878 research outputs found

    Automatic and Portable Mapping of Data Parallel Programs to OpenCL for GPU-Based Heterogeneous Systems

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    General-purpose GPU-based systems are highly attractive, as they give potentially massive performance at little cost. Realizing such potential is challenging due to the complexity of programming. This article presents a compiler-based approach to automatically generate optimized OpenCL code from data parallel OpenMP programs for GPUs. A key feature of our scheme is that it leverages existing transformations, especially data transformations, to improve performance on GPU architectures and uses automatic machine learning to build a predictive model to determine if it is worthwhile running the OpenCL code on the GPU or OpenMP code on the multicore host. We applied our approach to the entire NAS parallel benchmark suite and evaluated it on distinct GPU-based systems. We achieved average (up to) speedups of 4.51× and 4.20× (143× and 67×) on Core i7/NVIDIA GeForce GTX580 and Core i7/AMD Radeon 7970 platforms, respectively, over a sequential baseline. Our approach achieves, on average, greater than 10× speedups over two state-of-the-art automatic GPU code generators

    Adaptive optimization for OpenCL programs on embedded heterogeneous systems

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    Heterogeneous multi-core architectures consisting of CPUs and GPUs are commonplace in today’s embedded systems. These architectures offer potential for energy efficient computing if the application task is mapped to the right core. Realizing such potential is challenging due to the complex and evolving nature of hardware and applications. This paper presents an automatic approach to map OpenCL kernels onto heterogeneous multi-cores for a given optimization criterion – whether it is faster runtime, lower energy consumption or a trade-off between them. This is achieved by developing a machine learning based approach to predict which processor to use to run the OpenCL kernel and the host program, and at what frequency the processor should operate. Instead of hand-tuning a model for each optimization metric, we use machine learning to develop a unified framework that first automatically learns the optimization heuristic for each metric off-line, then uses the learned knowledge to schedule OpenCL kernels at runtime based on code and runtime information of the program. We apply our approach to a set of representative OpenCL benchmarks and evaluate it on an ARM big.LITTLE mobile platform. Our approach achieves over 93% of the performance delivered by a perfect predictor.We obtain, on average, 1.2x, 1.6x, and 1.8x improvement respectively for runtime, energy consumption and the energy delay product when compared to a comparative heterogeneous-aware OpenCL task mapping scheme

    Portable performance on heterogeneous architectures

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    Trends in both consumer and high performance computing are bringing not only more cores, but also increased heterogeneity among the computational resources within a single machine. In many machines, one of the greatest computational resources is now their graphics coprocessors (GPUs), not just their primary CPUs. But GPU programming and memory models differ dramatically from conventional CPUs, and the relative performance characteristics of the different processors vary widely between machines. Different processors within a system often perform best with different algorithms and memory usage patterns, and achieving the best overall performance may require mapping portions of programs across all types of resources in the machine. To address the problem of efficiently programming machines with increasingly heterogeneous computational resources, we propose a programming model in which the best mapping of programs to processors and memories is determined empirically. Programs define choices in how their individual algorithms may work, and the compiler generates further choices in how they can map to CPU and GPU processors and memory systems. These choices are given to an empirical autotuning framework that allows the space of possible implementations to be searched at installation time. The rich choice space allows the autotuner to construct poly-algorithms that combine many different algorithmic techniques, using both the CPU and the GPU, to obtain better performance than any one technique alone. Experimental results show that algorithmic changes, and the varied use of both CPUs and GPUs, are necessary to obtain up to a 16.5x speedup over using a single program configuration for all architectures.United States. Dept. of Energy (Award DE-SC0005288)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Award HR0011-10-9-0009)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CCF-0632997

    Machine Learning Based Auto-tuning for Enhanced OpenCL Performance Portability

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    Heterogeneous computing, which combines devices with different architectures, is rising in popularity, and promises increased performance combined with reduced energy consumption. OpenCL has been proposed as a standard for programing such systems, and offers functional portability. It does, however, suffer from poor performance portability, code tuned for one device must be re-tuned to achieve good performance on another device. In this paper, we use machine learning-based auto-tuning to address this problem. Benchmarks are run on a random subset of the entire tuning parameter configuration space, and the results are used to build an artificial neural network based model. The model can then be used to find interesting parts of the parameter space for further search. We evaluate our method with different benchmarks, on several devices, including an Intel i7 3770 CPU, an Nvidia K40 GPU and an AMD Radeon HD 7970 GPU. Our model achieves a mean relative error as low as 6.1%, and is able to find configurations as little as 1.3% worse than the global minimum.Comment: This is a pre-print version an article to be published in the Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). For personal use onl

    pocl: A Performance-Portable OpenCL Implementation

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    OpenCL is a standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems. The benefits of a common programming standard are clear; multiple vendors can provide support for application descriptions written according to the standard, thus reducing the program porting effort. While the standard brings the obvious benefits of platform portability, the performance portability aspects are largely left to the programmer. The situation is made worse due to multiple proprietary vendor implementations with different characteristics, and, thus, required optimization strategies. In this paper, we propose an OpenCL implementation that is both portable and performance portable. At its core is a kernel compiler that can be used to exploit the data parallelism of OpenCL programs on multiple platforms with different parallel hardware styles. The kernel compiler is modularized to perform target-independent parallel region formation separately from the target-specific parallel mapping of the regions to enable support for various styles of fine-grained parallel resources such as subword SIMD extensions, SIMD datapaths and static multi-issue. Unlike previous similar techniques that work on the source level, the parallel region formation retains the information of the data parallelism using the LLVM IR and its metadata infrastructure. This data can be exploited by the later generic compiler passes for efficient parallelization. The proposed open source implementation of OpenCL is also platform portable, enabling OpenCL on a wide range of architectures, both already commercialized and on those that are still under research. The paper describes how the portability of the implementation is achieved. Our results show that most of the benchmarked applications when compiled using pocl were faster or close to as fast as the best proprietary OpenCL implementation for the platform at hand.Comment: This article was published in 2015; it is now openly accessible via arxi

    dOpenCL: Towards a Uniform Programming Approach for Distributed Heterogeneous Multi-/Many-Core Systems

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    Modern computer systems are becoming increasingly heterogeneous by comprising multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and other accelerators. Current programming approaches for such systems usually require the application developer to use a combination of several programming models (e. g., MPI with OpenCL or CUDA) in order to exploit the full compute capability of a system. In this paper, we present dOpenCL (Distributed OpenCL) – a uniform approach to programming distributed heterogeneous systems with accelerators. dOpenCL extends the OpenCL standard, such that arbitrary computing devices installed on any node of a distributed system can be used together within a single application. dOpenCL allows moving data and program code to these devices in a transparent, portable manner. Since dOpenCL is designed as a fully-fledged implementation of the OpenCL API, it allows running existing OpenCL applications in a heterogeneous distributed environment without any modifications. We describe in detail the mechanisms that are required to implement OpenCL for distributed systems, including a device management mechanism for running multiple applications concurrently. Using three application studies, we compare the performance of dOpenCL with MPI+OpenCL and a standard OpenCL implementation
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