16 research outputs found

    Automorphism Groups of Graphical Models and Lifted Variational Inference

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    Using the theory of group action, we first introduce the concept of the automorphism group of an exponential family or a graphical model, thus formalizing the general notion of symmetry of a probabilistic model. This automorphism group provides a precise mathematical framework for lifted inference in the general exponential family. Its group action partitions the set of random variables and feature functions into equivalent classes (called orbits) having identical marginals and expectations. Then the inference problem is effectively reduced to that of computing marginals or expectations for each class, thus avoiding the need to deal with each individual variable or feature. We demonstrate the usefulness of this general framework in lifting two classes of variational approximation for MAP inference: local LP relaxation and local LP relaxation with cycle constraints; the latter yields the first lifted inference that operate on a bound tighter than local constraints. Initial experimental results demonstrate that lifted MAP inference with cycle constraints achieved the state of the art performance, obtaining much better objective function values than local approximation while remaining relatively efficient.Comment: Extended version of the paper to appear in Statistical Relational AI (StaRAI-12) workshop at UAI '1

    Coarse-to-Fine Lifted MAP Inference in Computer Vision

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    There is a vast body of theoretical research on lifted inference in probabilistic graphical models (PGMs). However, few demonstrations exist where lifting is applied in conjunction with top of the line applied algorithms. We pursue the applicability of lifted inference for computer vision (CV), with the insight that a globally optimal (MAP) labeling will likely have the same label for two symmetric pixels. The success of our approach lies in efficiently handling a distinct unary potential on every node (pixel), typical of CV applications. This allows us to lift the large class of algorithms that model a CV problem via PGM inference. We propose a generic template for coarse-to-fine (C2F) inference in CV, which progressively refines an initial coarsely lifted PGM for varying quality-time trade-offs. We demonstrate the performance of C2F inference by developing lifted versions of two near state-of-the-art CV algorithms for stereo vision and interactive image segmentation. We find that, against flat algorithms, the lifted versions have a much superior anytime performance, without any loss in final solution quality.Comment: Published in IJCAI 201

    Tractability through Exchangeability: A New Perspective on Efficient Probabilistic Inference

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    Exchangeability is a central notion in statistics and probability theory. The assumption that an infinite sequence of data points is exchangeable is at the core of Bayesian statistics. However, finite exchangeability as a statistical property that renders probabilistic inference tractable is less well-understood. We develop a theory of finite exchangeability and its relation to tractable probabilistic inference. The theory is complementary to that of independence and conditional independence. We show that tractable inference in probabilistic models with high treewidth and millions of variables can be understood using the notion of finite (partial) exchangeability. We also show that existing lifted inference algorithms implicitly utilize a combination of conditional independence and partial exchangeability.Comment: In Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Dimension Reduction via Colour Refinement

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    Colour refinement is a basic algorithmic routine for graph isomorphism testing, appearing as a subroutine in almost all practical isomorphism solvers. It partitions the vertices of a graph into "colour classes" in such a way that all vertices in the same colour class have the same number of neighbours in every colour class. Tinhofer (Disc. App. Math., 1991), Ramana, Scheinerman, and Ullman (Disc. Math., 1994) and Godsil (Lin. Alg. and its App., 1997) established a tight correspondence between colour refinement and fractional isomorphisms of graphs, which are solutions to the LP relaxation of a natural ILP formulation of graph isomorphism. We introduce a version of colour refinement for matrices and extend existing quasilinear algorithms for computing the colour classes. Then we generalise the correspondence between colour refinement and fractional automorphisms and develop a theory of fractional automorphisms and isomorphisms of matrices. We apply our results to reduce the dimensions of systems of linear equations and linear programs. Specifically, we show that any given LP L can efficiently be transformed into a (potentially) smaller LP L' whose number of variables and constraints is the number of colour classes of the colour refinement algorithm, applied to a matrix associated with the LP. The transformation is such that we can easily (by a linear mapping) map both feasible and optimal solutions back and forth between the two LPs. We demonstrate empirically that colour refinement can indeed greatly reduce the cost of solving linear programs

    New Liftable Classes for First-Order Probabilistic Inference

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    Abstract Statistical relational models provide compact encodings of probabilistic dependencies in relational domains, but result in highly intractable graphical models. The goal of lifted inference is to carry out probabilistic inference without needing to reason about each individual separately, by instead treating exchangeable, undistinguished objects as a whole. In this paper, we study the domain recursion inference rule, which, despite its central role in early theoretical results on domain-lifted inference, has later been believed redundant. We show that this rule is more powerful than expected, and in fact significantly extends the range of models for which lifted inference runs in time polynomial in the number of individuals in the domain. This includes an open problem called S4, the symmetric transitivity model, and a first-order logic encoding of the birthday paradox. We further identify new classes S 2 FO 2 and S 2 RU of domain-liftable theories, which respectively subsume FO 2 and recursively unary theories, the largest classes of domain-liftable theories known so far, and show that using domain recursion can achieve exponential speedup even in theories that cannot fully be lifted with the existing set of inference rules