1,669 research outputs found

    Quantitative imaging in cardiovascular CT angiography

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    In de afgelopen decennia is computertomografie (CT) een prominente niet-invasieve modaliteit om hart- en vaatziekten te evalueren geworden. Dit proefschrift heeft als doel de rol van CT in de therapeutische behandeling van coronaire hartziekte (CAD) en klepaandoeningen te onderzoeken.De relatie tussen kransslagadergeometrie (statisch en dynamisch) en aanwezigheid en omvang van CAD met CT werd onderzocht. De resultaten suggereren dat de statische geometrie van de kransslagader significant gerelateerd is aan de aanwezigheid van plaque en stenose. Er was echter geen verband tussen dynamische verandering van de coronaire arterie-geometrie en de ernst van CAD. Een algoritme om de invloed van intraluminair contrastmiddel op niet-verkalkte atherosclerotische plaque Hounsfield-Unit-waarden te corrigeren werd gepresenteerd en gevalideerd met behulp van fantomen.Diagnose en operatieplanning kunnen cruciale gevolgen hebben voor de klinische uitkomst van chirurgische ingrepen. In dit proefschrift wordt beschreven dat halfautomatische softwareprogramma’s het kwantificeren van het aortaklepgebied betere reproduceerbare resultaten toonden in vergelijking met handmatige metingen, en vergelijkbare resultaten met de huidige gouden standaard, de echocardiografie. Een systematische review over het dynamische gedrag van de aorta-annulus toont aan dat de vorm van de aorta-annulus tijdens de hartcyclus verandert, wat impliceert dat er bij het bepalen van een prothese rekening moet worden gehouden met meerdere fasen. Een andere review beschrijft het gebruik van 3D-printen in de chirurgische planning samen met andere toepassingen voor de behandeling van hartklepaandoeningen.CT is de belangrijkste beeldvormingsmodaliteit in deze onderzoeken, die gericht waren op de therapeutische behandeling van hart- en vaatziekten, van vroege risicobepaling tot diagnose en chirurgische planning.In the recent decades computed tomography (CT) has emerged as a dominant non-invasive modality to evaluate cardiovascular diseases. This thesis aimed to explore the role of CT in the therapeutic management of coronary artery disease (CAD) and valvular diseases.The relationship between both static and dynamic coronary artery geometry and presence and extent of CAD using CT was investigated. The results suggest that the static coronary artery geometry is significantly related to presence of plaque and significant stenosis. However, there were no such relationship between dynamic change of coronary artery geometry and severity of CAD. As part of this thesis an algorithm to correct the influence of lumen contrast enhancement on non-calcified atherosclerotic plaque Hounsfield-Unit values was presented. The algorithm was validated using phantoms. The diagnosis and surgical planning may have crucial impact on clinical outcome. Semi-automatic software for aortic valve area quantification presented in this thesis was proven to be more repeatable and similar to gold standard echocardiography in comparison to manual measurements. The systematic review regarding the dynamic behavior of aortic annulus revealed that aortic annulus geometry changes throughout the cardiac cycle which implies that multiple phases should be taken into account for prosthesis sizing. Another review in this thesis discusses the use of 3D printing in the surgical planning along with other applications for the treatment of valvular diseases.CT is the main imaging modality in these studies which were focused on the therapeutic management of cardiovascular diseases from early risk determination to diagnosis and surgical planning

    Clinical quantitative coronary artery stenosis and coronary atherosclerosis imaging: a Consensus Statement from the Quantitative Cardiovascular Imaging Study Group

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    The detection and characterization of coronary artery stenosis and atherosclerosis using imaging tools are key for clinical decision-making in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease. In this regard, imaging-based quantification can be improved by choosing the most appropriate imaging modality for diagnosis, treatment and procedural planning. In this Consensus Statement, we provide clinical consensus recommendations on the optimal use of different imaging techniques in various patient populations and describe the advances in imaging technology. Clinical consensus recommendations on the appropriateness of each imaging technique for direct coronary artery visualization were derived through a three-step, real-time Delphi process that took place before, during and after the Second International Quantitative Cardiovascular Imaging Meeting in September 2022. According to the Delphi survey answers, CT is the method of choice to rule out obstructive stenosis in patients with an intermediate pre-test probability of coronary artery disease and enables quantitative assessment of coronary plaque with respect to dimensions, composition, location and related risk of future cardiovascular events, whereas MRI facilitates the visualization of coronary plaque and can be used in experienced centres as a radiation-free, second-line option for non-invasive coronary angiography. PET has the greatest potential for quantifying inflammation in coronary plaque but SPECT currently has a limited role in clinical coronary artery stenosis and atherosclerosis imaging. Invasive coronary angiography is the reference standard for stenosis assessment but cannot characterize coronary plaques. Finally, intravascular ultrasonography and optical coherence tomography are the most important invasive imaging modalities for the identification of plaques at high risk of rupture. The recommendations made in this Consensus Statement will help clinicians to choose the most appropriate imaging modality on the basis of the specific clinical scenario, individual patient characteristics and the availability of each imaging modality

    Diagnosis of coronary stenosis with CT angiography comparison of automated computer diagnosis with expert readings.

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    RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To compare computer-generated interpretation of coronary computed tomography angiography (cCTA) by commercially available COR Analyzer software with expert human interpretation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act‑compliant study was approved by the institutional review board. Among 225 consecutive cCTA examinations, 207 were of adequate quality for automated evaluation. COR Analyzer interpretation was compared to human expert interpretation for detection of stenosis defined as ≥50% vessel diameter reduction in the left main, left anterior descending (LAD), circumflex (LCX), right coronary artery (RCA), or a branch vessel (diagonal, ramus, obtuse marginal, or posterior descending artery). RESULTS: Among 207 cases evaluated by COR Analyzer, human expert interpretation identified 48 patients with stenosis. COR Analyzer identified 44/48 patients (sensitivity 92%) with a specificity of 70%, a negative predictive value of 97% and a positive predictive value of 48%. COR Analyzer agreed with the expert interpretation in 75% of patients. With respect to individual segments, COR Analyzer detected 9/10 left main lesions, 33/34 LAD lesions, 14/15 LCX lesions, 27/31 RCA lesions, and 8/11 branch lesions. False-positive interpretations were localized to the left main (n = 16), LAD (n = 26), LCX (n = 21), RCA (n = 21), and branch vessels (n = 23), and were related predominantly to calcified vessels, blurred vessels, misidentification of vessels and myocardial bridges. CONCLUSIONS: Automated computer interpretation of cCTA with COR Analyzer provides high negative predictive value for the diagnosis of coronary disease in major coronary arteries as well as first-order arterial branches. False-positive automated interpretations are related to anatomic and image quality considerations
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