3 research outputs found

    Facial image noise classification and denoising using neural network

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    Image denoising is an important aspect of image processing. Noisy images are produced as a result of technical and environmental flaws. As a result, it is reasonable to consider image denoising an important topic to research, as it also aids in the resolution of other image processing issues. The challenge, however, is that the traditional techniques used are time-consuming and inflexible. This article purposed a system of classifying and denoising noised images. A CNN and UNET based model architecture is designed, implement, and evaluated. The facial image dataset is processed and then it is used to train, valid and test the models. During preprocessing, the images are resized into 48*48, normalize, and various noises are added to the image. The preprocessing for each model is a bit different. The training and validation accuracy for the CNN model is 99.87% and 99.92% respectively. The UNET model is also able to get optimal PSNR and SSIM values for different noises

    Colour image denoising by eigenvector analysis of neighbourhood colour samples

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    [EN] Colour image smoothing is a challenging task because it is necessary to appropriately distinguish between noise and original structures, and to smooth noise conveniently. In addition, this processing must take into account the correlation among the image colour channels. In this paper, we introduce a novel colour image denoising method where each image pixel is processed according to an eigenvector analysis of a data matrix built from the pixel neighbourhood colour values. The aim of this eigenvector analysis is threefold: (i) to manage the local correlation among the colour image channels, (ii) to distinguish between flat and edge/textured regions and (iii) to determine the amount of needed smoothing. Comparisons with classical and recent methods show that the proposed approach is competitive and able to provide significative improvements.Latorre-Carmona, P.; Miñana, J.; Morillas, S. (2020). Colour image denoising by eigenvector analysis of neighbourhood colour samples. 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