10 research outputs found

    Reflectance Adaptive Filtering Improves Intrinsic Image Estimation

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    Separating an image into reflectance and shading layers poses a challenge for learning approaches because no large corpus of precise and realistic ground truth decompositions exists. The Intrinsic Images in the Wild~(IIW) dataset provides a sparse set of relative human reflectance judgments, which serves as a standard benchmark for intrinsic images. A number of methods use IIW to learn statistical dependencies between the images and their reflectance layer. Although learning plays an important role for high performance, we show that a standard signal processing technique achieves performance on par with current state-of-the-art. We propose a loss function for CNN learning of dense reflectance predictions. Our results show a simple pixel-wise decision, without any context or prior knowledge, is sufficient to provide a strong baseline on IIW. This sets a competitive baseline which only two other approaches surpass. We then develop a joint bilateral filtering method that implements strong prior knowledge about reflectance constancy. This filtering operation can be applied to any intrinsic image algorithm and we improve several previous results achieving a new state-of-the-art on IIW. Our findings suggest that the effect of learning-based approaches may have been over-estimated so far. Explicit prior knowledge is still at least as important to obtain high performance in intrinsic image decompositions.Comment: CVPR 201

    Towards Accurate and Efficient Cell Tracking During Fly Wing Development

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    Understanding the development, organization, and function of tissues is a central goal in developmental biology. With modern time-lapse microscopy, it is now possible to image entire tissues during development and thereby localize subcellular proteins. A particularly productive area of research is the study of single layer epithelial tissues, which can be simply described as a 2D manifold. For example, the apical band of cell adhesions in epithelial cell layers actually forms a 2D manifold within the tissue and provides a 2D outline of each cell. The Drosophila melanogaster wing has become an important model system, because its 2D cell organization has the potential to reveal mechanisms that create the final fly wing shape. Other examples include structures that naturally localize at the surface of the tissue, such as the ciliary components of planarians. Data from these time-lapse movies typically consists of mosaics of overlapping 3D stacks. This is necessary because the surface of interest exceeds the field of view of todays microscopes. To quantify cellular tissue dynamics, these mosaics need to be processed in three main steps: (a) Extracting, correcting, and stitching individ- ual stacks into a single, seamless 2D projection per time point, (b) obtaining cell characteristics that occur at individual time points, and (c) determine cell dynamics over time. It is therefore necessary that the applied methods are capable of handling large amounts of data efficiently, while still producing accurate results. This task is made especially difficult by the low signal to noise ratios that are typical in live-cell imaging. In this PhD thesis, I develop algorithms that cover all three processing tasks men- tioned above and apply them in the analysis of polarity and tissue dynamics in large epithelial cell layers, namely the Drosophila wing and the planarian epithelium. First, I introduce an efficient pipeline that preprocesses raw image mosaics. This pipeline accurately extracts the stained surface of interest from each raw image stack and projects it onto a single 2D plane. It then corrects uneven illumination, aligns all mosaic planes, and adjusts brightness and contrast before finally stitching the processed images together. This preprocessing does not only significantly reduce the data quantity, but also simplifies downstream data analyses. Here, I apply this pipeline to datasets of the developing fly wing as well as a planarian epithelium. I additionally address the problem of determining cell polarities in chemically fixed samples of planarians. Here, I introduce a method that automatically estimates cell polarities by computing the orientation of rootlets in motile cilia. With this technique one can for the first time routinely measure and visualize how tissue polarities are established and maintained in entire planarian epithelia. Finally, I analyze cell migration patterns in the entire developing wing tissue in Drosophila. At each time point, cells are segmented using a progressive merging ap- proach with merging criteria that take typical cell shape characteristics into account. The method enforces biologically relevant constraints to improve the quality of the resulting segmentations. For cases where a full cell tracking is desired, I introduce a pipeline using a tracking-by-assignment approach. This allows me to link cells over time while considering critical events such as cell divisions or cell death. This work presents a very accurate large-scale cell tracking pipeline and opens up many avenues for further study including several in-vivo perturbation experiments as well as biophysical modeling. The methods introduced in this thesis are examples for computational pipelines that catalyze biological insights by enabling the quantification of tissue scale phenomena and dynamics. I provide not only detailed descriptions of the methods, but also show how they perform on concrete biological research projects

    Global optimisation techniques for image segmentation with higher order models

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    Energy minimisation methods are one of the most successful approaches to image segmentation. Typically used energy functions are limited to pairwise interactions due to the increased complexity when working with higher-order functions. However, some important assumptions about objects are not translatable to pairwise interactions. The goal of this thesis is to explore higher order models for segmentation that are applicable to a wide range of objects. We consider: (1) a connectivity constraint, (2) a joint model over the segmentation and the appearance, and (3) a model for segmenting the same object in multiple images. We start by investigating a connectivity prior, which is a natural assumption about objects. We show how this prior can be formulated in the energy minimisation framework and explore the complexity of the underlying optimisation problem, introducing two different algorithms for optimisation. This connectivity prior is useful to overcome the “shrinking bias” of the pairwise model, in particular in interactive segmentation systems. Secondly, we consider an existing model that treats the appearance of the image segments as variables. We show how to globally optimise this model using a Dual Decomposition technique and show that this optimisation method outperforms existing ones. Finally, we explore the current limits of the energy minimisation framework. We consider the cosegmentation task and show that a preference for object-like segmentations is an important addition to cosegmentation. This preference is, however, not easily encoded in the energy minimisation framework. Instead, we use a practical proposal generation approach that allows not only the inclusion of a preference for object-like segmentations, but also to learn the similarity measure needed to define the cosegmentation task. We conclude that higher order models are useful for different object segmentation tasks. We show how some of these models can be formulated in the energy minimisation framework. Furthermore, we introduce global optimisation methods for these energies and make extensive use of the Dual Decomposition optimisation approach that proves to be suitable for this type of models

    Towards Recognition as a Regularizer in Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous driving promises great potential for social and economic benefits. While autonomous driving remains an unsolved problem, recent advances in computer vision have enabled considerable progress in development of autonomous vehicles. For instance, recognition methods such as object detection, semantic and instance semantic segmentation affords the self driving vehicles with the precise understanding of their surroundings which is critical to safe autonomous driving. Furthermore, with the advent of deep learning, machine recognition methods have reached human-like performance. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose different methods to exploit semantic cues from state-of-the-art recognition methods to improve performance of other tasks required to solve autonomous driving. To this end, in this thesis, we examine the effectiveness of recognition as a regularizer in two prominent problems in autonomous driving, namely, scene flow estimation and end-to-end learned autonomous driving. Besides recognizing traffic participants and predicting their position, an autonomous car needs to precisely predict their 3D position in the future for tasks like navigation and planning. Scene flow is a prominent representation for such motion estimation where a 3D position and 3D motion vector is associated with every observed surface point in the scene. However, existing methods for 3D scene flow estimation often fail in the presence of large displacement or local ambiguities, e.g., at texture-less or reflective surfaces which are omnipresent in dynamic road scenes. Therefore, first, we address the problem of large displacements or local ambiguities by exploiting recognition cues such as semantic grouping and fine-grained geometric recognition to regularize scene flow estimation. We compute these cues using CNNs trained on a newly annotated dataset of stereo images and integrate them into a CRF-based model for robust 3D scene flow estimation. We also investigate the importance of recognition granularity, from coarse 2D bounding box estimates over 2D instance segmentations to fine-grained 3D object part predictions. From this study, we show that regularization from recognition cues significantly boosts the scene flow accuracy, in particular in challenging foreground regions. Secondly, we conclude that the instance segmentation cue is by far strongest, in our setting. Alongside, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on challenging scene flow benchmarks. In contrast to cameras, laser scanners provide a 360 degree field of view with just one sensor, are generally unaffected by lighting conditions, and do not suffer from the quadratic error behavior of stereo cameras. Therefore, second, in this work, we extend the idea of semantic grouping as a regularizer for 3D motion to 3D point cloud measurements from LIDAR sensor observations. We achieve this goal by jointly predicting 3D scene flow as well as the 3D bounding box and semantically grouping the motion vectors using 3D object detections. In order to semantically group the motion vectors using 3D object detections, we need to predict pointiwise rigid motion. We show that the traditional global representation of rigid body motion prohibits inference by CNNs, and propose a translation equivariant representation to circumvent this problem and amenable to CNN learning. For training our deep network, we augment real scans from with virtual objects, realistically modeling occlusions and simulating sensor noise. A thorough comparison with classic and learning-based techniques highlights the robustness of the proposed approach. It is well known that recognition cues such as semantic segmentation can be used as an effective intermediate representation to regularize learning end-to-end learned driving policies. However, the task of street scene semantic segmentation requires expensive annotations. Furthermore, segmentation algorithms are often trained irrespective of the actual driving task, using auxiliary image-space loss functions which are not guaranteed to maximize driving metrics such as safety or distance traveled per intervention. Therefore, third, in this work, we analyze several recognition-based intermediate representations for end-to-end learned driving policies. We seek to quantify the impact of reducing segmentation annotation costs on learned behavior cloning agents. We systematically study the trade-off between annotation efficiency and driving performance, i.e., the types of classes labeled, the number of image samples used to learn the visual abstraction model, and their granularity (e.g., object masks vs. 2D bounding boxes). Our analysis uncovers several practical insights into how segmentation-based visual abstractions can be exploited in a more label efficient manner. Surprisingly, we find that state-of-the-art driving performance can be achieved with orders of magnitude reduction in annotation cost

    Natural image processing and synthesis using deep learning

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    Nous Ă©tudions dans cette thĂšse comment les rĂ©seaux de neurones profonds peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s dans diffĂ©rents domaines de la vision artificielle. La vision artificielle est un domaine interdisciplinaire qui traite de la comprĂ©hension d’images et de vidĂ©os numĂ©riques. Les problĂšmes de ce domaine ont traditionnellement Ă©tĂ© adressĂ©s avec des mĂ©thodes ad-hoc nĂ©cessitant beaucoup de rĂ©glages manuels. En effet, ces systĂšmes de vision artificiels comprenaient jusqu’à rĂ©cemment une sĂ©rie de modules optimisĂ©s indĂ©pendamment. Cette approche est trĂšs raisonnable dans la mesure oĂč, avec peu de donnĂ©es, elle bĂ©nĂ©ficient autant que possible des connaissances du chercheur. Mais cette avantage peut se rĂ©vĂ©ler ĂȘtre une limitation si certaines donnĂ©es d’entrĂ© n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©es dans la conception de l’algorithme. Avec des volumes et une diversitĂ© de donnĂ©es toujours plus grands, ainsi que des capacitĂ©s de calcul plus rapides et Ă©conomiques, les rĂ©seaux de neurones profonds optimisĂ©s d’un bout Ă  l’autre sont devenus une alternative attrayante. Nous dĂ©montrons leur avantage avec une sĂ©rie d’articles de recherche, chacun d’entre eux trouvant une solution Ă  base de rĂ©seaux de neurones profonds Ă  un problĂšme d’analyse ou de synthĂšse visuelle particulier. Dans le premier article, nous considĂ©rons un problĂšme de vision classique: la dĂ©tection de bords et de contours. Nous partons de l’approche classique et la rendons plus ‘neurale’ en combinant deux Ă©tapes, la dĂ©tection et la description de motifs visuels, en un seul rĂ©seau convolutionnel. Cette mĂ©thode, qui peut ainsi s’adapter Ă  de nouveaux ensembles de donnĂ©es, s’avĂšre ĂȘtre au moins aussi prĂ©cis que les mĂ©thodes conventionnelles quand il s’agit de domaines qui leur sont favorables, tout en Ă©tant beaucoup plus robuste dans des domaines plus gĂ©nĂ©rales. Dans le deuxiĂšme article, nous construisons une nouvelle architecture pour la manipulation d’images qui utilise l’idĂ©e que la majoritĂ© des pixels produits peuvent d’ĂȘtre copiĂ©s de l’image d’entrĂ©e. Cette technique bĂ©nĂ©ficie de plusieurs avantages majeurs par rapport Ă  l’approche conventionnelle en apprentissage profond. En effet, elle conserve les dĂ©tails de l’image d’origine, n’introduit pas d’aberrations grĂące Ă  la capacitĂ© limitĂ©e du rĂ©seau sous-jacent et simplifie l’apprentissage. Nous dĂ©montrons l’efficacitĂ© de cette architecture dans le cadre d’une tĂąche de correction du regard, oĂč notre systĂšme produit d’excellents rĂ©sultats. Dans le troisiĂšme article, nous nous Ă©clipsons de la vision artificielle pour Ă©tudier le problĂšme plus gĂ©nĂ©rale de l’adaptation Ă  de nouveaux domaines. Nous dĂ©veloppons un nouvel algorithme d’apprentissage, qui assure l’adaptation avec un objectif auxiliaire Ă  la tĂąche principale. Nous cherchons ainsi Ă  extraire des motifs qui permettent d’accomplir la tĂąche mais qui ne permettent pas Ă  un rĂ©seau dĂ©diĂ© de reconnaĂźtre le domaine. Ce rĂ©seau est optimisĂ© de maniĂšre simultanĂ© avec les motifs en question, et a pour tĂąche de reconnaĂźtre le domaine de provenance des motifs. Cette technique est simple Ă  implĂ©menter, et conduit pourtant Ă  l’état de l’art sur toutes les tĂąches de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Enfin, le quatriĂšme article prĂ©sente un nouveau type de modĂšle gĂ©nĂ©ratif d’images. À l’opposĂ© des approches conventionnels Ă  base de rĂ©seaux de neurones convolutionnels, notre systĂšme baptisĂ© SPIRAL dĂ©crit les images en termes de programmes bas-niveau qui sont exĂ©cutĂ©s par un logiciel de graphisme ordinaire. Entre autres, ceci permet Ă  l’algorithme de ne pas s’attarder sur les dĂ©tails de l’image, et de se concentrer plutĂŽt sur sa structure globale. L’espace latent de notre modĂšle est, par construction, interprĂ©table et permet de manipuler des images de façon prĂ©visible. Nous montrons la capacitĂ© et l’agilitĂ© de cette approche sur plusieurs bases de donnĂ©es de rĂ©fĂ©rence.In the present thesis, we study how deep neural networks can be applied to various tasks in computer vision. Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field that deals with understanding of digital images and video. Traditionally, the problems arising in this domain were tackled using heavily hand-engineered adhoc methods. A typical computer vision system up until recently consisted of a sequence of independent modules which barely talked to each other. Such an approach is quite reasonable in the case of limited data as it takes major advantage of the researcher's domain expertise. This strength turns into a weakness if some of the input scenarios are overlooked in the algorithm design process. With the rapidly increasing volumes and varieties of data and the advent of cheaper and faster computational resources end-to-end deep neural networks have become an appealing alternative to the traditional computer vision pipelines. We demonstrate this in a series of research articles, each of which considers a particular task of either image analysis or synthesis and presenting a solution based on a ``deep'' backbone. In the first article, we deal with a classic low-level vision problem of edge detection. Inspired by a top-performing non-neural approach, we take a step towards building an end-to-end system by combining feature extraction and description in a single convolutional network. The resulting fully data-driven method matches or surpasses the detection quality of the existing conventional approaches in the settings for which they were designed while being significantly more usable in the out-of-domain situations. In our second article, we introduce a custom architecture for image manipulation based on the idea that most of the pixels in the output image can be directly copied from the input. This technique bears several significant advantages over the naive black-box neural approach. It retains the level of detail of the original images, does not introduce artifacts due to insufficient capacity of the underlying neural network and simplifies training process, to name a few. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed architecture on the challenging gaze correction task where our system achieves excellent results. In the third article, we slightly diverge from pure computer vision and study a more general problem of domain adaption. There, we introduce a novel training-time algorithm (\ie, adaptation is attained by using an auxilliary objective in addition to the main one). We seek to extract features that maximally confuse a dedicated network called domain classifier while being useful for the task at hand. The domain classifier is learned simultaneosly with the features and attempts to tell whether those features are coming from the source or the target domain. The proposed technique is easy to implement, yet results in superior performance in all the standard benchmarks. Finally, the fourth article presents a new kind of generative model for image data. Unlike conventional neural network based approaches our system dubbed SPIRAL describes images in terms of concise low-level programs executed by off-the-shelf rendering software used by humans to create visual content. Among other things, this allows SPIRAL not to waste its capacity on minutae of datasets and focus more on the global structure. The latent space of our model is easily interpretable by design and provides means for predictable image manipulation. We test our approach on several popular datasets and demonstrate its power and flexibility

    Intrinsic Images and their Applications in Intelligent Systems

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    The overall goal of the thesis is to research intelligent systems and to provide one more innovative piece in the puzzle towards general artificial intelligence. Because one quickly realizes the importance of computer vision for this endeavor, and in there specifically the need to understand the 3D world through their 2D projections into images, we thoroughly investigate the field of intrinsic images in this thesis and improve the intrinsic decomposition of arbitrary images to enable smarter intelligent systems. We demonstrate the utilization of such a decomposition in the task of relighting, where the intrinsic structure is shown to improve results

    Learning Inference Models for Computer Vision

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    Computer vision can be understood as the ability to perform 'inference' on image data. Breakthroughs in computer vision technology are often marked by advances in inference techniques, as even the model design is often dictated by the complexity of inference in them. This thesis proposes learning based inference schemes and demonstrates applications in computer vision. We propose techniques for inference in both generative and discriminative computer vision models. Despite their intuitive appeal, the use of generative models in vision is hampered by the difficulty of posterior inference, which is often too complex or too slow to be practical. We propose techniques for improving inference in two widely used techniques: Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling and message-passing inference. Our inference strategy is to learn separate discriminative models that assist Bayesian inference in a generative model. Experiments on a range of generative vision models show that the proposed techniques accelerate the inference process and/or converge to better solutions. A main complication in the design of discriminative models is the inclusion of prior knowledge in a principled way. For better inference in discriminative models, we propose techniques that modify the original model itself, as inference is simple evaluation of the model. We concentrate on convolutional neural network (CNN) models and propose a generalization of standard spatial convolutions, which are the basic building blocks of CNN architectures, to bilateral convolutions. First, we generalize the existing use of bilateral filters and then propose new neural network architectures with learnable bilateral filters, which we call `Bilateral Neural Networks'. We show how the bilateral filtering modules can be used for modifying existing CNN architectures for better image segmentation and propose a neural network approach for temporal information propagation in videos. Experiments demonstrate the potential of the proposed bilateral networks on a wide range of vision tasks and datasets. In summary, we propose learning based techniques for better inference in several computer vision models ranging from inverse graphics to freely parameterized neural networks. In generative vision models, our inference techniques alleviate some of the crucial hurdles in Bayesian posterior inference, paving new ways for the use of model based machine learning in vision. In discriminative CNN models, the proposed filter generalizations aid in the design of new neural network architectures that can handle sparse high-dimensional data as well as provide a way for incorporating prior knowledge into CNNs

    Context-driven Object Detection and Segmentation with Auxiliary Information

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    One fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics is to localize objects of interest in an image. The task can either be formulated as an object detection problem if the objects are described by a set of pose parameters, or an object segmentation one if we recover object boundary precisely. A key issue in object detection and segmentation concerns exploiting the spatial context, as local evidence is often insufficient to determine object pose in the presence of heavy occlusions or large object appearance variations. This thesis addresses the object detection and segmentation problem in such adverse conditions with auxiliary depth data provided by RGBD cameras. We focus on four main issues in context-aware object detection and segmentation: 1) what are the effective context representations? 2) how can we work with limited and imperfect depth data? 3) how to design depth-aware features and integrate depth cues into conventional visual inference tasks? 4) how to make use of unlabeled data to relax the labeling requirements for training data? We discuss three object detection and segmentation scenarios based on varying amounts of available auxiliary information. In the first case, depth data are available for model training but not available for testing. We propose a structured Hough voting method for detecting objects with heavy occlusion in indoor environments, in which we extend the Hough hypothesis space to include both the object's location, and its visibility pattern. We design a new score function that accumulates votes for object detection and occlusion prediction. In addition, we explore the correlation between objects and their environment, building a depth-encoded object-context model based on RGBD data. In the second case, we address the problem of localizing glass objects with noisy and incomplete depth data. Our method integrates the intensity and depth information from a single view point, and builds a Markov Random Field that predicts glass boundary and region jointly. In addition, we propose a nonparametric, data-driven label transfer scheme for local glass boundary estimation. A weighted voting scheme based on a joint feature manifold is adopted to integrate depth and appearance cues, and we learn a distance metric on the depth-encoded feature manifold. In the third case, we make use of unlabeled data to relax the annotation requirements for object detection and segmentation, and propose a novel data-dependent margin distribution learning criterion for boosting, which utilizes the intrinsic geometric structure of datasets. One key aspect of this method is that it can seamlessly incorporate unlabeled data by including a graph Laplacian regularizer. We demonstrate the performance of our models and compare with baseline methods on several real-world object detection and segmentation tasks, including indoor object detection, glass object segmentation and foreground segmentation in video

    Model-based Optical Flow: Layers, Learning, and Geometry

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    The estimation of motion in video sequences establishes temporal correspondences between pixels and surfaces and allows reasoning about a scene using multiple frames. Despite being a focus of research for over three decades, computing motion, or optical flow, remains challenging due to a number of difficulties, including the treatment of motion discontinuities and occluded regions, and the integration of information from more than two frames. One reason for these issues is that most optical flow algorithms only reason about the motion of pixels on the image plane, while not taking the image formation pipeline or the 3D structure of the world into account. One approach to address this uses layered models, which represent the occlusion structure of a scene and provide an approximation to the geometry. The goal of this dissertation is to show ways to inject additional knowledge about the scene into layered methods, making them more robust, faster, and more accurate. First, this thesis demonstrates the modeling power of layers using the example of motion blur in videos, which is caused by fast motion relative to the exposure time of the camera. Layers segment the scene into regions that move coherently while preserving their occlusion relationships. The motion of each layer therefore directly determines its motion blur. At the same time, the layered model captures complex blur overlap effects at motion discontinuities. Using layers, we can thus formulate a generative model for blurred video sequences, and use this model to simultaneously deblur a video and compute accurate optical flow for highly dynamic scenes containing motion blur. Next, we consider the representation of the motion within layers. Since, in a layered model, important motion discontinuities are captured by the segmentation into layers, the flow within each layer varies smoothly and can be approximated using a low dimensional subspace. We show how this subspace can be learned from training data using principal component analysis (PCA), and that flow estimation using this subspace is computationally efficient. The combination of the layered model and the low-dimensional subspace gives the best of both worlds, sharp motion discontinuities from the layers and computational efficiency from the subspace. Lastly, we show how layered methods can be dramatically improved using simple semantics. Instead of treating all layers equally, a semantic segmentation divides the scene into its static parts and moving objects. Static parts of the scene constitute a large majority of what is shown in typical video sequences; yet, in such regions optical flow is fully constrained by the depth structure of the scene and the camera motion. After segmenting out moving objects, we consider only static regions, and explicitly reason about the structure of the scene and the camera motion, yielding much better optical flow estimates. Furthermore, computing the structure of the scene allows to better combine information from multiple frames, resulting in high accuracies even in occluded regions. For moving regions, we compute the flow using a generic optical flow method, and combine it with the flow computed for the static regions to obtain a full optical flow field. By combining layered models of the scene with reasoning about the dynamic behavior of the real, three-dimensional world, the methods presented herein push the envelope of optical flow computation in terms of robustness, speed, and accuracy, giving state-of-the-art results on benchmarks and pointing to important future research directions for the estimation of motion in natural scenes