2,775 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Sense-Aware Hypernymy Extraction

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    In this paper, we show how unsupervised sense representations can be used to improve hypernymy extraction. We present a method for extracting disambiguated hypernymy relationships that propagates hypernyms to sets of synonyms (synsets), constructs embeddings for these sets, and establishes sense-aware relationships between matching synsets. Evaluation on two gold standard datasets for English and Russian shows that the method successfully recognizes hypernymy relationships that cannot be found with standard Hearst patterns and Wiktionary datasets for the respective languages.Comment: In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2018). Vienna, Austri

    Inferring Concept Hierarchies from Text Corpora via Hyperbolic Embeddings

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    We consider the task of inferring is-a relationships from large text corpora. For this purpose, we propose a new method combining hyperbolic embeddings and Hearst patterns. This approach allows us to set appropriate constraints for inferring concept hierarchies from distributional contexts while also being able to predict missing is-a relationships and to correct wrong extractions. Moreover -- and in contrast with other methods -- the hierarchical nature of hyperbolic space allows us to learn highly efficient representations and to improve the taxonomic consistency of the inferred hierarchies. Experimentally, we show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on several commonly-used benchmarks

    Memory-Based Learning: Using Similarity for Smoothing

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    This paper analyses the relation between the use of similarity in Memory-Based Learning and the notion of backed-off smoothing in statistical language modeling. We show that the two approaches are closely related, and we argue that feature weighting methods in the Memory-Based paradigm can offer the advantage of automatically specifying a suitable domain-specific hierarchy between most specific and most general conditioning information without the need for a large number of parameters. We report two applications of this approach: PP-attachment and POS-tagging. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both domains, and allows the easy integration of diverse information sources, such as rich lexical representations.Comment: 8 pages, uses aclap.sty, To appear in Proc. ACL/EACL 9

    Growing a Tree in the Forest: Constructing Folksonomies by Integrating Structured Metadata

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    Many social Web sites allow users to annotate the content with descriptive metadata, such as tags, and more recently to organize content hierarchically. These types of structured metadata provide valuable evidence for learning how a community organizes knowledge. For instance, we can aggregate many personal hierarchies into a common taxonomy, also known as a folksonomy, that will aid users in visualizing and browsing social content, and also to help them in organizing their own content. However, learning from social metadata presents several challenges, since it is sparse, shallow, ambiguous, noisy, and inconsistent. We describe an approach to folksonomy learning based on relational clustering, which exploits structured metadata contained in personal hierarchies. Our approach clusters similar hierarchies using their structure and tag statistics, then incrementally weaves them into a deeper, bushier tree. We study folksonomy learning using social metadata extracted from the photo-sharing site Flickr, and demonstrate that the proposed approach addresses the challenges. Moreover, comparing to previous work, the approach produces larger, more accurate folksonomies, and in addition, scales better.Comment: 10 pages, To appear in the Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(KDD) 201

    Using distributional similarity to organise biomedical terminology

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    We investigate an application of distributional similarity techniques to the problem of structural organisation of biomedical terminology. Our application domain is the relatively small GENIA corpus. Using terms that have been accurately marked-up by hand within the corpus, we consider the problem of automatically determining semantic proximity. Terminological units are dened for our purposes as normalised classes of individual terms. Syntactic analysis of the corpus data is carried out using the Pro3Gres parser and provides the data required to calculate distributional similarity using a variety of dierent measures. Evaluation is performed against a hand-crafted gold standard for this domain in the form of the GENIA ontology. We show that distributional similarity can be used to predict semantic type with a good degree of accuracy

    A Learning Approach to Shallow Parsing

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    A SNoW based learning approach to shallow parsing tasks is presented and studied experimentally. The approach learns to identify syntactic patterns by combining simple predictors to produce a coherent inference. Two instantiations of this approach are studied and experimental results for Noun-Phrases (NP) and Subject-Verb (SV) phrases that compare favorably with the best published results are presented. In doing that, we compare two ways of modeling the problem of learning to recognize patterns and suggest that shallow parsing patterns are better learned using open/close predictors than using inside/outside predictors.Comment: LaTex 2e, 11 pages, 2 eps figures, 1 bbl file, uses colacl.st

    Similarity of Semantic Relations

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    There are at least two kinds of similarity. Relational similarity is correspondence between relations, in contrast with attributional similarity, which is correspondence between attributes. When two words have a high degree of attributional similarity, we call them synonyms. When two pairs of words have a high degree of relational similarity, we say that their relations are analogous. For example, the word pair mason:stone is analogous to the pair carpenter:wood. This paper introduces Latent Relational Analysis (LRA), a method for measuring relational similarity. LRA has potential applications in many areas, including information extraction, word sense disambiguation, and information retrieval. Recently the Vector Space Model (VSM) of information retrieval has been adapted to measuring relational similarity, achieving a score of 47% on a collection of 374 college-level multiple-choice word analogy questions. In the VSM approach, the relation between a pair of words is characterized by a vector of frequencies of predefined patterns in a large corpus. LRA extends the VSM approach in three ways: (1) the patterns are derived automatically from the corpus, (2) the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is used to smooth the frequency data, and (3) automatically generated synonyms are used to explore variations of the word pairs. LRA achieves 56% on the 374 analogy questions, statistically equivalent to the average human score of 57%. On the related problem of classifying semantic relations, LRA achieves similar gains over the VSM
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