376 research outputs found

    Planetary Crater Detection and Registration Using Marked Point Processes, Multiple Birth and Death Algorithms, and Region-Based Analysis

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    Because of the large variety of sensors and spacecraft collecting data, planetary science needs to integrate various multi-sensor and multi-temporal images. These multiple data represent a precious asset, as they allow the study of targets spectral responses and of changes in the surface structure; because of their variety, they also require accurate and robust registration. A new crater detection algorithm, used to extract features that will be integrated in an image registration framework, is presented. A marked point process-based method has been developed to model the spatial distribution of elliptical objects (i.e. the craters) and a birth-death Markov chain Monte Carlo method, coupled with a region-based scheme aiming at computational efficiency, is used to find the optimal configuration fitting the image. The extracted features are exploited, together with a newly defined fitness function based on a modified Hausdorff distance, by an image registration algorithm whose architecture has been designed to minimize the computational time

    A Systematic Solution to Multi-Instrument Coregistration of High-Resolution Planetary Images to an Orthorectified Baseline

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    We address the problem of automatically coregistering planetary images to a common baseline, introducing a novel generic technique that achieves an unprecedented robustness to different image inputs, thus making batch-mode coregistration achievable without requiring the usual parameter tweaking. We introduce a novel image matching technique, which boosts matching performance even under the most strenuous circumstances, and experimentally demonstrate validation through an extensive experimental multi-instrument setup that includes images from eight high-resolution data sets of the Mars and the Moon. The technique is further tested in a batch-mode processing, in which approximately 1.6% of all high-resolution Martian imagery is coregistered to a common baseline

    Airborne LiDAR for DEM generation: some critical issues

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    Airborne LiDAR is one of the most effective and reliable means of terrain data collection. Using LiDAR data for DEM generation is becoming a standard practice in spatial related areas. However, the effective processing of the raw LiDAR data and the generation of an efficient and high-quality DEM remain big challenges. This paper reviews the recent advances of airborne LiDAR systems and the use of LiDAR data for DEM generation, with special focus on LiDAR data filters, interpolation methods, DEM resolution, and LiDAR data reduction. Separating LiDAR points into ground and non-ground is the most critical and difficult step for DEM generation from LiDAR data. Commonly used and most recently developed LiDAR filtering methods are presented. Interpolation methods and choices of suitable interpolator and DEM resolution for LiDAR DEM generation are discussed in detail. In order to reduce the data redundancy and increase the efficiency in terms of storage and manipulation, LiDAR data reduction is required in the process of DEM generation. Feature specific elements such as breaklines contribute significantly to DEM quality. Therefore, data reduction should be conducted in such a way that critical elements are kept while less important elements are removed. Given the highdensity characteristic of LiDAR data, breaklines can be directly extracted from LiDAR data. Extraction of breaklines and integration of the breaklines into DEM generation are presented

    Human and Robotic Mission to Small Bodies: Mapping, Planning and Exploration

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    This study investigates the requirements, performs a gap analysis and makes a set of recommendations for mapping products and exploration tools required to support operations and scientific discovery for near- term and future NASA missions to small bodies. The mapping products and their requirements are based on the analysis of current mission scenarios (rendezvous, docking, and sample return) and recommendations made by the NEA Users Team (NUT) in the framework of human exploration. The mapping products that sat- isfy operational, scienti c, and public outreach goals include topography, images, albedo, gravity, mass, density, subsurface radar, mineralogical and thermal maps. The gap analysis points to a need for incremental generation of mapping products from low (flyby) to high-resolution data needed for anchoring and docking, real-time spatial data processing for hazard avoidance and astronaut or robot localization in low gravity, high dynamic environments, and motivates a standard for coordinate reference systems capable of describing irregular body shapes. Another aspect investigated in this study is the set of requirements and the gap analysis for exploration tools that support visualization and simulation of operational conditions including soil interactions, environment dynamics, and communications coverage. Building robust, usable data sets and visualisation/simulation tools is the best way for mission designers and simulators to make correct decisions for future missions. In the near term, it is the most useful way to begin building capabilities for small body exploration without needing to commit to specific mission architectures

    Automated localisation of Mars rovers using co-registered HiRISE-CTX-HRSC orthorectified images and wide baseline Navcam orthorectified mosaics

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    We present a wide range of research results in the area of orbit-to-orbit and orbit-to-ground data fusion, achieved within the EU-FP7 PRoVisG project and EU-FP7 PRoViDE project. We focus on examples from three Mars rover missions, i.e. MER-A/B and MSL, to provide examples of a new fully automated offline method for rover localisation. We start by introducing the mis-registration discovered between the current HRSC and HiRISE datasets. Then we introduce the HRSC to CTX and CTX to HiRISE co-registration workflow. Finally, we demonstrate results of wide baseline stereo reconstruction with fixed mast position rover stereo imagery and its application to ground-to-orbit co-registration with HiRISE orthorectified image. We show examples of the quantitative assessment of recomputed rover traverses, and extensional exploitation of the co-registered datasets in visualisation and within an interactive web-GIS

    Optimization of Optical Image Geometric Modeling, Application to Topography Extraction and Topographic Change Measurements Using PlanetScope and SkySat Imagery

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    The volume of data generated by earth observation satellites has increased tremendously over the last few decades and will increase further in the coming decade thanks in particular to the launch of nanosatellites constellations. These data should open new avenues for Earth surface monitoring due to highly improved spectral, spatial and temporal resolution. Many applications depend, however, on the accuracy of the image geometric model. The geometry of optical images, whether acquired from pushbroom or frame systems, is now commonly represented using a Rational Function Model (RFM). While the formalism has become standard, the procedures used to generate these models and their accuracies are diverse. As a result, the RFM models delivered with commercial data are commonly not accurate enough for 3-D extraction, subpixel registration or ground deformation measurements. In this study, we present a methodology for RFM optimization and demonstrate its potential for 3D reconstruction using tri-stereo and multi-date Cubesat images provided by SkySat and PlanetScope, respectively. We use SkySat data over the Morenci Mine, Arizona, which is the largest copper mine in the United States. The re-projection error after the RFM refinement is 0.42 pix without using ground control points (GCPs). Comparison of our Digital Elevation Model (DEM with ~3 m GSD) with a reference DEM obtained from an airborne LiDAR survey (with ~1 m GSD) over stable areas yields a standard deviation of the elevation differences of ~3.9 m. The comparison of the two DEMs allows detecting and measuring the topographic changes due to the mine activity (excavation and stockpiles). We assess the potential of PlanetScope data, using multi-date DOVE-C images from the Shisper glacier, located in the Karakoram (Pakistan), which is known for its recent surge. We extracted DEMs in 2017 and 2019 before and after the surge. The re-projection error after the RFM refinement is 0.38 pix without using GCPs. The accuracy of our DEMs (with ~9 m GSD) is evaluated through comparison with the SRTM DEM (GSD ~30 m) and with a DEM (GSD ~2 m) calculated from Geoeye-1 (GE-1) and World-View-2 (WV-2) stereo images. The standard deviation of the elevation differences in stable areas between the PlanetScope DEM and SRTM is ~12 m, and ~7 m with the GE-1&WV-2 DEM. The mass transfer due to the surge is clearly revealed from a comparison of the 2017 and 2019 DEMs. The study demonstrates that, with the proposed scheme for RFM optimization, times series of DEM extracted from SkySat and PlanetScope images can be used to measure topographic changes due to mining activities or ice flow, and could also be used to monitor geomorphic processes such as landslides, or coastal erosion for example

    Optimization of Optical Image Geometric Modeling, Application to Topography Extraction and Topographic Change Measurements Using PlanetScope and SkySat Imagery

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    The volume of data generated by earth observation satellites has increased tremendously over the last few decades and will increase further in the coming decade thanks in particular to the launch of nanosatellites constellations. These data should open new avenues for Earth surface monitoring due to highly improved spectral, spatial and temporal resolution. Many applications depend, however, on the accuracy of the image geometric model. The geometry of optical images, whether acquired from pushbroom or frame systems, is now commonly represented using a Rational Function Model (RFM). While the formalism has become standard, the procedures used to generate these models and their accuracies are diverse. As a result, the RFM models delivered with commercial data are commonly not accurate enough for 3-D extraction, subpixel registration or ground deformation measurements. In this study, we present a methodology for RFM optimization and demonstrate its potential for 3D reconstruction using tri-stereo and multi-date Cubesat images provided by SkySat and PlanetScope, respectively. We use SkySat data over the Morenci Mine, Arizona, which is the largest copper mine in the United States. The re-projection error after the RFM refinement is 0.42 pix without using ground control points (GCPs). Comparison of our Digital Elevation Model (DEM with ~3 m GSD) with a reference DEM obtained from an airborne LiDAR survey (with ~1 m GSD) over stable areas yields a standard deviation of the elevation differences of ~3.9 m. The comparison of the two DEMs allows detecting and measuring the topographic changes due to the mine activity (excavation and stockpiles). We assess the potential of PlanetScope data, using multi-date DOVE-C images from the Shisper glacier, located in the Karakoram (Pakistan), which is known for its recent surge. We extracted DEMs in 2017 and 2019 before and after the surge. The re-projection error after the RFM refinement is 0.38 pix without using GCPs. The accuracy of our DEMs (with ~9 m GSD) is evaluated through comparison with the SRTM DEM (GSD ~30 m) and with a DEM (GSD ~2 m) calculated from Geoeye-1 (GE-1) and World-View-2 (WV-2) stereo images. The standard deviation of the elevation differences in stable areas between the PlanetScope DEM and SRTM is ~12 m, and ~7 m with the GE-1&WV-2 DEM. The mass transfer due to the surge is clearly revealed from a comparison of the 2017 and 2019 DEMs. The study demonstrates that, with the proposed scheme for RFM optimization, times series of DEM extracted from SkySat and PlanetScope images can be used to measure topographic changes due to mining activities or ice flow, and could also be used to monitor geomorphic processes such as landslides, or coastal erosion for example

    AIDI: An adaptive image denoising FPGA-based IP-core for real-time applications

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    The presence of noise in images can significantly impact the performances of digital image processing and computer vision algorithms. Thus, it should be removed to improve the robustness of the entire processing flow. The noise estimation in an image is also a key factor, since, to be more effective, algorithms and denoising filters should be tuned to the actual level of noise. Moreover, the complexity of these algorithms brings a new challenge in real-time image processing applications, requiring high computing capacity. In this context, hardware acceleration is crucial, and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) best fit the growing demand of computational capabilities. This paper presents an Adaptive Image Denoising IP-core (AIDI) for real-time applications. The core first estimates the level of noise in the input image, then applies an adaptive Gaussian smoothing filter to remove the estimated noise. The filtering parameters are computed on-the-fly, adapting them to the level of noise in the image, and pixel by pixel, to preserve image information (e.g., edges or corners). The FPGA-based architecture is presented, highlighting its improvements w.r.t. a standard static filtering approac
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