for ameliorating the knowledge on natural and human-derived phenomena. The advance on technology sets huge load information handle for studying the environmental variables as land surface temperature. Nevertheless, to obtain those data in the oldway involves economics costs and, certainly, an insufficient spatial cover. Because this information is required for large agronomic studies, Earth- Atmosphere mathematical models and climate change. Facing this necessity, the use for remote sensing data grows as much as objectives and goals in research. In Colombia, the low spatial cover by meteorology stations allow no-information places might be estimated using geomatics tools. In this research, Modis Land Surface Temperature 鈥揕ST product with terrestrial stations data, allow establishing parameters that can explain land surface temperature phenomenon spatially in the country and how it behaves according to spatial geographic variances. Using geostatical modelling, statical processes and theorical basis, a Regression Model was stablished with high fidelity for estimating land surface temperatureMaestr铆

    Maximum Likelihood Temperature/Emissivity Separation of Hyperspectral Images with Gaussian Distributed Downwelling Radiance

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    Hyperspectral images are made up of energy measurements at different wavelengths of light. The case is considered where these measurements are dependent on temperature, the self-emitted energy (emissivity), and reflected energy (downwelling radiance) from the surroundings. The process where the downwelling radiance is fixed and the temperature and emissivity are estimated is referred to as temperature/emissivity separation. Due to the way these terms mix, for a given set of measurements, there exist many pairs of temperatures and emissivities that satisfy the model. This creates ambiguity in the solution that must be resolved for the result to have any significance. A new model is developed which reduces this ambiguity. This model is used to form an objective function. The temperature and emissivity which maximize the value of the objective function are solved for given a set of measurements. As part of the solution, a new algorithm is developed which exploits the shape of the objective function to estimate the temperature and emissivity quickly and accurately. Extensive testing of this algorithm is performed to gain an understanding of its average speed and accuracy

    Physics-constrained Hyperspectral Data Exploitation Across Diverse Atmospheric Scenarios

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    Hyperspectral target detection promises new operational advantages, with increasing instrument spectral resolution and robust material discrimination. Resolving surface materials requires a fast and accurate accounting of atmospheric effects to increase detection accuracy while minimizing false alarms. This dissertation investigates deep learning methods constrained by the processes governing radiative transfer to efficiently perform atmospheric compensation on data collected by long-wave infrared (LWIR) hyperspectral sensors. These compensation methods depend on generative modeling techniques and permutation invariant neural network architectures to predict LWIR spectral radiometric quantities. The compensation algorithms developed in this work were examined from the perspective of target detection performance using collected data. These deep learning-based compensation algorithms resulted in comparable detection performance to established methods while accelerating the image processing chain by 8X

    Scale-Wavelength Decomposition of Hyperspectral Signals - Use for Mineral Classification & Quantification

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    An approach for material identification & soil constituent quantification based on a generalized multi-scale derivative analysis of hyperspectral signals is presented. It employs the continuous wavelet transform to project input spectra onto a scale-wavelength space. This allows investigating the spectra at selectable level of detail while normalizing/separating disturbances. Benefits & challenges of this decomposition for mineral classification & quantification will be shown for a mining site