309 research outputs found

    On delayed genetic regulatory networks with polytopic uncertainties: Robust stability analysis

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    Copyright [2008] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this paper, we investigate the robust asymptotic stability problem of genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delays and polytopic parameter uncertainties. Both cases of differentiable and nondifferentiable time-delays are considered, and the convex polytopic description is utilized to characterize the genetic network model uncertainties. By using a Lyapunov functional approach and linear matrix inequality (LMI) techniques, the stability criteria for the uncertain delayed genetic networks are established in the form of LMIs, which can be readily verified by using standard numerical software. An important feature of the results reported here is that all the stability conditions are dependent on the upper and lower bounds of the delays, which is made possible by using up-to-date techniques for achieving delay dependence. Another feature of the results lies in that a novel Lyapunov functional dependent on the uncertain parameters is utilized, which renders the results to be potentially less conservative than those obtained via a fixed Lyapunov functional for the entire uncertainty domain. A genetic network example is employed to illustrate the applicability and usefulness of the developed theoretical results

    A receding horizon generalization of pointwise min-norm controllers

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    Control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) are used in conjunction with receding horizon control to develop a new class of receding horizon control schemes. In the process, strong connections between the seemingly disparate approaches are revealed, leading to a unified picture that ties together the notions of pointwise min-norm, receding horizon, and optimal control. This framework is used to develop a CLF based receding horizon scheme, of which a special case provides an appropriate extension of Sontag's formula. The scheme is first presented as an idealized continuous-time receding horizon control law. The issue of implementation under discrete-time sampling is then discussed as a modification. These schemes are shown to possess a number of desirable theoretical and implementation properties. An example is provided, demonstrating their application to a nonlinear control problem. Finally, stronger connections to both optimal and pointwise min-norm control are proved

    Robust Decentralized Secondary Frequency Control in Power Systems: Merits and Trade-Offs

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    Frequency restoration in power systems is conventionally performed by broadcasting a centralized signal to local controllers. As a result of the energy transition, technological advances, and the scientific interest in distributed control and optimization methods, a plethora of distributed frequency control strategies have been proposed recently that rely on communication amongst local controllers. In this paper we propose a fully decentralized leaky integral controller for frequency restoration that is derived from a classic lag element. We study steady-state, asymptotic optimality, nominal stability, input-to-state stability, noise rejection, transient performance, and robustness properties of this controller in closed loop with a nonlinear and multivariable power system model. We demonstrate that the leaky integral controller can strike an acceptable trade-off between performance and robustness as well as between asymptotic disturbance rejection and transient convergence rate by tuning its DC gain and time constant. We compare our findings to conventional decentralized integral control and distributed-averaging-based integral control in theory and simulations

    Queue Dynamics With Window Flow Control

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    This paper develops a new model that describes the queueing process of a communication network when data sources use window flow control. The model takes into account the burstiness in sub-round-trip time (RTT) timescales and the instantaneous rate differences of a flow at different links. It is generic and independent of actual source flow control algorithms. Basic properties of the model and its relation to existing work are discussed. In particular, for a general network with multiple links, it is demonstrated that spatial interaction of oscillations allows queue instability to occur even when all flows have the same RTTs and maintain constant windows. The model is used to study the dynamics of delay-based congestion control algorithms. It is found that the ratios of RTTs are critical to the stability of such systems, and previously unknown modes of instability are identified. Packet-level simulations and testbed measurements are provided to verify the model and its predictions

    Special Issue on Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

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    ( First paragraph) WIRELESS Sensor Networks (WSNs), in their various shapes and forms, have greatly facilitated and enhanced the automated, remote, and intelligent monitoring of a large variety of physical systems. These networks consist of a large number of typically small devices, each incorporating sensing, processing, and wireless communications capabilities. Their use has penetrated a plethora of application domains from industrial and building automation, to environmental, wildlife, and health monitoring