1,646 research outputs found

    Image annotation and retrieval based on multi-modal feature clustering and similarity propagation.

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    The performance of content-based image retrieval systems has proved to be inherently constrained by the used low level features, and cannot give satisfactory results when the user\u27s high level concepts cannot be expressed by low level features. In an attempt to bridge this semantic gap, recent approaches started integrating both low level-visual features and high-level textual keywords. Unfortunately, manual image annotation is a tedious process and may not be possible for large image databases. In this thesis we propose a system for image retrieval that has three mains components. The first component of our system consists of a novel possibilistic clustering and feature weighting algorithm based on robust modeling of the Generalized Dirichlet (GD) finite mixture. Robust estimation of the mixture model parameters is achieved by incorporating two complementary types of membership degrees. The first one is a posterior probability that indicates the degree to which a point fits the estimated distribution. The second membership represents the degree of typicality and is used to indentify and discard noise points. Robustness to noisy and irrelevant features is achieved by transforming the data to make the features independent and follow Beta distribution, and learning optimal relevance weight for each feature subset within each cluster. We extend our algorithm to find the optimal number of clusters in an unsupervised and efficient way by exploiting some properties of the possibilistic membership function. We also outline a semi-supervised version of the proposed algorithm. In the second component of our system consists of a novel approach to unsupervised image annotation. Our approach is based on: (i) the proposed semi-supervised possibilistic clustering; (ii) a greedy selection and joining algorithm (GSJ); (iii) Bayes rule; and (iv) a probabilistic model that is based on possibilistic memebership degrees to annotate an image. The third component of the proposed system consists of an image retrieval framework based on multi-modal similarity propagation. The proposed framework is designed to deal with two data modalities: low-level visual features and high-level textual keywords generated by our proposed image annotation algorithm. The multi-modal similarity propagation system exploits the mutual reinforcement of relational data and results in a nonlinear combination of the different modalities. Specifically, it is used to learn the semantic similarities between images by leveraging the relationships between features from the different modalities. The proposed image annotation and retrieval approaches are implemented and tested with a standard benchmark dataset. We show the effectiveness of our clustering algorithm to handle high dimensional and noisy data. We compare our proposed image annotation approach to three state-of-the-art methods and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed image retrieval system

    Knowledge-rich Image Gist Understanding Beyond Literal Meaning

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    We investigate the problem of understanding the message (gist) conveyed by images and their captions as found, for instance, on websites or news articles. To this end, we propose a methodology to capture the meaning of image-caption pairs on the basis of large amounts of machine-readable knowledge that has previously been shown to be highly effective for text understanding. Our method identifies the connotation of objects beyond their denotation: where most approaches to image understanding focus on the denotation of objects, i.e., their literal meaning, our work addresses the identification of connotations, i.e., iconic meanings of objects, to understand the message of images. We view image understanding as the task of representing an image-caption pair on the basis of a wide-coverage vocabulary of concepts such as the one provided by Wikipedia, and cast gist detection as a concept-ranking problem with image-caption pairs as queries. To enable a thorough investigation of the problem of gist understanding, we produce a gold standard of over 300 image-caption pairs and over 8,000 gist annotations covering a wide variety of topics at different levels of abstraction. We use this dataset to experimentally benchmark the contribution of signals from heterogeneous sources, namely image and text. The best result with a Mean Average Precision (MAP) of 0.69 indicate that by combining both dimensions we are able to better understand the meaning of our image-caption pairs than when using language or vision information alone. We test the robustness of our gist detection approach when receiving automatically generated input, i.e., using automatically generated image tags or generated captions, and prove the feasibility of an end-to-end automated process

    Bridging the semantic gap in content-based image retrieval.

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    To manage large image databases, Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) emerged as a new research subject. CBIR involves the development of automated methods to use visual features in searching and retrieving. Unfortunately, the performance of most CBIR systems is inherently constrained by the low-level visual features because they cannot adequately express the user\u27s high-level concepts. This is known as the semantic gap problem. This dissertation introduces a new approach to CBIR that attempts to bridge the semantic gap. Our approach includes four components. The first one learns a multi-modal thesaurus that associates low-level visual profiles with high-level keywords. This is accomplished through image segmentation, feature extraction, and clustering of image regions. The second component uses the thesaurus to annotate images in an unsupervised way. This is accomplished through fuzzy membership functions to label new regions based on their proximity to the profiles in the thesaurus. The third component consists of an efficient and effective method for fusing the retrieval results from the multi-modal features. Our method is based on learning and adapting fuzzy membership functions to the distribution of the features\u27 distances and assigning a degree of worthiness to each feature. The fourth component provides the user with the option to perform hybrid querying and query expansion. This allows the enrichment of a visual query with textual data extracted from the automatically labeled images in the database. The four components are integrated into a complete CBIR system that can run in three different and complementary modes. The first mode allows the user to query using an example image. The second mode allows the user to specify positive and/or negative sample regions that should or should not be included in the retrieved images. The third mode uses a Graphical Text Interface to allow the user to browse the database interactively using a combination of low-level features and high-level concepts. The proposed system and ail of its components and modes are implemented and validated using a large data collection for accuracy, performance, and improvement over traditional CBIR techniques

    Visually-Enabled Active Deep Learning for (Geo) Text and Image Classification: A Review

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    This paper investigates recent research on active learning for (geo) text and image classification, with an emphasis on methods that combine visual analytics and/or deep learning. Deep learning has attracted substantial attention across many domains of science and practice, because it can find intricate patterns in big data; but successful application of the methods requires a big set of labeled data. Active learning, which has the potential to address the data labeling challenge, has already had success in geospatial applications such as trajectory classification from movement data and (geo) text and image classification. This review is intended to be particularly relevant for extension of these methods to GISience, to support work in domains such as geographic information retrieval from text and image repositories, interpretation of spatial language, and related geo-semantics challenges. Specifically, to provide a structure for leveraging recent advances, we group the relevant work into five categories: active learning, visual analytics, active learning with visual analytics, active deep learning, plus GIScience and Remote Sensing (RS) using active learning and active deep learning. Each category is exemplified by recent influential work. Based on this framing and our systematic review of key research, we then discuss some of the main challenges of integrating active learning with visual analytics and deep learning, and point out research opportunities from technical and application perspectives-for application-based opportunities, with emphasis on those that address big data with geospatial components

    Socializing the Semantic Gap: A Comparative Survey on Image Tag Assignment, Refinement and Retrieval

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    Where previous reviews on content-based image retrieval emphasize on what can be seen in an image to bridge the semantic gap, this survey considers what people tag about an image. A comprehensive treatise of three closely linked problems, i.e., image tag assignment, refinement, and tag-based image retrieval is presented. While existing works vary in terms of their targeted tasks and methodology, they rely on the key functionality of tag relevance, i.e. estimating the relevance of a specific tag with respect to the visual content of a given image and its social context. By analyzing what information a specific method exploits to construct its tag relevance function and how such information is exploited, this paper introduces a taxonomy to structure the growing literature, understand the ingredients of the main works, clarify their connections and difference, and recognize their merits and limitations. For a head-to-head comparison between the state-of-the-art, a new experimental protocol is presented, with training sets containing 10k, 100k and 1m images and an evaluation on three test sets, contributed by various research groups. Eleven representative works are implemented and evaluated. Putting all this together, the survey aims to provide an overview of the past and foster progress for the near future.Comment: to appear in ACM Computing Survey

    Learning from text and images: generative and discriminative models for partially labeled data

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    Image annotation is a challenging task of assigning keywords to an image given the content of an image. It has a variety of applications in multi-media data-mining and computer vision. Traditional machine learning approaches to image annotation require large amounts of labeled data. This requirement is often unrealistic, as obtaining labeled data is, in general, expensive and time consuming. However, large amounts of weakly labeled data and tagged images is readily available, in particular in the web and social network communities. In this thesis we address the problem of image annotation using weak supervision. In particular, we formulate the problem of image annotation as multiple instance multiple label learning problem and propose generative and discriminative models to tackle this learning problem. Multiple instance multiple label learning is a generalization of supervised learning in which the training examples are bags of instances and each bag is labeled with a set of labels. We explore two learning frameworks: generative and discriminative, and propose models within each framework to address the problem of assigning text keywords to images. The first approach, the generative model attempts to describe the process according to which the data was generated, and then learn its parameters from the data. This model is a non-parametric generalization of the known mixture model used in the past. We extend this model to a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process which allows for countably infinite mixture components. Our experimental evaluation shows that the performance of this model does not depend on the number of mixture components, unlike the standard mixture model which suffers from over-fitting for a large number of mixture components. The second approach is a discriminative model, which unlike generative model answers the following question: given the input bag of instances what is the most likely assignment of labels to the bag. We address this problem by learning as many classifiers as there are possible labels and force the classifiers to share weights using trace-norm regularization. We show that the performance of this model is comparable to the state-of-the-art multiple instance multiple label classifiers and that unlike some state-of-the-art models, it is scalable and practical for datasets with a large number of training instances and possible labels. Finally we generalize the discriminative model to a semi-supervised setting to allow the model take advantage of labeled and unlabeled data. We do so by assuming that the data lies in a low-dimensional manifold and introducing a penalty that enforces the classifiers assign similar labels to indirectly similar instances (i.e. instances that are near-by in the manifold space). The manifold is learned by constructing a similarity neighborhood graph over bags, and then graph-Laplacian is used to compute the penalty term
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