420,606 research outputs found

    Automatic acquisition of Spanish LFG resources from the Cast3LB treebank

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    In this paper, we describe the automatic annotation of the Cast3LB Treebank with LFG f-structures for the subsequent extraction of Spanish probabilistic grammar and lexical resources. We adapt the approach and methodology of Cahill et al. (2004), O’Donovan et al. (2004) and elsewhere for English to Spanish and the Cast3LB treebank encoding. We report on the quality and coverage of the automatic f-structure annotation. Following the pipeline and integrated models of Cahill et al. (2004), we extract wide-coverage probabilistic LFG approximations and parse unseen Spanish text into f-structures. We also extend Bikel’s (2002) Multilingual Parse Engine to include a Spanish language module. Using the retrained Bikel parser in the pipeline model gives the best results against a manually constructed gold standard (73.20% predsonly f-score). We also extract Spanish lexical resources: 4090 semantic form types with 98 frame types. Subcategorised prepositions and particles are included in the frames

    Supporting the semi-automatic acquisition of semantic RESTful service descriptions

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    This paper presents SWEET: Semantic Web sErvices Editing Tool, the first tool developed for the semi-automatic acquisition of semantic RESTful service descriptions, aiming to support a higher level of automation of common RESTful service tasks, such as discovery and composition

    Automatic testing device facilitates noise checks and electronic calibrations

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    Automatic Digital Noise Checker determines the noise content of the many analog imputs of a data acquisition system and whether the Electronic Calibrations /EC/ on some data channels are operating properly

    Automatic carrier acquisition system

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    An automatic carrier acquisition system for a phase locked loop (PLL) receiver is disclosed. It includes a local oscillator, which sweeps the receiver to tune across the carrier frequency uncertainty range until the carrier crosses the receiver IF reference. Such crossing is detected by an automatic acquisition detector. It receives the IF signal from the receiver as well as the IF reference. It includes a pair of multipliers which multiply the IF signal with the IF reference in phase and in quadrature. The outputs of the multipliers are filtered through bandpass filters and power detected. The output of the power detector has a signal dc component which is optimized with respect to the noise dc level by the selection of the time constants of the filters as a function of the sweep rate of the local oscillator

    Semantically Annotating RESTful Services with SWEET

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    This paper presents SWEET: Semantic Web sErvices Editing Tool, the first tool developed for the semi-automatic acquisition of semantic RESTful service descriptions, aiming to support a higher level of automation of common RESTful service tasks, such as discovery and composition

    Feasibility study ASCS remote sensing/compliance determination system

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    A short-term technical study was performed by the MSC Earth Observations Division to determine the feasibility of the proposed Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Automatic Remote Sensing/Compliance Determination System. For the study, the term automatic was interpreted as applying to an automated remote-sensing system that includes data acquisition, processing, and management

    Design for a Rapid Automatic Sync Acquisition System

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    System provides rapid command sync acquisition between widely separated transmitter-receivers. It is based on a rapid, automatic range-adjustment approach rather than the time-consuming cycle slipping or stepping techniques of conventional phase-locked loops