8 research outputs found

    Towards Reliable Concurrent Software

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    As the use of concurrent software is increasing, we urgently need techniques to establish the correctness of such applications. Over the last years, significant progress has been made in the area of software verification, making verification techniques usable for realistic applications. However, much of this work concentrates on sequential software, and a next step is necessary to apply these results also on realistic concurrent software. In this paper, we outline a research agenda to realise this goal. We argue that current techniques for verification of concurrent software need to be further developed in multiple directions: extending the class of properties that can be established, improving the level of automation that is available for this kind of verification, and enlarging the class of concurrent programs that can be verified

    SAILS: static analysis of information leakage with Sample

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, we introduce Sails, a new tool that combines Sample, a generic static analyzer, and a sophisticated domain for leakage analysis. This tool does not require to modify the original language, since it works with mainstream languages like Java, and it does not require any manual annotation. Sails can combine the information leakage analysis with different heap abstractions, inferring information leakage over programs dealing with complex data structures. We applied Sails to the analysis of the SecuriBench-micro suite. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach

    Witnessing the elimination of magic wands

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    This paper discusses the use and verification of magic wands. Magic wands are used to specify incomplete resources in separation logic, i.e., if missing resources are provided, a magic wand allows one to exchange these for the completed resources. We show how the magic wand operator is suitable to describe loop invariants for algorithms that traverse a data structure, such as the imperative version of the tree delete problem (Challenge 3 from the VerifyThis@FM2012 Program Verification Competition). Most separation-logic-based verification tools do not provide support for magic wands, possibly because validity of formulas containing the magic wand is, by itself, undecidable. To avoid this problem, in our approach the program annotator has to provide a witness for the magic wand, thus circumventing undecidability due to the use of magic wands. We show how this witness information is used to encode a specification with magic wands as a specification without magic wands. Concretely this approach is used in the VerCors tool set: annotated Java programs are encoded as Chalice programs. Chalice then further translates the program to BoogiePL, where appropriate proof obligations are generated. Besides our encoding of magic wands, we also discuss the encoding of other aspects of annotated Java programs into Chalice, and in particular, the encoding of abstract predicates with permission parameters. We illustrate our approach on the tree delete algorithm, and on the verification of an iterator of a linked list

    Witnessing the elimination of magic wands

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    This paper discusses static verification of programs that have been specified using separation logic with magic wands. Magic wands are used to specify incomplete resources in separation logic, i.e., if missing resources are provided, a magic wand allows one to exchange these for the completed resources. One of the applications of the magic wand operator is to describe loop invariants for algorithms that traverse a data structure, such as the imperative version of the tree delete problem (Challenge 3 from the VerifyThis@FM2012 Program Verification Competition), which is the motivating example for our work.\ud \ud Most separation logic based static verification tools do not provide support for magic wands, possibly because validity of formulas containing the magic wand is, by itself, undecidable. To avoid this problem, in our approach the program annotator has to provide a witness for the magic wand, thus circumventing undecidability due to the use of magic wands. A witness is an object that encodes both instructions for the permission exchange that is specified by the magic wand and the extra resources needed during that exchange. We show how this witness information is used to encode a specification with magic wands as a specification without magic wands. Concretely, this approach is used in the VerCors tool set: annotated Java programs are encoded as Chalice programs. Chalice then further translates the program to BoogiePL, where appropriate proof obligations are generated. Besides our encoding of magic wands, we also discuss the encoding of other aspects of annotated Java programs into Chalice, and in particular, the encoding of abstract predicates with permission parameters. We illustrate our approach on the tree delete algorithm, and on the verification of an iterator of a linked list

    Generic Combination of Heap and Value Analyses in Abstract Interpretation

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    Abstract. Abstract interpretation has been widely applied to approx-imate data structures and (usually numerical) value information. One needs to combine them to effectively apply static analysis to real software. Nevertheless, they have been studied mainly as orthogonal problems so far. In this context, we introduce a generic framework that, given a heap and a value analysis, combines them, and we formally prove its soundness. The heap analysis approximates concrete locations with heap identifiers, that can be materialized or merged. Meanwhile, the value analysis tracks information both on variable and heap identifiers, taking into account when heap identifiers are merged or materialized. We show how existing pointer and shape analyses, as well as numerical domains, can be plugged in our framework. As far as we know, this is the first sound generic automatic framework combining heap and value analyses that allows to freely manage heap identifiers.

    Coping with the reality: adding crucial features to a typestate-oriented language

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    Detecting programming errors and vulnerabilities in software is increasingly important, and building tools that help with this task is an area of investigation, crucial for the industry these days. When programming in an object-oriented language, one naturally defines stateful objects that are non-uniform, i.e., their methods’ availability depends on their internal state. One might represent their intended usage protocol with an automaton or a state machine. Behavioral types allow to statically check if all the code of a program respects the usage protocol of each object. In this thesis we present a tool that extends Java with typestate definitions. These typestates are associated with Java classes and define the behavior of instances of those classes, specifying the sequences of method calls allowed. This tool checks statically that method calls happen in order, following the specified behavior. The tool was implemented in Kotlin as a plugin for the Checker Framework. It is a new implementation of the Mungo tool and supports prevention of null pointer errors, state transitions depending on return values, assurance of protocol completion, droppable states, and association of protocols with classes from the standard Java library or from third-party libraries. Additionally, the tool integrates behavioral types with access permissions, allowing objects to be shared in a controlled way using a language of assertions. This language of assertions supports concepts like packing and unpacking, including unpacking of aliases objects, and transferring of permissions between aliases. To relieve the programmer from manually writing all the necessary assertions, the tool implements an inference algorithm which analyzes the code statically and, given the uses of objects, constructs all the required assertions.A deteção de erros de programação e vulnerabilidades no software é cada vez mais importante, e a criação de ferramentas que ajudem nesta tarefa é uma área de investigação crucial para a indústria atualmente. Ao programar numa linguagem orientada a objetos, definem-se naturalmente objetos com estado que não são uniformes, ou seja, a disponibilidade dos seus métodos depende do seu estado interno. Pode-se representar o protocolo de uso pretendido com um autómato ou uma máquina de estados. Os tipos comportamentais permitem verificar estaticamente se todo o código de um programa respeita o protocolo de uso de cada objeto. Nesta tese apresentamos uma ferramenta que estende o Java com definições de typestates. Esses estão associados às classes Java e definem o comportamento das instâncias dessas classes, especificando as sequências de chamadas de métodos permitidas. Esta ferramenta verifica estaticamente se as chamadas de métodos ocorrem pela ordem correta, seguindo o comportamento especificado. A ferramenta foi implementada em Kotlin como um plugin para o Checker Framework. É uma implementação nova da ferramenta Mungo e suporta a prevenção de erros de ponteiro nulo, transições de estado dependendo de valores de retorno, asseguração da conclusão dos protocolos, objetos que podem ser «largados», e a associação de protocolos com classes da biblioteca padrão do Java ou de terceiros. Além disso, esta integra tipos comportamentais com permissões de acesso, permitindo que objetos possam ser partilhados por meio de uma linguagem de asserções. Esta linguagem de asserções oferece suporte para conceitos como packing e unpacking, incluindo unpacking de objetos partilhados, e transferência de permissões entre variáveis que apontam para o mesmo objeto. Para aliviar o programador de escrever manualmente todas as asserções necessárias, a ferramenta implementa um algoritmo de inferência que analisa o código estaticamente e, consoante os usos dos objetos, constrói todas as asserções necessárias

    Specification and Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent Programs

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    Automatic Inference of Access Permissions

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    Abstract. Access permissions are used in several program verification approaches such as those based on separation logic or implicit dynamic frames to simplify framing and to provide a basis for reasoning about concurrent code. However, access permissions increase the annotation overhead because programmers need to specify for each program component which permissions it requires or provides. We present a new static analysis based on abstract interpretation to infer access permissions automatically. Our analysis computes a symbolic approximation of the permissions owned for each heap location at each program point and infers a constraint system over these symbolic permissions that reflects the permission requirements of each heap access in the program. The constraint system is solved using linear programming. Our analysis is parametric in the permission system and supports, for instance, fractional and counting permissions. Experimental results demonstrate that our analysis is fast and is able to infer almost all access permissions for our case studies.