823 research outputs found

    Automatic neonatal sleep stage classification:A comparative study

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    Sleep is an essential feature of living beings. For neonates, it is vital for their mental and physical development. Sleep stage cycling is an important parameter to assess neonatal brain and physical development. Therefore, it is crucial to administer newborn's sleep in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Currently, Polysomnography (PSG) is used as a gold standard method for classifying neonatal sleep patterns, but it is expensive and requires a lot of human involvement. Over the last two decades, multiple researchers are working on automatic sleep stage classification algorithms using electroencephalography (EEG), electrocardiography (ECG), and video. In this study, we present a comprehensive review of existing algorithms for neonatal sleep, their limitations and future recommendations. Additionally, a brief comparison of the extracted features, classification algorithms and evaluation parameters is reported in the proposed study

    Sleep Stage Classification: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Sleep occupies significant part of human life. The diagnoses of sleep related disorders are of great importance. To record specific physical and electrical activities of the brain and body, a multi-parameter test, called polysomnography (PSG), is normally used. The visual process of sleep stage classification is time consuming, subjective and costly. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of the sleep stage classification, automatic classification algorithms were developed. In this research work, we focused on pre-processing (filtering boundaries and de-noising algorithms) and classification steps of automatic sleep stage classification. The main motivation for this work was to develop a pre-processing and classification framework to clean the input EEG signal without manipulating the original data thus enhancing the learning stage of deep learning classifiers. For pre-processing EEG signals, a lossless adaptive artefact removal method was proposed. Rather than other works that used artificial noise, we used real EEG data contaminated with EOG and EMG for evaluating the proposed method. The proposed adaptive algorithm led to a significant enhancement in the overall classification accuracy. In the classification area, we evaluated the performance of the most common sleep stage classifiers using a comprehensive set of features extracted from PSG signals. Considering the challenges and limitations of conventional methods, we proposed two deep learning-based methods for classification of sleep stages based on Stacked Sparse AutoEncoder (SSAE) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed methods performed more efficiently by eliminating the need for conventional feature selection and feature extraction steps respectively. Moreover, although our systems were trained with lower number of samples compared to the similar studies, they were able to achieve state of art accuracy and higher overall sensitivity

    A review of automated sleep stage scoring based on physiological signals for the new millennia

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    Background and Objective: Sleep is an important part of our life. That importance is highlighted by the multitude of health problems which result from sleep disorders. Detecting these sleep disorders requires an accurate interpretation of physiological signals. Prerequisite for this interpretation is an understanding of the way in which sleep stage changes manifest themselves in the signal waveform. With that understanding it is possible to build automated sleep stage scoring systems. Apart from their practical relevance for automating sleep disorder diagnosis, these systems provide a good indication of the amount of sleep stage related information communicated by a specific physiological signal. Methods: This article provides a comprehensive review of automated sleep stage scoring systems, which were created since the year 2000. The systems were developed for Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrooculogram (EOG), and a combination of signals. Results: Our review shows that all of these signals contain information for sleep stage scoring. Conclusions: The result is important, because it allows us to shift our research focus away from information extraction methods to systemic improvements, such as patient comfort, redundancy, safety and cost

    Usefulness of Artificial Neural Networks in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome

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    Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) is a chronic and highly prevalent disease considered a major health problem in industrialized countries. The gold standard diagnostic methodology is in-laboratory nocturnal polysomnography (PSG), which is complex, costly, and time consuming. In order to overcome these limitations, novel and simplified diagnostic alternatives are demanded. Sleep scientists carried out an exhaustive research during the last decades focused on the design of automated expert systems derived from artificial intelligence able to help sleep specialists in their daily practice. Among automated pattern recognition techniques, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have demonstrated to be efficient and accurate algorithms in order to implement computer-aided diagnosis systems aimed at assisting physicians in the management of SAHS. In this regard, several applications of ANNs have been developed, such as classification of patients suspected of suffering from SAHS, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) prediction, detection and quantification of respiratory events, apneic events classification, automated sleep staging and arousal detection, alertness monitoring systems, and airflow pressure optimization in positive airway pressure (PAP) devices to fit patients’ needs. In the present research, current applications of ANNs in the framework of SAHS management are thoroughly reviewed