13 research outputs found

    Biosignal Generation and Latent Variable Analysis with Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks

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    The effectiveness of biosignal generation and data augmentation with biosignal generative models based on generative adversarial networks (GANs), which are a type of deep learning technique, was demonstrated in our previous paper. GAN-based generative models only learn the projection between a random distribution as input data and the distribution of training data.Therefore, the relationship between input and generated data is unclear, and the characteristics of the data generated from this model cannot be controlled. This study proposes a method for generating time-series data based on GANs and explores their ability to generate biosignals with certain classes and characteristics. Moreover, in the proposed method, latent variables are analyzed using canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to represent the relationship between input and generated data as canonical loadings. Using these loadings, we can control the characteristics of the data generated by the proposed method. The influence of class labels on generated data is analyzed by feeding the data interpolated between two class labels into the generator of the proposed GANs. The CCA of the latent variables is shown to be an effective method of controlling the generated data characteristics. We are able to model the distribution of the time-series data without requiring domain-dependent knowledge using the proposed method. Furthermore, it is possible to control the characteristics of these data by analyzing the model trained using the proposed method. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to generate biosignals using GANs while controlling the characteristics of the generated data

    Classification of Epileptic and Non-Epileptic Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals Using Fractal Analysis and Support Vector Regression

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    Seizures are a common symptom of this neurological condition, which is caused by the discharge of brain nerve cells at an excessively fast rate. Chaos, nonlinearity, and other nonlinearities are common features of scalp and intracranial Electroencephalogram (EEG) data recorded in clinics. EEG signals that aren't immediately evident are challenging to categories because of their complexity. The Gradient Boost Decision Tree (GBDT) classifier was used to classify the majority of the EEG signal segments automatically. According to this study, the Hurst exponent, in combination with AFA, is an efficient way to identify epileptic signals. As with any fractal analysis approach, there are problems and factors to keep in mind, such as identifying whether or not linear scaling areas are present. These signals were classified as either epileptic or non-epileptic by using a combination of GBDT and a Support Vector Regression (SVR). The combined method's identification accuracy was 98.23%. This study sheds light on the effectiveness of AFA feature extraction and GBDT classifiers in EEG classification. The findings can be utilized to develop theoretical guidance for the clinical identification and prediction of epileptic EEG signals. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-01-011 Full Text: PD

    Learning Brain Connectivity Sub-networks by Group- Constrained Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation for Alzheimer's Disease Classification

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    Background/Aims: Brain functional connectivity networks constructed from resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) have been widely used for classifying Alzheimer's disease (AD) from normal controls (NC). However, conventional correlation analysis methods only capture the pairwise information, which may not be capable of revealing an adequate and accurate functional connectivity relationship among brain regions in the whole brain. Additionally, the non-sparse connectivity networks commonly contain a large number of spurious or insignificant connections, which are inconsistent with the sparse connectivity of actual brain networks in nature and may deteriorate the classification performance of Alzheimer's disease.Methods: To address these problems, in this paper, a new classification framework is proposed by combining the Group-constrained topology structure detection with sparse inverse covariance estimation (SICE) method to build the functional brain sub-network for each brain region. Particularly, to tune the sensitive analysis of the regularized parameters in the SICE method, a nested leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) method is adopted. Sparse functional connectivity networks are thus effectively constructed by using the optimal regularized parameters. Finally, a decision classification tree (DCT) classifier is trained for classifying AD from NC based on these optimal functional brain sub-networks. The convergence performance of our proposed method is furthermore evaluated by the trend of coefficient variation.Results: Experiment results indicate that a LOOCV classification accuracy of 81.82% with a sensitivity of 80.00%, and a specificity of 83.33% can be obtained by using the proposed method for the classification AD from NC, and outperforms the most state-of-the-art methods in terms of the classification accuracy. Additionally, the experiment results of the convergence performance further suggest that our proposed scheme has a high rate of convergence. Particularly, the abnormal brain regions and functional connections identified by our proposed framework are highly associated with the underpinning pathological mechanism of the AD, which are consistent with previous studies.Conclusion: These results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed Group- constrained SICE method, and are capable of clinical value to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

    Feature selection model based on EEG signals for assessing the cognitive workload in drivers

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    In recent years, research has focused on generating mechanisms to assess the levels of subjects’ cognitive workload when performing various activities that demand high concentration levels, such as driving a vehicle. These mechanisms have implemented several tools for analyzing the cognitive workload, and electroencephalographic (EEG) signals have been most frequently used due to their high precision. However, one of the main challenges in implementing the EEG signals is finding appropriate information for identifying cognitive states. Here, we present a new feature selection model for pattern recognition using information from EEG signals based on machine learning techniques called GALoRIS. GALoRIS combines Genetic Algorithms and Logistic Regression to create a new fitness function that identifies and selects the critical EEG features that contribute to recognizing high and low cognitive workloads and structures a new dataset capable of optimizing the model’s predictive process. We found that GALoRIS identifies data related to high and low cognitive workloads of subjects while driving a vehicle using information extracted from multiple EEG signals, reducing the original dataset by more than 50% and maximizing the model’s predictive capacity, achieving a precision rate greater than 90%.This work has been funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain under grant number TRA2016-77012-RPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An improved GBSO-TAENN-based EEG signal classification model for epileptic seizure detection.

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    Detection and classification of epileptic seizures from the EEG signals have gained significant attention in recent decades. Among other signals, EEG signals are extensively used by medical experts for diagnosing purposes. So, most of the existing research works developed automated mechanisms for designing an EEG-based epileptic seizure detection system. Machine learning techniques are highly used for reduced time consumption, high accuracy, and optimal performance. Still, it limits by the issues of high complexity in algorithm design, increased error value, and reduced detection efficacy. Thus, the proposed work intends to develop an automated epileptic seizure detection system with an improved performance rate. Here, the Finite Linear Haar wavelet-based Filtering (FLHF) technique is used to filter the input signals and the relevant set of features are extracted from the normalized output with the help of Fractal Dimension (FD) analysis. Then, the Grasshopper Bio-Inspired Swarm Optimization (GBSO) technique is employed to select the optimal features by computing the best fitness value and the Temporal Activation Expansive Neural Network (TAENN) mechanism is used for classifying the EEG signals to determine whether normal or seizure affected. Numerous intelligence algorithms, such as preprocessing, optimization, and classification, are used in the literature to identify epileptic seizures based on EEG signals. The primary issues facing the majority of optimization approaches are reduced convergence rates and higher computational complexity. Furthermore, the problems with machine learning approaches include a significant method complexity, intricate mathematical calculations, and a decreased training speed. Therefore, the goal of the proposed work is to put into practice efficient algorithms for the recognition and categorization of epileptic seizures based on EEG signals. The combined effect of the proposed FLHF, FD, GBSO, and TAENN models might dramatically improve disease detection accuracy while decreasing complexity of system along with time consumption as compared to the prior techniques. By using the proposed methodology, the overall average epileptic seizure detection performance is increased to 99.6% with f-measure of 99% and G-mean of 98.9% values

    Automatic Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signals Using Multi-Domain Feature Extraction and Nonlinear Analysis

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    Epileptic seizure detection is commonly implemented by expert clinicians with visual observation of electroencephalography (EEG) signals, which tends to be time consuming and sensitive to bias. The epileptic detection in most previous research suffers from low power and unsuitability for processing large datasets. Therefore, a computerized epileptic seizure detection method is highly required to eradicate the aforementioned problems, expedite epilepsy research and aid medical professionals. In this work, we propose an automatic epilepsy diagnosis framework based on the combination of multi-domain feature extraction and nonlinear analysis of EEG signals. Firstly, EEG signals are pre-processed by using the wavelet threshold method to remove the artifacts. We then extract representative features in the time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain and nonlinear analysis features based on the information theory. These features are further extracted in five frequency sub-bands based on the clinical interest, and the dimension of the original feature space is then reduced by using both a principal component analysis and an analysis of variance. Furthermore, the optimal combination of the extracted features is identified and evaluated via different classifiers for the epileptic seizure detection of EEG signals. Finally, the performance of the proposed method is investigated by using a public EEG database at the University Hospital Bonn, Germany. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed epileptic seizure detection method can achieve a high average accuracy of 99.25%, indicating a powerful method in the detection and classification of epileptic seizures. The proposed seizure detection scheme is thus hoped to eliminate the burden of expert clinicians when they are processing a large number of data by visual observation and to speed-up the epilepsy diagnosis