5,473 research outputs found

    Enhancing simulation education with intelligent tutoring systems

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    The demand for education in the area of simulation is in the increase. This paper describes how education in the field of simulation can take advantage of the virtues of intelligent tutoring with respect to enhancing the educational process. For this purpose, this paper gives an overview of what constitutes the objectives and the content of a comprehensive course in discrete event simulation. The architecture of an intelligent tutoring system is presented and it is discussed how these sophisticated learning aids offer individualised student guidance and support within a learning environment. The paper then introduces a prototype intelligent tutoring system, the simulation tutor, and suggests how the system might be developed to enhance education in simulation

    OFMTutor: An operator function model intelligent tutoring system

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    The design, implementation, and evaluation of an Operator Function Model intelligent tutoring system (OFMTutor) is presented. OFMTutor is intended to provide intelligent tutoring in the context of complex dynamic systems for which an operator function model (OFM) can be constructed. The human operator's role in such complex, dynamic, and highly automated systems is that of a supervisory controller whose primary responsibilities are routine monitoring and fine-tuning of system parameters and occasional compensation for system abnormalities. The automated systems must support the human operator. One potentially useful form of support is the use of intelligent tutoring systems to teach the operator about the system and how to function within that system. Previous research on intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) is considered. The proposed design for OFMTutor is presented, and an experimental evaluation is described

    Modelling human teaching tactics and strategies for tutoring systems

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    One of the promises of ITSs and ILEs is that they will teach and assist learning in an intelligent manner. Historically this has tended to mean concentrating on the interface, on the representation of the domain and on the representation of the student’s knowledge. So systems have attempted to provide students with reifications both of what is to be learned and of the learning process, as well as optimally sequencing and adjusting activities, problems and feedback to best help them learn that domain. We now have embodied (and disembodied) teaching agents and computer-based peers, and the field demonstrates a much greater interest in metacognition and in collaborative activities and tools to support that collaboration. Nevertheless the issue of the teaching competence of ITSs and ILEs is still important, as well as the more specific question as to whether systems can and should mimic human teachers. Indeed increasing interest in embodied agents has thrown the spotlight back on how such agents should behave with respect to learners. In the mid 1980s Ohlsson and others offered critiques of ITSs and ILEs in terms of the limited range and adaptability of their teaching actions as compared to the wealth of tactics and strategies employed by human expert teachers. So are we in any better position in modelling teaching than we were in the 80s? Are these criticisms still as valid today as they were then? This paper reviews progress in understanding certain aspects of human expert teaching and in developing tutoring systems that implement those human teaching strategies and tactics. It concentrates particularly on how systems have dealt with student answers and how they have dealt with motivational issues, referring particularly to work carried out at Sussex: for example, on responding effectively to the student’s motivational state, on contingent and Vygotskian inspired teaching strategies and on the plausibility problem. This latter is concerned with whether tactics that are effectively applied by human teachers can be as effective when embodied in machine teachers

    A Web-Based Distributed Virtual Educational Laboratory

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    Evolution and cost of measurement equipment, continuous training, and distance learning make it difficult to provide a complete set of updated workbenches to every student. For a preliminary familiarization and experimentation with instrumentation and measurement procedures, the use of virtual equipment is often considered more than sufficient from the didactic point of view, while the hands-on approach with real instrumentation and measurement systems still remains necessary to complete and refine the student's practical expertise. Creation and distribution of workbenches in networked computer laboratories therefore becomes attractive and convenient. This paper describes specification and design of a geographically distributed system based on commercially standard components

    The effectiveness of using intelligent tutoring systems to increase student achievement

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    Intelligent Tutoring Systems could be used to provide differentiated instruction. This review examines qualities of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and their impact on student achievement. Thirty peer-reviewed research studies published from 1997 to 2019 were selected for analysis. This review considers how intelligent tutoring systems compare with other methods of instruction, and how an intelligent tutoring system’s on-screen tutor impacts student achievement. Finally, this review considers methods of ITS personalization and how those methods impact student achievement. The reviewed research studies indicated that ITS was more effective than all forms of instruction except small group and individualized instruction. Additionally, on-screen agents in and personalization of Intelligent Tutoring Systems often have a positive impact on student learning. Recommendations for classroom implementation of intelligent tutoring systems and suggestions for future research are discusse

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 355)

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    This bibliography lists 147 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during October, 1991. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance