36 research outputs found

    PepSeeker: a database of proteome peptide identifications for investigating fragmentation patterns

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    Proteome science relies on bioinformatics tools to characterize proteins via their proteolytic peptides which are identified via characteristic mass spectra generated after their ions undergo fragmentation in the gas phase within the mass spectrometer. The resulting secondary ion mass spectra are compared with protein sequence databases in order to identify the amino acid sequence. Although these search tools (e.g. SEQUEST, Mascot, X!Tandem, Phenyx) are frequently successful, much is still not understood about the amino acid sequence patterns which promote/protect particular fragmentation pathways, and hence lead to the presence/absence of particular ions from different ion series. In order to advance this area, we have developed a database, PepSeeker (), which captures this peptide identification and ion information from proteome experiments. The database currently contains >185 000 peptides and associated database search information. Users may query this resource to retrieve peptide, protein and spectral information based on protein or peptide information, including the amino acid sequence itself represented by regular expressions coupled with ion series information. We believe this database will be useful to proteome researchers wishing to understand gas phase peptide ion chemistry in order to improve peptide identification strategies. Questions can be addressed to [email protected]

    An Out-of-Core GPU based dimensionality reduction algorithm for Big Mass Spectrometry Data and its application in bottom-up Proteomics

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    Modern high resolution Mass Spectrometry instruments can generate millions of spectra in a single systems biology experiment. Each spectrum consists of thousands of peaks but only a small number of peaks actively contribute to deduction of peptides. Therefore, pre-processing of MS data to detect noisy and non-useful peaks are an active area of research. Most of the sequential noise reducing algorithms are impractical to use as a pre-processing step due to high time-complexity. In this paper, we present a GPU based dimensionality-reduction algorithm, called G-MSR, for MS2 spectra. Our proposed algorithm uses novel data structures which optimize the memory and computational operations inside GPU. These novel data structures include Binary Spectra and Quantized Indexed Spectra (QIS). The former helps in communicating essential information between CPU and GPU using minimum amount of data while latter enables us to store and process complex 3-D data structure into a 1-D array structure while maintaining the integrity of MS data. Our proposed algorithm also takes into account the limited memory of GPUs and switches between in-core and out-of-core modes based upon the size of input data. G-MSR achieves a peak speed-up of 386x over its sequential counterpart and is shown to process over a million spectra in just 32 seconds. The code for this algorithm is available as a GPL open-source at GitHub at the following link: https://github.com/pcdslab/G-MSR

    A Dynamic Noise Level Algorithm for Spectral Screening of Peptide MS/MS Spectra

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High-throughput shotgun proteomics data contain a significant number of spectra from non-peptide ions or spectra of too poor quality to obtain highly confident peptide identifications. These spectra cannot be identified with any positive peptide matches in some database search programs or are identified with false positives in others. Removing these spectra can improve the database search results and lower computational expense.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A new algorithm has been developed to filter tandem mass spectra of poor quality from shotgun proteomic experiments. The algorithm determines the noise level dynamically and independently for each spectrum in a tandem mass spectrometric data set. Spectra are filtered based on a minimum number of required signal peaks with a signal-to-noise ratio of 2. The algorithm was tested with 23 sample data sets containing 62,117 total spectra.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The spectral screening removed 89.0% of the tandem mass spectra that did not yield a peptide match when searched with the MassMatrix database search software. Only 6.0% of tandem mass spectra that yielded peptide matches considered to be true positive matches were lost after spectral screening. The algorithm was found to be very effective at removal of unidentified spectra in other database search programs including Mascot, OMSSA, and X!Tandem (75.93%-91.00%) with a small loss (3.59%-9.40%) of true positive matches.</p

    A machine learning approach to explore the spectra intensity pattern of peptides using tandem mass spectrometry data

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    Background: A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in gas-phase fragmentation of peptides is essential for the development of more reliable algorithms for high-throughput protein identification using mass spectrometry (MS). Current methodologies depend predominantly on the use of derived m/z values of fragment ions, and, the knowledge provided by the intensity information present in MS/MS spectra has not been fully exploited. Indeed spectrum intensity information is very rarely utilized in the algorithms currently in use for high-throughput protein identification. Results: In this work, a Bayesian neural network approach is employed to analyze ion intensity information present in 13878 different MS/MS spectra. The influence of a library of 35 features on peptide fragmentation is examined under different proton mobility conditions. Useful rules involved in peptide fragmentation are found and subsets of features which have significant influence on fragmentation pathway of peptides are characterised. An intensity model is built based on the selected features and the model can make an accurate prediction of the intensity patterns for given MS/MS spectra. The predictions include not only the mean values of spectra intensity but also the variances that can be used to tolerate noises and system biases within experimental MS/MS spectra. Conclusion: The intensity patterns of fragmentation spectra are informative and can be used to analyze the influence of various characteristics of fragmented peptides on their fragmentation pathway. The features with significant influence can be used in turn to predict spectra intensities. Such information can help develop more reliable algorithms for peptide and protein identification

    An unsupervised machine learning method for assessing quality of tandem mass spectra

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a single proteomic project, tandem mass spectrometers can produce hundreds of millions of tandem mass spectra. However, majority of tandem mass spectra are of poor quality, it wastes time to search them for peptides. Therefore, the quality assessment (before database search) is very useful in the pipeline of protein identification via tandem mass spectra, especially on the reduction of searching time and the decrease of false identifications. Most existing methods for quality assessment are supervised machine learning methods based on a number of features which describe the quality of tandem mass spectra. These methods need the training datasets with knowing the quality of all spectra, which are usually unavailable for the new datasets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study proposes an unsupervised machine learning method for quality assessment of tandem mass spectra without any training dataset. This proposed method estimates the conditional probabilities of spectra being high quality from the quality assessments based on individual features. The probabilities are estimated through a constraint optimization problem. An efficient algorithm is developed to solve the constraint optimization problem and is proved to be convergent. Experimental results on two datasets illustrate that if we search only tandem spectra with the high quality determined by the proposed method, we can save about 56 % and 62% of database searching time while losing only a small amount of high-quality spectra.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results indicate that the proposed method has a good performance for the quality assessment of tandem mass spectra and the way we estimate the conditional probabilities is effective.</p

    msmsEval: tandem mass spectral quality assignment for high-throughput proteomics

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    BACKGROUND: In proteomics experiments, database-search programs are the method of choice for protein identification from tandem mass spectra. As amino acid sequence databases grow however, computing resources required for these programs have become prohibitive, particularly in searches for modified proteins. Recently, methods to limit the number of spectra to be searched based on spectral quality have been proposed by different research groups, but rankings of spectral quality have thus far been based on arbitrary cut-off values. In this work, we develop a more readily interpretable spectral quality statistic by providing probability values for the likelihood that spectra will be identifiable. RESULTS: We describe an application, msmsEval, that builds on previous work by statistically modeling the spectral quality discriminant function using a Gaussian mixture model. This allows a researcher to filter spectra based on the probability that a spectrum will ultimately be identified by database searching. We show that spectra that are predicted by msmsEval to be of high quality, yet remain unidentified in standard database searches, are candidates for more intensive search strategies. Using a well studied public dataset we also show that a high proportion (83.9%) of the spectra predicted by msmsEval to be of high quality but that elude standard search strategies, are in fact interpretable. CONCLUSION: msmsEval will be useful for high-throughput proteomics projects and is freely available for download from . Supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix operating systems

    Integrated data management and validation platform for phosphorylated tandem mass spectrometry data

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    MS/MS is a widely used method for proteome-wide analysis of protein expression and PTMs. The thousands of MS/MS spectra produced from a single experiment pose a major challenge for downstream analysis. Standard programs, such as MASCOT, provide peptide assignments for many of the spectra, including identification of PTM sites, but these results are plagued by false-positive identifications. In phosphoproteomic experiments, only a single peptide assignment is typically available to support identification of each phosphorylation site, and hence minimizing false positives is critical. Thus, tedious manual validation is often required to increase confidence in the spectral assignments. We have developed phoMSVal, an open-source platform for managing MS/MS data and automatically validating identified phosphopeptides. We tested five classification algorithms with 17 extracted features to separate correct peptide assignments from incorrect ones using over 2600 manually curated spectra. The naïve Bayes algorithm was among the best classifiers with an AUC value of 97% and PPV of 97% for phosphotyrosine data. This classifier required only three features to achieve a 76% decrease in false positives as compared with MASCOT while retaining 97% of true positives. This algorithm was able to classify an independent phosphoserine/threonine data set with AUC value of 93% and PPV of 91%, demonstrating the applicability of this method for all types of phospho-MS/MS data. PhoMSVal is available at http://csbi.ltdk.helsinki.fi/phomsval.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Progra

    Statistical quality assessment and outlier detection for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quality assessment methods, that are common place in engineering and industrial production, are not widely spread in large-scale proteomics experiments. But modern technologies such as Multi-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) produce large quantities of proteomic data. These data are prone to measurement errors and reproducibility problems such that an automatic quality assessment and control become increasingly important.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a methodology to assess the quality and reproducibility of data generated in quantitative LC-MS experiments. We introduce quality descriptors that capture different aspects of the quality and reproducibility of LC-MS data sets. Our method is based on the Mahalanobis distance and a robust Principal Component Analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We evaluate our approach on several data sets of different complexities and show that we are able to precisely detect LC-MS runs of poor signal quality in large-scale studies.</p