132 research outputs found

    Algorithm 959: VBF: A Library of C plus plus Classes for Vector Boolean Functions in Cryptography

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    VBF is a collection of C++ classes designed for analyzing vector Boolean functions (functions that map a Boolean vector to another Boolean vector) from a cryptographic perspective. This implementation uses the NTL library from Victor Shoup, adding new modules that call NTL functions and complement the existing ones, making it better suited to cryptography. The class representing a vector Boolean function can be initialized by several alternative types of data structures such as Truth Table, Trace Representation, and Algebraic Normal Form (ANF), among others. The most relevant cryptographic criteria for both block and stream ciphers as well as for hash functions can be evaluated with VBF: it obtains the nonlinearity, linearity distance, algebraic degree, linear structures, and frequency distribution of the absolute values of the Walsh Spectrum or the Autocorrelation Spectrum, among others. In addition, operations such as equality testing, composition, inversion, sum, direct sum, bricklayering (parallel application of vector Boolean functions as employed in Rijndael cipher), and adding coordinate functions of two vector Boolean functions are presented. Finally, three real applications of the library are described: the first one analyzes the KASUMI block cipher, the second one analyzes the Mini-AES cipher, and the third one finds Boolean functions with very high nonlinearity, a key property for robustness against linear attacks

    MILP-Based Automatic Differential Searches for LEA and HIGHT

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    In this paper we use MILP technique for automatic search for differential characteristics of ARX ciphers LEA and HIGHT. We show that the MILP model of the differential property of modular addition with one constant input can be represented with a much less number of linear inequalities compared to the general case. Benefiting from this new developed model for HIGHT block cipher, we can achieve a reduction of 112r out of 480r in the total number of linear constraints for MILP model of r-round of HIGHT. This saving accelerates the searching process of HIGHT about twice as fast. We enjoy the MILP model to investigate the differential effect of these ciphers and provide a more accurate estimation for the differential probability, as well. Our observations show that despite HIGHT, LEA exhibits a strong differential effect. The details of differential effects are reflected in a more compact manner using the newly defined notion of probability polynomial. The results gained by this method improve or extend the previous results as follows. For LEA block cipher, we found more efficient 12 and 13-round differentials whose probabilities are better than the best previous 12 and 13-round differentials for a factor of about 2^6 and 2^7, respectively. In the case of HIGHT block cipher, we found two new 12 and 13-round differentials, though with the same best reported probabilities

    Related-Tweakey Impossible Differential Attack on Reduced-Round Deoxys-BC-256

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    Deoxys-BC is the internal tweakable block cipher of Deoxys, a third-round authenticated encryption candidate at the CAESAR competition. In this study, by adequately studying the tweakey schedule, we seek a six-round related-tweakey impossible distinguisher of Deoxys-BC-256, which is transformed from a 3.5-round single-key impossible distinguisher of AES, by application of the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) method. We present a detailed description of this interesting transformation method and the MILP-modeling process. Based on this distinguisher, we mount a key-recovery attack on 10 (out of 14) rounds of Deoxys-BC-256. Compared to previous results that are valid only when the key size >204>204 and the tweak size <52<52, our method can attack 10-round Deoxys-BC-256 as long as the key size 174\geq174 and the tweak size 82\leq82. For the popular setting in which the key size is 192 bits, we can attack one round more than previous works. This version gives the distinguisher and the attack differential which follows the description of the hh permutation in the Deoxys document, instead of that in the Deoxys reference implementation in the SUPERCOP package, which is wrong confirmed by the designers. Note that this work only gives a more accurate security evaluation and does not threaten the security of full-round Deoxys-BC-256

    MILP-Based Automatic Search Algorithms for Differential and Linear Trails for Speck

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    In recent years, Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) has been successfully applied in searching for differential characteristics and linear approximations in block ciphers and has produced the significant results for some ciphers such as SIMON (a family of lightweight and hardware-optimized block ciphers designed by NSA) etc. However, in the literature, the MILP-based automatic search algorithm for differential characteristics and linear approximations is still infeasible for block ciphers such as ARX constructions. In this paper, we propose an MILP-based method for automatic search for differential characteristics and linear approximations in ARX ciphers. By researching the properties of differential characteristic and linear approximation of modular addition in ARX ciphers, we present a method to describe the differential characteristic and linear approximation with linear inequalities under the assumptions of independent inputs to the modular addition and independent rounds. We use this representation as an input to the publicly available MILP optimizer Gurobi to search for differential characteristics and linear approximations for ARX ciphers. As an illustration, we apply our method to Speck, a family of lightweight and software-optimized block ciphers designed by NSA, which results in the improved differential characteristics and linear approximations compared with the existing ones. Moreover, we provide the improved differential attacks on Speck48, Speck64, Speck96 and Speck128, which are the best attacks on them in terms of the number of rounds

    On Two Factors Affecting the Efficiency of MILP Models in Automated Cryptanalyses

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    In recent years, mixed integer linear programming (MILP, in short) gradually becomes a popular tool of automated cryptanalyses in symmetric ciphers, which can be used to search differential characteristics and linear approximations with high probability/correlation. A key problem in the MILP method is how to build a proper model that can be solved efficiently in the MILP solvers like Gurobi or Cplex. It is known that a MILP problem is NP-hard, and the numbers of variables and inequalities are two important measures of its scale and time complexity. Whilst the solution space and the variables in many MILP models built for symmetric cryptanalyses are fixed without introducing dummy variables, the cardinality, i.e., the number of inequalities, is a main factor that might affect the runtime of MILP models. We notice that the norm of a MILP model, i.e., the maximal absolute value of all coefficients in its inequalities, is also an important factor affecting its runtime. In this work we will illustrate the effects of two parameters cardinality and norm of inequalities on the runtime of Gurobi by a large number of cryptanalysis experiments. Here we choose the popular MILP solver Gurobi and view it a black box, construct a large number of MILP models with different cardinalities or norms by means of differential analyses and impossible differential analyses for some classic block ciphers with SPN structure, and observe their runtimes in Gurobi. As a result, our experiments show that although minimizing the number of inequalities and the norm of coefficients might not always minimize the runtime, it is still a better choice in most situations

    The Relationship between the Construction and Solution of the MILP Models and Applications

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    The automatic search method based on Mix-integer Linear Programming (MILP) is one of the most common tools to search the distinguishers of block ciphers. For differential analysis, the byte-oriented MILP model is usually used to count the number of differential active s-boxes and the bit-oriented MILP model is used to search the optimal differential characteristic. In this paper, we present the influences between the construction and solution of MILP models solved by Gurobi : 1). the number of variables; 2). the number of constraints; 3). the order of the constraints; 4). the order of variables in constraints. We carefully construct the MILP models according to these influences in order to find the desired results in a reasonable time. As applications, we search the differential characteristic of PRESENT,GIFT-64 and GIFT-128 in the single-key setting. We do a dual processing for the constraints of the s-box. It only takes 298 seconds to finish the search of the 8-round optimal differential characteristic based on the new MILP model. We also obtain the optimal differential characteristic of the 9/10/11-round PRESENT. With a special initial constraint, it only takes 4 seconds to obtain a 9-round differential characteristic with probability 2422^{-42}. We also get a 12/13-round differential characteristic with probability 258/2622^{-58}/2^{-62}. For GIFT-128, we improve the probability of differential characteristic of 9219 \sim 21 rounds and give the first attack on 26-round GIFT-128 based on a 20-round differential characteristic with probability 2121.4152^{-121.415}

    Related-Key Differential Attack on Round Reduced RECTANGLE-80

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    RECTANGLE is a newly proposed lightweight block cipher which allows fast implementations for multiple platforms by using bit-slice techniques. It is an iterative 25-round SPN block cipher with a 64-bit block size and a 80-bit or 128-bit key size. Until now, the results on analyzing the cipher are not too much, which includes an attack on the 18-round reduced version proposed by the designers themselves. In this paper, we find all 15-round differential characteristics with 26--30 active S-boxes for given input, output and round subkey differences, which have a total probability 260.52^{-60.5}. Based on these differential characteristics, we extend the corresponding distinguisher to 2 rounds backward and forward respectively, and propose an attack on the 19-round reduced RECTANGLE-80 with data complexity of 2622^{62} plaintexts, time complexity of about 267.422^{67.42} encryptions and memory complexity of 2722^{72}. TThese data and time complexities are much lower than that of the designers for the 18-round reduced RECTANGLE-80

    Towards Finding the Best Characteristics of Some Bit-oriented Block Ciphers and Automatic Enumeration of (Related-key) Differential and Linear Characteristics with Predefined Properties

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    In this paper, we investigate the Mixed-integer Linear Programming (MILP) modelling of the differential and linear behavior of a wide range of block ciphers. We point out that the differential behavior of an arbitrary S-box can be exactly described by a small system of linear inequalities. ~~~~~Based on this observation and MILP technique, we propose an automatic method for finding high probability (related-key) differential or linear characteristics of block ciphers. Compared with Sun {\it et al.}\u27s {\it heuristic} method presented in Asiacrypt 2014, the new method is {\it exact} for most ciphers in the sense that every feasible 0-1 solution of the MILP model generated by the new method corresponds to a valid characteristic, and therefore there is no need to repeatedly add valid cutting-off inequalities into the MILP model as is done in Sun {\it et al.}\u27s method; the new method is more powerful which allows us to get the {\it exact lower bounds} of the number of differentially or linearly active S-boxes; and the new method is more efficient which allows to obtain characteristic with higher probability or covering more rounds of a cipher (sometimes with less computational effort). ~~~~~Further, by encoding the probability information of the differentials of an S-boxes into its differential patterns, we present a novel MILP modelling technique which can be used to search for the characteristics with the maximal probability, rather than the characteristics with the smallest number of active S-boxes. With this technique, we are able to get tighter security bounds and find better characteristics. ~~~~~Moreover, by employing a type of specially constructed linear inequalities which can remove {\it exactly one} feasible 0-1 solution from the feasible region of an MILP problem, we propose a method for automatic enumeration of {\it all} (related-key) differential or linear characteristics with some predefined properties, {\it e.g.}, characteristics with given input or/and output difference/mask, or with a limited number of active S-boxes. Such a method is very useful in the automatic (related-key) differential analysis, truncated (related-key) differential analysis, linear hull analysis, and the automatic construction of (related-key) boomerang/rectangle distinguishers. ~~~~~The methods presented in this paper are very simple and straightforward, based on which we implement a Python framework for automatic cryptanalysis, and extensive experiments are performed using this framework. To demonstrate the usefulness of these methods, we apply them to SIMON, PRESENT, Serpent, LBlock, DESL, and we obtain some improved cryptanalytic results

    Explointing FPGA block memories for protected cryptographic implementations

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    Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are power packed with features to facilitate designers. Availability of features like huge block memory (BRAM), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) cores, embedded CPU makes the design strategy of FPGAs quite different from ASICs. FPGA are also widely used in security-critical application where protection against known attacks is of prime importance. We focus ourselves on physical attacks which target physical implementations. To design countermeasures against such attacks, the strategy for FPGA designers should also be different from that in ASIC. The available features should be exploited to design compact and strong countermeasures. In this paper, we propose methods to exploit the BRAMs in FPGAs for designing compact countermeasures. BRAM can be used to optimize intrinsic countermeasures like masking and dual-rail logic, which otherwise have significant overhead (at least 2X). The optimizations are applied on a real AES-128 co-processor and tested for area overhead and resistance on Xilinx Virtex-5 chips. The presented masking countermeasure has an overhead of only 16% when applied on AES. Moreover Dual-rail Precharge Logic (DPL) countermeasure has been optimized to pack the whole sequential part in the BRAM, hence enhancing the security. Proper robustness evaluations are conducted to analyze the optimization for area and security