32 research outputs found

    Dragon: Multidimensional Range Queries on Distributed Aggregation Trees,

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    Distributed query processing is of paramount importance in next-generation distribution services, such as Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems. Even if several multi-attribute range queries supports have been proposed for peer-to-peer systems, these solutions must be rethought to fully meet the requirements of new computational paradigms for IoT, like fog computing. This paper proposes dragon, an ecient support for distributed multi-dimensional range query processing targeting ecient query resolution on highly dynamic data. In dragon nodes at the edges of the network collect and publish multi-dimensional data. The nodes collectively manage an aggregation tree storing data digests which are then exploited, when resolving queries, to prune the sub-trees containing few or no relevant matches. Multi-attribute queries are managed by linearising the attribute space through space lling curves. We extensively analysed dierent aggregation and query resolution strategies in a wide spectrum of experimental set-ups. We show that dragon manages eciently fast changing data values. Further, we show that dragon resolves queries by contacting a lower number of nodes when compared to a similar approach in the state of the art

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    Wireless Sensor Network Virtualization: A Survey

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are the key components of the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm. They are now ubiquitous and used in a plurality of application domains. WSNs are still domain specific and usually deployed to support a specific application. However, as WSN nodes are becoming more and more powerful, it is getting more and more pertinent to research how multiple applications could share a very same WSN infrastructure. Virtualization is a technology that can potentially enable this sharing. This paper is a survey on WSN virtualization. It provides a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art and an in-depth discussion of the research issues. We introduce the basics of WSN virtualization and motivate its pertinence with carefully selected scenarios. Existing works are presented in detail and critically evaluated using a set of requirements derived from the scenarios. The pertinent research projects are also reviewed. Several research issues are also discussed with hints on how they could be tackled.Comment: Accepted for publication on 3rd March 2015 in forthcoming issue of IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials. This version has NOT been proof-read and may have some some inconsistencies. Please refer to final version published in IEEE Xplor

    Supporting Device Mobility and State Distribution through Indirection, Topological Isomorphism and Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The Internet of Things will result in the deployment of many billions of wireless embedded systems, creating interactive pervasive environments. These pervasive networks will provide seamless access to sensor actuators, enabling organisations and individuals to control and monitor their environment. The majority of devices attached to the Internet of Things will be static. However, it is anticipated that with the advent of body and vehicular networks, we will see many mobile Internet of Things Devices. During emergency situations, the flow of data across the Internet of Things may be disrupted, giving rise to a requirement for machine-to-machine interaction within the remaining environment. Current approaches to routing on the Internet and wireless sensor networks fail to address the requirements of mobility, isolated operation during failure or deal with the imbalance caused by either initial or failing topologies when applying geographic coordinate-based peer-to-peer storage mechanisms. The use of global and local DHT mechanisms to facilitate improved reachability and data redundancy are explored in this thesis. Resulting in the development of an Architecture to support the global reachability of static and mobile Internet of Things Devices. This is achieved through the development of a global indirection mechanism supporting position relative wireless environments. To support the distribution and preservation of device state within the wireless domain a new geospatial keying mechanism is presented, this enables a device to persist state within an overlay with certain guarantees as to its survival. The guarantees relating to geospatial storage rely on the balanced allocation of distributed information. This thesis details a mechanism to balance the address space utilising evolutionary techniques. Following the generation of an initial balanced topology, we present a protocol that applies Topological Isomorphism to provide the continued balancing and reachability of data following partial network failure. This dissertation details the analysis of the proposed protocols and their evaluation through simulation. The results show that our proposed Architecture operates within the capabilities of the devices that operate in this space. The evaluation of Geospatial Keying within the wireless domain showed that the mechanism presented provides better device state preservation than would be found in the random placement exhibited by the storage of state in overlay DHT schemes. Experiments confirm device storage imbalance when using geographic routing; however, the results provided in this thesis show that the use of genetic algorithms can provide an improved identity assignment through the application of alternating fitness between reachability and ideal key displacement. This topology, as is commonly found in geographical routing, was susceptible to imbalance following device failure. The use of topological isomorphism provided an improvement over existing geographical routing protocols to counteract the reachability and imbalance caused by failure

    STaRS: A scalable task routing approach to distributed scheduling

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    La planificaci贸n de muchas tareas en entornos de millones de nodos no confiables representa un gran reto. Las plataformas de computaci贸n m谩s conocidas normalmente conf铆an en poder gestionar en un elemento centralizado todo el estado tanto de los nodos como de las aplicaciones. Esto limita su escalabilidad y capacidad para tolerar fallos. Un modelo descentralizado puede superar estos problemas pero, por lo que sabemos, ninguna soluci贸n propuesta hasta el momento ofrece resultados satisfactorios. En esta tesis, presentamos un modelo de planificaci贸n descentralizado con tres objetivos: que escale hasta millones de nodos, sin una p茅rdida de prestaciones que lo inhabilite; que tolere altas tasas de fallos; y que permita la implementaci贸n de varias pol铆ticas de planificaci贸n para diferentes situaciones. Nuestra propuesta consta de tres elementos principales: un modelo de datos gen茅rico para representar la disponibilidad de los nodos de ejecuci贸n; un esquema de agregaci贸n que propaga esta informaci贸n por una capa de red jer谩rquica; y un algoritmo de reexpedici贸n que, usando la informaci贸n agregada, encamina tareas hacia los nodos de ejecuci贸n m谩s apropiados. Estos tres elementos son f谩cilmente extensibles para proporcionar diversas pol铆ticas de planificaci贸n. En concreto, nosotros hemos implementado cinco. Una pol铆tica que simplemente asigna tareas a nodos desocupados; una pol铆tica que minimiza el tiempo de finalizaci贸n del trabajo global; una pol铆tica que cumple con los requerimientos de fecha l铆mite de aplicaciones tipo "saco de tareas"; una pol铆tica que cumple con los requerimientos de fecha l铆mite de aplicaciones tipo "workflow"; y una pol铆tica que otorga una porci贸n equitativa de la plataforma a cada aplicaci贸n. La escalabilidad se consigue a trav茅s del esquema de agregaci贸n, que provee de suficiente informaci贸n de disponibilidad a los niveles altos de la jerarqu铆a sin inundarlos, y el algoritmo de reexpedici贸n, que busca nodos de ejecuci贸n en varias ramas de la jerarqu铆a de manera concurrente. Como consecuencia, los costes de comunicaci贸n est谩n acotados y los de asignaci贸n muestran un comportamiento casi logar铆tmico con el tama帽o del sistema. Un millar de tareas se asignan en una red de 100.000 nodos en menos de 3,5 segundos, as铆 que podemos plantearnos utilizar nuestro modelo incluso con tareas de tan solo unos minutos de duraci贸n. Por lo que sabemos, ning煤n trabajo similar ha sido probado con m谩s de 10.000 nodos. Los fallos se gestionan con una estrategia de mejor esfuerzo. Cuando se detecta el fallo de un nodo, las tareas que estaba ejecutando son reenviadas por sus propietarios y la informaci贸n de disponibilidad que gestionaba es reconstruida por sus vecinos. De esta manera, nuestro modelo es capaz de degradar sus prestaciones de manera proporcional al n煤mero de nodos fallidos y recuperar toda su funcionalidad. Para demostrarlo, hemos realizado pruebas de tasa media de fallos y de fallos catastr贸ficos. Incluso con nodos fallando con un periodo mediano de solo 5 minutos, nuestro planificador es capaz de continuar dando servicio. Al mismo tiempo, es capaz de recuperarse del fallo de una fracci贸n importante de los nodos, siempre que la capa de red jer谩rquico que sustenta el sistema pueda soportarlo. Despu茅s de comprobar que es factible implementar pol铆ticas con muy distintos objetivos usando nuestro modelo de planificaci贸n, tambi茅n hemos probado sus prestaciones. Hemos comparado cada pol铆tica con una versi贸n centralizada que tiene pleno conocimiento del estado de cada nodo de ejecuci贸n. El resultado es que tienen unas prestaciones cercanas a las de una implementaci贸n centralizada, incluso en entornos de gran escala y con altas tasas de fallo

    Mobility-aware fog computing in dynamic networks with mobile nodes: A survey

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    Fog computing is an evolving paradigm that addresses the latency-oriented performance and spatio-temporal issues of the cloud services by providing an extension to the cloud computing and storage services in the vicinity of the service requester. In dynamic networks, where both the mobile fog nodes and the end users exhibit time-varying characteristics, including dynamic network topology changes, there is a need of mobility-aware fog computing, which is very challenging due to various dynamisms, and yet systematically uncovered. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on the fog computing compliant with the OpenFog (IEEE 1934) standardised concept, where the mobility of fog nodes constitutes an integral part. A review of the state-of-the-art research in fog computing implemented with mobile nodes is conducted. The review includes the identification of several models of fog computing concept established on the principles of opportunistic networking, social communities, temporal networks, and vehicular ad-hoc networks. Relevant to these models, the contributing research studies are critically examined to provide an insight into the open issues and future research directions in mobile fog computing research

    Comnet: Annual Report 2013

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    Combining MAS and P2P Systems: The Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (ATMAS)

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    The seamless retrieval of information distributed across networks has been one of the key goals of many systems. Early solutions involved the use of single static agents which would retrieve the unfiltered data and then process it. However, this was deemed costly and inefficient in terms of the bandwidth since complete files need to be downloaded when only a single value is often all that is required. As a result, mobile agents were developed to filter the data in situ before returning it to the user. However, mobile agents have their own associated problems, namely security and control. The Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (AT-MAS) has been developed to provide the remote processing and filtering capabilities but without the need for mobile code. It is implemented as a Peer to Peer (P2P) network of static intelligent cooperating agents, each of which control one or more data sources. This dissertation describes the two key technologies have directly influenced the design of ATMAS, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). P2P systems are conceptually simple, but limited in power, whereas MAS are significantly more complex but correspondingly more powerful. The resulting system exhibits the power of traditional MAS systems while retaining the simplicity of P2P systems. The dissertation describes the system in detail and analyses its performance