11 research outputs found

    The first Automatic Translation Memory Cleaning Shared Task

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Springer in Machine Translation on 21/01/2017, available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10590-016-9183-x The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.This paper reports on the organization and results of the rst Automatic Translation Memory Cleaning Shared Task. This shared task is aimed at nding automatic ways of cleaning translation memories (TMs) that have not been properly curated and thus include incorrect translations. As a follow up of the shared task, we also conducted two surveys, one targeting the teams participating in the shared task, and the other one targeting professional translators. While the researchers-oriented survey aimed at gathering information about the opinion of participants on the shared task, the translators-oriented survey aimed to better understand what constitutes a good TM unit and inform decisions that will be taken in future editions of the task. In this paper, we report on the process of data preparation and the evaluation of the automatic systems submitted, as well as on the results of the collected surveys

    An Unsupervised Method for Automatic Translation Memory Cleaning.

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    We address the problem of automatically cleaning a large-scale Translation Memory (TM) in a fully unsupervised fashion, i.e. without human-labelled data. We approach the task by: i) designing a set of features that capture the similarity between two text segments in different languages, ii) use them to induce reliable training labels for a subset of the translation units (TUs) contained in the TM, and iii) use the automatically labelled data to train an ensemble of binary classifiers. We apply our method to clean a test set composed of 1,000 TUs randomly extracted from the English-Italian version of MyMemory, the world’s largest public TM. Our results show competitive performance not only against a strong baseline that exploits machine translation, but also against a state-of-the-art method that relies on human-labelled data

    1st Shared Task on Automatic Translation Memory Cleaning: Preparation and Lessons Learned

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    This paper summarizes the work done to prepare the first shared task on automatic translation memory cleaning. This shared task aims at finding automatic ways of cleaning TMs that, for some reason, have not been properly curated and include wrong translations. Participants in this task are required to take pairs of source and target segments from TMs and decide whether they are right translations. For this first task three language pairs have been prepared: English/Spanish, English/Italian, and English/German. In this paper, we report on how the shared task was prepared and explain the process of data selection and data annotation, the building of the training and test sets and the implemented baselines for automatic classifiers comparison

    Word from the editors

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    TMop: a Tool for Unsupervised Translation Memory Cleaning

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    We present TMop, the first open-source tool for automatic Translation Memory (TM) cleaning. The tool implements a fully unsupervised approach to the task, which allows spotting unreliable translation units (sentence pairs in different languages, which are supposed to be translations of each other) without requiring labeled training data. TMop includes a highly configurable and extensible set of filters capturing different aspects of translation quality. It has been evaluated on a test set composed of 1,000 translation units (TUs) randomly extracted from the English-Italian version of MyMemory, a large-scale public TM. Results indicate its effectiveness in automatic removing “bad” TUs, with comparable performance to a state-of-the-art supervised method (76.3 vs. 77.7 balanced accuracy)

    Использование компьютерных переводческих инструментов: новые возможности, новые ошибки

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    The paper presents analysis of errors in translation on the CAT platform Smartcat, which accumulates all tools for computer-assisted translation (CAT) including a machine translation (MT) system and translation memory (TM). The research is conducted on the material of the translation on Smartcat platform (a joint project of a tourist guide translation (35,000 words) from Hebrew to Russian, English, and French). The errors on the CAT platform disclose difficulties in mastering text semantic coherence and stylistic features. The influence of English as lingua franca appears in peculiar orthographic and punctuation errors in the target text in Russian. Peculiar errors in translation on the CAT platform reveal the necessity of advanced technological competence in translators. The peculiar errors uncover problems associated with a source text segmentation into sentences. The segmentation can trigger a translator to preserve the sentence boundaries and use a Russian complicated compound sentence that provoke punctuation errors. Difficulties of the anaphora resolution in distant semantically coherent segments are also associated with the source text segmentation and working window formatting. A joint project presupposes different translators to translate different files of the source document. To generate the coherence, contiguity and integrity of the whole document, the files have to be revised by a third-party editor to avoid conflict of interest. The editor-reviser is also responsible for improving the target text pragmatic and genre characteristics while applying top-down strategy to target text analysis. Thus, the translator’s errors while applying CAT tools reveal the effect of bottom-up text processing alongside with cross-language inter-ference

    Multilingual representations and models for improved low-resource language processing

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    Word representations are the cornerstone of modern NLP. Representing words or characters using real-valued vectors as static representations that can capture the Semantics and encode the meaning has been popular among researchers. In more recent years, Pretrained Language Models using large amounts of data and creating contextualized representations achieved great performance in various tasks such as Semantic Role Labeling. These large pretrained language models are capable of storing and generalizing information and can be used as knowledge bases. Language models can produce multilingual representations while only using monolingual data during training. These multilingual representations can be beneficial in many tasks such as Machine Translation. Further, knowledge extraction models that only relied on information extracted from English resources, can now benefit from extra resources in other languages. Although these results were achieved for high-resource languages, there are thousands of languages that do not have large corpora. Moreover, for other tasks such as machine translation, if large monolingual data is not available, the models need parallel data, which is scarce for most languages. Further, many languages lack tokenization models, and splitting the text into meaningful segments such as words is not trivial. Although using subwords helps the models to have better coverage over unseen data and new words in the vocabulary, generalizing over low-resource languages with different alphabets and grammars is still a challenge. This thesis investigates methods to overcome these issues for low-resource languages. In the first publication, we explore the degree of multilinguality in multilingual pretrained language models. We demonstrate that these language models can produce high-quality word alignments without using parallel training data, which is not available for many languages. In the second paper, we extract word alignments for all available language pairs in the public bible corpus (PBC). Further, we created a tool for exploring these alignments which are especially helpful in studying low-resource languages. The third paper investigates word alignment in multiparallel corpora and exploits graph algorithms for extracting new alignment edges. In the fourth publication, we propose a new model to iteratively generate cross-lingual word embeddings and extract word alignments when only small parallel corpora are available. Lastly, the fifth paper finds that aggregation of different granularities of text can improve word alignment quality. We propose using subword sampling to produce such granularities

    Skoner en kleiner vertaalgeheues

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    Rekenaars kan ’n nuttige rol speel in vertaling. Twee benaderings is vertaalgeheuestelsels en masjienvertaalstelsels. By hierdie twee tegnologieë word ’n vertaalgeheue gebruik—’n tweetalige versameling vorige vertalings. Hierdie proefskrif bied metodes aan om die kwaliteit van ’n vertaalgeheue te verbeter. ’n Masjienleerbenadering word gevolg om foutiewe inskrywings in ’n vertaalgeheue te identifiseer. ’n Verskeidenheid leerkenmerke in drie kategorieë word aangebied: kenmerke wat verband hou met tekslengte, kenmerke wat deur kwaliteittoetsers soos vertaaltoetsers, ’n speltoetser en ’n grammatikatoetser bereken word, asook statistiese kenmerke wat met behulp van eksterne data bereken word. Die evaluasie van vertaalgeheuestelsels is nog nie gestandaardiseer nie. In hierdie proefskrif word ’n verskeidenheid probleme met bestaande evaluasiemetodes uitgewys, en ’n verbeterde evaluasiemetode word ontwikkel. Deur die foutiewe inskrywings uit ’n vertaalgeheue te verwyder, is ’n kleiner, skoner vertaalgeheue beskikbaar vir toepassings. Eksperimente dui aan dat so ’n vertaalgeheue beter prestasie behaal in ’n vertaalgeheuestelsel. As ondersteunende bewys vir die waarde van ’n skoner vertaalgeheue word ’n verbetering ook aangedui by die opleiding van ’n masjienvertaalstelsel.Computers can play a useful role in translation. Two approaches are translation memory systems and machine translation systems. With these two technologies a translation memory is used— a bilingual collection of previous translations. This thesis presents methods to improve the quality of a translation memory. A machine learning approach is followed to identify incorrect entries in a translation memory. A variety of learning features in three categories are presented: features associated with text length, features calculated by quality checkers such as translation checkers, a spell checker and a grammar checker, as well as statistical features computed with the help of external data. The evaluation of translation memory systems is not yet standardised. This thesis points out a number of problems with existing evaluation methods, and an improved evaluation method is developed. By removing the incorrect entries in a translation memory, a smaller, cleaner translation memory is available to applications. Experiments demonstrate that such a translation memory results in better performance in a translation memory system. As supporting evidence for the value of a cleaner translation memory, an improvement is also achieved in training a machine translation system.School of ComputingPh. D. (Rekenaarwetenskap