12 research outputs found

    Bayesian super-resolution with application to radar target recognition

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    This thesis is concerned with methods to facilitate automatic target recognition using images generated from a group of associated radar systems. Target recognition algorithms require access to a database of previously recorded or synthesized radar images for the targets of interest, or a database of features based on those images. However, the resolution of a new image acquired under non-ideal conditions may not be as good as that of the images used to generate the database. Therefore it is proposed to use super-resolution techniques to match the resolution of new images with the resolution of database images. A comprehensive review of the literature is given for super-resolution when used either on its own, or in conjunction with target recognition. A new superresolution algorithm is developed that is based on numerical Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian statistics. This algorithm allows uncertainty in the superresolved image to be taken into account in the target recognition process. It is shown that the Bayesian approach improves the probability of correct target classification over standard super-resolution techniques. The new super-resolution algorithm is demonstrated using a simple synthetically generated data set and is compared to other similar algorithms. A variety of effects that degrade super-resolution performance, such as defocus, are analyzed and techniques to compensate for these are presented. Performance of the super-resolution algorithm is then tested as part of a Bayesian target recognition framework using measured radar data

    Explainability of deep SAR ATR through feature analysis

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    Understanding the decision-making process of deep learning networks is a key challenge which has rarely been investigated for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. In this paper, a set of new analytical tools is proposed and applied to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) handling Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) on two SAR datasets containing military targets

    Advanced image formation and processing of partial synthetic aperture radar data

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    Ground target classification for airborne bistatic radar

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    Automatic Target Recognition in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery: A State-of-the-Art Review

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    The purpose of this paper is to survey and assess the state-of-the-art in automatic target recognition for synthetic aperture radar imagery (SAR-ATR). The aim is not to develop an exhaustive survey of the voluminous literature, but rather to capture in one place the various approaches for implementing the SAR-ATR system. This paper is meant to be as self-contained as possible, and it approaches the SAR-ATR problem from a holistic end-to-end perspective. A brief overview for the breadth of the SAR-ATR challenges is conducted. This is couched in terms of a single-channel SAR, and it is extendable to multi-channel SAR systems. Stages pertinent to the basic SAR-ATR system structure are defined, and the motivations of the requirements and constraints on the system constituents are addressed. For each stage in the SAR-ATR processing chain, a taxonomization methodology for surveying the numerous methods published in the open literature is proposed. Carefully selected works from the literature are presented under the taxa proposed. Novel comparisons, discussions, and comments are pinpointed throughout this paper. A two-fold benchmarking scheme for evaluating existing SAR-ATR systems and motivating new system designs is proposed. The scheme is applied to the works surveyed in this paper. Finally, a discussion is presented in which various interrelated issues, such as standard operating conditions, extended operating conditions, and target-model design, are addressed. This paper is a contribution toward fulfilling an objective of end-to-end SAR-ATR system design

    ATREngine: An Orientation-Based Algorithm for Automatic Target Recognition

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    Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) is a subject involving the use of sensor data to develop an algorithm for identifying targets of significance. It is of particular interest in military applications such as unmanned aerial vehicles and missile tracking systems. This thesis develops an orientation-based classification approach from previous ATR algorithms for 2-D Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Prior work in ATR includes Chessa Guilas’ Hausdorff Probabilistic Feature Analysis Approach in 2005 and Daniel Cary’s Optimal Rectangular Fit in 2007. A system incorporating multiple modules performing different tasks is developed to streamline the data processing of previous algorithms. Using images from the publicly available Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition (MSTAR) database, target orientation was determined to be the best feature for ATR. A rotationally variant algorithm taking advantage of the combination of target orientation and pixel location for classification is proposed in this thesis. Extensive classification results yielding an overall accuracy of 76.78% are presented to demonstrate algorithm functionality

    Using Shadows to Detect Targets in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can generate high resolution imagery of re- mote scenes by combining the phase information of multiple radar pulses along a given path. SAR based Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) has the advantage over optical ISR that it can provide usable imagery in adverse weather or nighttime conditions. Certain radar frequencies can even result in foliage or limited soil penetration, enabling imagery to be created of objects of interest that would otherwise be hidden from optical surveillance systems. This thesis demonstrates the capability of locating stationary targets of interest based on the locations of their shadows and the characteristics of pixel intensity distributions within the SAR imagery. Shadows, in SAR imagery, represent the absence of a detectable signal reflection due to the physical obstruction of the transmitted radar energy. An object\u27s shadow indicates its true geospatial location. This thesis demonstrates target detection based on shadow location using three types of target vehicles, each located in urban and rural clutter scenes, from the publicly available Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition (MSTAR) data set. The proposed distribution characterization method for detecting shadows demonstrates the capability of isolating distinct regions within SAR imagery and using the junctions between shadow and non-shadow regions to locate individual shadow-casting objects. Targets of interest are then located within that collection of objects with an average detection accuracy rate of 93%. The shadow-based target detection algorithm results in a lower false alarm rate compared to previous research conducted with the same data set, with 71% fewer false alarms for the same clutter region. Utilizing the absence of signal, in conjunction with surrounding signal reflections, provides accurate stationary target detection. This capability could greatly assist in track initialization or the location of otherwise obscured targets of interest

    Performance factors for airborne short-dwell squinted radar sensors

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    Millimetre-wave radar in a missile seeker for the engagement of ground targets allows all-weather, day and night, surface imaging and has the ability to detect, classify and geolocate objects at long ranges. The use of a seeker allows intelligent target selection and removes inaccuracies in the target position. The selection of the correct target against a cluttered background in radar imagery is a challenging problem, which is further constrained by the seeker’s hardware and flight-path. This thesis examines how to make better use of the components of radar imagery that support target selection. Image formation for a squinted radar seeker is described, followed by an approach to automatic target recognition. Size and shape information is considered using a model-matching approach that is not reliant on extensive databases of templates, but a limited set of shape-only templates to reject clutter objects. The effects of radar sensitivity on size measurements are then explored to understand seeker operation in poor weather. Size measures cannot easily be used for moving targets, where the target signature is distorted and displaced. The ability to detect, segment and measure vehicle dimensions and velocity from the shadows of moving targets is tested using real and simulated data. The choice of polarisation can affect the quality of measurements and the ability to reject clutter. Data from three different radars is examined to help to understand the performance using linear and circular polarisations. For sensors operating at shorter ranges, the application of elevation monopulse to include target height as a discriminant is tested, showing good potential on simulated data. The combination of these studies offers an insight into the performance factors that influence the design and processing of a radar seeker. The use of shadow imagery on short-dwell radar seeker imagery is an area offering particular promise