540 research outputs found

    Q-Learning Inspired Self-Tuning for Energy Efficiency in HPC

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    System self-tuning is a crucial task to lower the energy consumption of computers. Traditional approaches decrease the processor frequency in idle or synchronisation periods. However, in High-Performance Computing (HPC) this is not sufficient: if the executed code is load balanced, there are neither idle nor synchronisation phases that can be exploited. Therefore, alternative self-tuning approaches are needed, which allow exploiting different compute characteristics of HPC programs. The novel notion of application regions based on function call stacks, introduced in the Horizon 2020 Project READEX, allows us to define such a self-tuning approach. In this paper, we combine these regions with the Q-Learning typical state-action maps, which save information about available states, possible actions to take, and the expected rewards. By exploiting the existing processor power interface, we are able to provide direct feedback to the learning process. This approach allows us to save up to 15% energy, while only adding a minor runtime overhead.Comment: 4 pages short paper, HPCS 2019, AHPC 2019, READEX, HAEC, Horizon2020, H2020 grant agreement number 671657, DFG, CRC 91

    A methodology for full-system power modeling in heterogeneous data centers

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    The need for energy-awareness in current data centers has encouraged the use of power modeling to estimate their power consumption. However, existing models present noticeable limitations, which make them application-dependent, platform-dependent, inaccurate, or computationally complex. In this paper, we propose a platform-and application-agnostic methodology for full-system power modeling in heterogeneous data centers that overcomes those limitations. It derives a single model per platform, which works with high accuracy for heterogeneous applications with different patterns of resource usage and energy consumption, by systematically selecting a minimum set of resource usage indicators and extracting complex relations among them that capture the impact on energy consumption of all the resources in the system. We demonstrate our methodology by generating power models for heterogeneous platforms with very different power consumption profiles. Our validation experiments with real Cloud applications show that such models provide high accuracy (around 5% of average estimation error).This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under contract TIN2015-65316-P, by the Gener- alitat de Catalunya under contract 2014-SGR-1051, and by the European Commission under FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013 contract 608679 (RenewIT) and FP7-ICT-2013-10 contracts 610874 (AS- CETiC) and 610456 (EuroServer).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Towards resource-aware computing for task-based runtimes and parallel architectures

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    Current large scale systems show increasing power demands, to the point that it has become a huge strain on facilities and budgets. The increasing restrictions in terms of power consumption of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and data centers have forced hardware vendors to include power capping capabilities in their commodity processors. Power capping opens up new opportunities for applications to directly manage their power behavior at user level. However, constraining power consumption causes the individual sockets of a parallel system to deliver different performance levels under the same power cap, even when they are equally designed, which is an effect caused by manufacturing variability. Modern chips suffer from heterogeneous power consumption due to manufacturing issues, a problem known as manufacturing or process variability. As a result, systems that do not consider such variability caused by manufacturing issues lead to performance degradations and wasted power. In order to avoid such negative impact, users and system administrators must actively counteract any manufacturing variability. In this thesis we show that parallel systems benefit from taking into account the consequences of manufacturing variability, in terms of both performance and energy efficiency. In order to evaluate our work we have also implemented our own task-based version of the PARSEC benchmark suite. This allows to test our methodology using state-of-the-art parallelization techniques and real world workloads. We present two approaches to mitigate manufacturing variability, by power redistribution at runtime level and by power- and variability-aware job scheduling at system-wide level. A parallel runtime system can be used to effectively deal with this new kind of performance heterogeneity by compensating the uneven effects of power capping. In the context of a NUMA node composed of several multi core sockets, our system is able to optimize the energy and concurrency levels assigned to each socket to maximize performance. Applied transparently within the parallel runtime system, it does not require any programmer interaction like changing the application source code or manually reconfiguring the parallel system. We compare our novel runtime analysis with an offline approach and demonstrate that it can achieve equal performance at a fraction of the cost. The next approach presented in this theis, we show that it is possible to predict the impact of this variability on specific applications by using variability-aware power prediction models. Based on these power models, we propose two job scheduling policies that consider the effects of manufacturing variability for each application and that ensures that power consumption stays under a system wide power budget. We evaluate our policies under different power budgets and traffic scenarios, consisting of both single- and multi-node parallel applications.Los sistemas modernos de gran escala muestran crecientes demandas de energía, hasta el punto de que se ha convertido en una gran presión para las instalaciones y los presupuestos. Las restricciones crecientes de consumo de energía de los sistemas de alto rendimiento (HPC) y los centros de datos han obligado a los proveedores de hardware a incluir capacidades de limitación de energía en sus procesadores. La limitación de energía abre nuevas oportunidades para que las aplicaciones administren directamente su comportamiento de energía a nivel de usuario. Sin embargo, la restricción en el consumo de energía de sockets individuales de un sistema paralelo resulta en diferentes niveles de rendimiento, por el mismo límite de potencia, incluso cuando están diseñados por igual. Esto es un efecto causado durante el proceso de la fabricación. Los chips modernos sufren de un consumo de energía heterogéneo debido a problemas de fabricación, un problema conocido como variabilidad del proceso o fabricación. Como resultado, los sistemas que no consideran este tipo de variabilidad causada por problemas de fabricación conducen a degradaciones del rendimiento y desperdicio de energía. Para evitar dicho impacto negativo, los usuarios y administradores del sistema deben contrarrestar activamente cualquier variabilidad de fabricación. En esta tesis, demostramos que los sistemas paralelos se benefician de tener en cuenta las consecuencias de la variabilidad de la fabricación, tanto en términos de rendimiento como de eficiencia energética. Para evaluar nuestro trabajo, también hemos implementado nuestra propia versión del paquete de aplicaciones de prueba PARSEC, basada en tareas paralelos. Esto permite probar nuestra metodología utilizando técnicas avanzadas de paralelización con cargas de trabajo del mundo real. Presentamos dos enfoques para mitigar la variabilidad de fabricación, mediante la redistribución de la energía a durante la ejecución de las aplicaciones y mediante la programación de trabajos a nivel de todo el sistema. Se puede utilizar un sistema runtime paralelo para tratar con eficacia este nuevo tipo de heterogeneidad de rendimiento, compensando los efectos desiguales de la limitación de potencia. En el contexto de un nodo NUMA compuesto de varios sockets y núcleos, nuestro sistema puede optimizar los niveles de energía y concurrencia asignados a cada socket para maximizar el rendimiento. Aplicado de manera transparente dentro del sistema runtime paralelo, no requiere ninguna interacción del programador como cambiar el código fuente de la aplicación o reconfigurar manualmente el sistema paralelo. Comparamos nuestro novedoso análisis de runtime con los resultados óptimos, obtenidos de una análisis manual exhaustiva, y demostramos que puede lograr el mismo rendimiento a una fracción del costo. El siguiente enfoque presentado en esta tesis, muestra que es posible predecir el impacto de la variabilidad de fabricación en aplicaciones específicas mediante el uso de modelos de predicción de potencia conscientes de la variabilidad. Basados ​​en estos modelos de predicción de energía, proponemos dos políticas de programación de trabajos que consideran los efectos de la variabilidad de fabricación para cada aplicación y que aseguran que el consumo se mantiene bajo un presupuesto de energía de todo el sistema. Evaluamos nuestras políticas con diferentes presupuestos de energía y escenarios de tráfico, que consisten en aplicaciones paralelas que corren en uno o varios nodos

    Performance and Power Analysis of HPC Workloads on Heterogenous Multi-Node Clusters

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    Performance analysis tools allow application developers to identify and characterize the inefficiencies that cause performance degradation in their codes, allowing for application optimizations. Due to the increasing interest in the High Performance Computing (HPC) community towards energy-efficiency issues, it is of paramount importance to be able to correlate performance and power figures within the same profiling and analysis tools. For this reason, we present a performance and energy-efficiency study aimed at demonstrating how a single tool can be used to collect most of the relevant metrics. In particular, we show how the same analysis techniques can be applicable on different architectures, analyzing the same HPC application on a high-end and a low-power cluster. The former cluster embeds Intel Haswell CPUs and NVIDIA K80 GPUs, while the latter is made up of NVIDIA Jetson TX1 boards, each hosting an Arm Cortex-A57 CPU and an NVIDIA Tegra X1 Maxwell GPU.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] and Horizon 2020 under the Mont-Blanc projects [17], grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697. E.C. was partially founded by “Contributo 5 per mille assegnato all’Università degli Studi di Ferrara-dichiarazione dei redditi dell’anno 2014”. We thank the University of Ferrara and INFN Ferrara for the access to the COKA Cluster. We warmly thank the BSC tools group, supporting us for the smooth integration and test of our setup within Extrae and Paraver.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Towards resource-aware computing for task-based runtimes and parallel architectures

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    Current large scale systems show increasing power demands, to the point that it has become a huge strain on facilities and budgets. The increasing restrictions in terms of power consumption of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and data centers have forced hardware vendors to include power capping capabilities in their commodity processors. Power capping opens up new opportunities for applications to directly manage their power behavior at user level. However, constraining power consumption causes the individual sockets of a parallel system to deliver different performance levels under the same power cap, even when they are equally designed, which is an effect caused by manufacturing variability. Modern chips suffer from heterogeneous power consumption due to manufacturing issues, a problem known as manufacturing or process variability. As a result, systems that do not consider such variability caused by manufacturing issues lead to performance degradations and wasted power. In order to avoid such negative impact, users and system administrators must actively counteract any manufacturing variability. In this thesis we show that parallel systems benefit from taking into account the consequences of manufacturing variability, in terms of both performance and energy efficiency. In order to evaluate our work we have also implemented our own task-based version of the PARSEC benchmark suite. This allows to test our methodology using state-of-the-art parallelization techniques and real world workloads. We present two approaches to mitigate manufacturing variability, by power redistribution at runtime level and by power- and variability-aware job scheduling at system-wide level. A parallel runtime system can be used to effectively deal with this new kind of performance heterogeneity by compensating the uneven effects of power capping. In the context of a NUMA node composed of several multi core sockets, our system is able to optimize the energy and concurrency levels assigned to each socket to maximize performance. Applied transparently within the parallel runtime system, it does not require any programmer interaction like changing the application source code or manually reconfiguring the parallel system. We compare our novel runtime analysis with an offline approach and demonstrate that it can achieve equal performance at a fraction of the cost. The next approach presented in this theis, we show that it is possible to predict the impact of this variability on specific applications by using variability-aware power prediction models. Based on these power models, we propose two job scheduling policies that consider the effects of manufacturing variability for each application and that ensures that power consumption stays under a system wide power budget. We evaluate our policies under different power budgets and traffic scenarios, consisting of both single- and multi-node parallel applications.Los sistemas modernos de gran escala muestran crecientes demandas de energía, hasta el punto de que se ha convertido en una gran presión para las instalaciones y los presupuestos. Las restricciones crecientes de consumo de energía de los sistemas de alto rendimiento (HPC) y los centros de datos han obligado a los proveedores de hardware a incluir capacidades de limitación de energía en sus procesadores. La limitación de energía abre nuevas oportunidades para que las aplicaciones administren directamente su comportamiento de energía a nivel de usuario. Sin embargo, la restricción en el consumo de energía de sockets individuales de un sistema paralelo resulta en diferentes niveles de rendimiento, por el mismo límite de potencia, incluso cuando están diseñados por igual. Esto es un efecto causado durante el proceso de la fabricación. Los chips modernos sufren de un consumo de energía heterogéneo debido a problemas de fabricación, un problema conocido como variabilidad del proceso o fabricación. Como resultado, los sistemas que no consideran este tipo de variabilidad causada por problemas de fabricación conducen a degradaciones del rendimiento y desperdicio de energía. Para evitar dicho impacto negativo, los usuarios y administradores del sistema deben contrarrestar activamente cualquier variabilidad de fabricación. En esta tesis, demostramos que los sistemas paralelos se benefician de tener en cuenta las consecuencias de la variabilidad de la fabricación, tanto en términos de rendimiento como de eficiencia energética. Para evaluar nuestro trabajo, también hemos implementado nuestra propia versión del paquete de aplicaciones de prueba PARSEC, basada en tareas paralelos. Esto permite probar nuestra metodología utilizando técnicas avanzadas de paralelización con cargas de trabajo del mundo real. Presentamos dos enfoques para mitigar la variabilidad de fabricación, mediante la redistribución de la energía a durante la ejecución de las aplicaciones y mediante la programación de trabajos a nivel de todo el sistema. Se puede utilizar un sistema runtime paralelo para tratar con eficacia este nuevo tipo de heterogeneidad de rendimiento, compensando los efectos desiguales de la limitación de potencia. En el contexto de un nodo NUMA compuesto de varios sockets y núcleos, nuestro sistema puede optimizar los niveles de energía y concurrencia asignados a cada socket para maximizar el rendimiento. Aplicado de manera transparente dentro del sistema runtime paralelo, no requiere ninguna interacción del programador como cambiar el código fuente de la aplicación o reconfigurar manualmente el sistema paralelo. Comparamos nuestro novedoso análisis de runtime con los resultados óptimos, obtenidos de una análisis manual exhaustiva, y demostramos que puede lograr el mismo rendimiento a una fracción del costo. El siguiente enfoque presentado en esta tesis, muestra que es posible predecir el impacto de la variabilidad de fabricación en aplicaciones específicas mediante el uso de modelos de predicción de potencia conscientes de la variabilidad. Basados ​​en estos modelos de predicción de energía, proponemos dos políticas de programación de trabajos que consideran los efectos de la variabilidad de fabricación para cada aplicación y que aseguran que el consumo se mantiene bajo un presupuesto de energía de todo el sistema. Evaluamos nuestras políticas con diferentes presupuestos de energía y escenarios de tráfico, que consisten en aplicaciones paralelas que corren en uno o varios nodos.Postprint (published version

    A Comparison of Parallel Graph Processing Implementations

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    The rapidly growing number of large network analysis problems has led to the emergence of many parallel and distributed graph processing systems---one survey in 2014 identified over 80. Since then, the landscape has evolved; some packages have become inactive while more are being developed. Determining the best approach for a given problem is infeasible for most developers. To enable easy, rigorous, and repeatable comparison of the capabilities of such systems, we present an approach and associated software for analyzing the performance and scalability of parallel, open-source graph libraries. We demonstrate our approach on five graph processing packages: GraphMat, the Graph500, the Graph Algorithm Platform Benchmark Suite, GraphBIG, and PowerGraph using synthetic and real-world datasets. We examine previously overlooked aspects of parallel graph processing performance such as phases of execution and energy usage for three algorithms: breadth first search, single source shortest paths, and PageRank and compare our results to Graphalytics.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to EuroPar 2017 and rejected. Revised and submitted to IEEE Cluster 201

    Energy-Efficiency Evaluation of FPGAs for Floating-Point Intensive Workloads

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    In this work we describe a method to measure the computing performance and energy-efficiency to be expected of an FPGA device. The motivation of this work is given by their possible usage as accelerators in the context of floating-point intensive HPC workloads. In fact, FPGA devices in the past were not considered an efficient option to address floating-point intensive computations, but more recently, with the advent of dedicated DSP units and the increased amount of resources in each chip, the interest towards these devices raised. Another obstacle to a wide adoption of FPGAs in the HPC field has been the low level hardware knowledge commonly required to program them, using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Also this issue has been recently mitigated by the introduction of higher level programming framework, adopting so called High Level Synthesis approaches, reducing the development time and shortening the gap between the skills required to program FPGAs wrt the skills commonly owned by HPC software developers. In this work we apply the proposed method to estimate the maximum floating-point performance and energy-efficiency of the FPGA embedded in a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC hosted on a Trenz board

    Enhancing Resource Management through Prediction-based Policies

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    Task-based programming models are emerging as a promising alternative to make the most of multi-/many-core systems. These programming models rely on runtime systems, and their goal is to improve application performance by properly scheduling application tasks to cores. Additionally, these runtime systems offer policies to cope with application phases that lack in parallelism to fill all cores. However, these policies are usually static and favor either performance or energy efficiency. In this paper, we have extended a task-based runtime system with a lightweight monitoring and prediction infrastructure that dynamically predicts the optimal number of cores required for each application phase, thus improving both performance and energy efficiency. Through the execution of several benchmarks in multi-/many-core systems, we show that our prediction-based policies have competitive performance while improving energy efficiency when compared to state of the art policies.Comment: Postprint submitted and published at Euro-Par2020: International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Springer) (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-57675-2_31

    On the use of many-core Marvell ThunderX2 processor for HPC workloads

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    Marvell’s ThunderX2 has been the first Arm-based processor with deployments in large-scale HPC production systems, challenging the dominance that x86 processors had in the last decades. While x86 processors and its software stack have been characterized in detail, the behavior of Arm counterparts is not well known, limiting its adoption. This work methodically characterizes performance and power efficiency of the ThunderX2 running different HPC workloads compiled with two state-of-the-art compilers, GCC and Arm HPC Compiler. We study the maturity of available compilers and find that the Arm HPC Compiler is able to apply additional optimizations, resulting in better performance than GCC. In addition, we also compare both performance and power with respect to an Intel Skylake processor. Despite the faster single thread performance of Skylake, ThunderX2 is able to match performance on multi-threaded workloads due to its superior memory bandwidth. However, power efficiency of ThunderX2 is far from matching Skylake-based processors when AVX512 extensions are used