31 research outputs found

    Modularity in answer set programs

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    Answer set programming (ASP) is an approach to rule-based constraint programming allowing flexible knowledge representation in variety of application areas. The declarative nature of ASP is reflected in problem solving. First, a programmer writes down a logic program the answer sets of which correspond to the solutions of the problem. The answer sets of the program are then computed using a special purpose search engine, an ASP solver. The development of efficient ASP solvers has enabled the use of answer set programming in various application domains such as planning, product configuration, computer aided verification, and bioinformatics. The topic of this thesis is modularity in answer set programming. While modern programming languages typically provide means to exploit modularity in a number of ways to govern the complexity of programs and their development process, relatively little attention has been paid to modularity in ASP. When designing a module architecture for ASP, it is essential to establish full compositionality of the semantics with respect to the module system. A balance is sought between introducing restrictions that guarantee the compositionality of the semantics and enforce a good programming style in ASP, and avoiding restrictions on the module hierarchy for the sake of flexibility of knowledge representation. To justify a replacement of a module with another, that is, to be able to guarantee that changes made on the level of modules do not alter the semantics of the program when seen as an entity, a notion of equivalence for modules is provided. In close connection with the development of the compositional module architecture, a transformation from verification of equivalence to search for answer sets is developed. The translation-based approach makes it unnecessary to develop a dedicated tool for the equivalence verification task by allowing the direct use of existing ASP solvers. Translations and transformations between different problems, program classes, and formalisms are another central theme in the thesis. To guarantee efficiency and soundness of the translation-based approach, certain syntactical and semantical properties of transformations are desirable, in terms of translation time, solution correspondence between the original and the transformed problem, and locality/globality of a particular transformation. In certain cases a more refined notion of minimality than that inherent in ASP can make program encodings more intuitive. Lifschitz' parallel and prioritized circumscription offer a solution in which certain atoms are allowed to vary or to have fixed values while others are falsified as far as possible according to priority classes. In this thesis a linear and faithful transformation embedding parallel and prioritized circumscription into ASP is provided. This enhances the knowledge representation capabilities of answer set programming by allowing the use of existing ASP solvers for computing parallel and prioritized circumscription

    The CIFF Proof Procedure for Abductive Logic Programming with Constraints: Theory, Implementation and Experiments

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    We present the CIFF proof procedure for abductive logic programming with constraints, and we prove its correctness. CIFF is an extension of the IFF proof procedure for abductive logic programming, relaxing the original restrictions over variable quantification (allowedness conditions) and incorporating a constraint solver to deal with numerical constraints as in constraint logic programming. Finally, we describe the CIFF system, comparing it with state of the art abductive systems and answer set solvers and showing how to use it to program some applications. (To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming - TPLP)

    SEA'07: Software engineering for answer set programming

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    The CIFF Proof Procedure for Abductive Logic Programming with Constraints: Definition, Implementation and a Web Application

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    Abduction has found broad application as a powerful tool for hypothetical reasoning with incomplete knowledge, which can be handled by labeling some pieces of information as abducibles, i.e. as possible hypotheses that can be assumed to hold, provided that they are consistent with the given knowledge base. Attempts to make the abductive reasoning an effective computational tool gave rise to Abductive Logic Programming (ALP) which combines abduction with standard logic programming. A number of so-called proof procedures for ALP have been proposed in the literature, e.g. the IFF procedure, the Kakas and Mancarella procedure and the SLDNFA procedure, which rely upon extensions of different semantics for logic programming. ALP has also been integrated with Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), in order to combine abductive reasoning with an arithmetic tool for constraint solving. In recent years, many proof procedures for abductive logic programming with constraints have been proposed, including ACLP and the A-System which have been applied to many fields, e.g. multi-agent systems, scheduling, integration of information. This dissertation describes the development of a new abductive proof procedure with constraints, namely the CIFF proof procedure. The description is both at the theoretical level, giving a formal definition and a soundness result with respect to the three-valued completion semantics, and at the implementative level with the implemented CIFF System 4.0 as a Prolog meta-interpreter. The main contributions of the CIFF proof procedure are the advances in the expressiveness of the framework with respect to other frameworks for abductive logic programming with constraints, and the overall computational performances of the implemented system. The second part of the dissertation presents a novel application of the CIFF proof procedure as the computational engine of a tool, the CIFFWEB system, for checking and (possibly) repairing faulty web sites. Indeed, the exponential growth of the WWW raises the question of maintaining and automatically repairing web sites, in particular when the designers of these sites require them to exhibit certain properties at both structural and data level. The capability of maintaining and repairing web sites is also important to ensure the success of the Semantic Web vision. As the Semantic Web relies upon the definition and the maintenance of consistent data schemas (XML/XMLSchema, RDF/RDFSchema, OWL and so on), tools for reasoning over such schemas (and possibly extending the reasoning to multiple web pages) show great promise. The CIFFWEB system is such a tool which allows to verify and to repair XML web sites instances, against sets of requirements which have to be fulfilled, through abductive reasoning. We define an expressive characterization of rules for checking and repairing web sites' errors and we do a formal mapping of a fragment of a well known XML query language, namely Xcerpt, to abductive logic programs suitable to fed as input to the CIFF proof procedure. Finally, the CIFF proof procedure detects the errors and possibly suggests modifications to the XML instances to repair them. The soundness of this process is directly inherited from the soundness of CIFF

    Techniques for solving Boolean equation systems

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    Boolean equation systems are ordered sequences of Boolean equations decorated with least and greatest fixpoint operators. Boolean equation systems provide a useful framework for formal verification because various specification and verification problems, for instance, μ-calculus model checking can be represented as the problem of solving Boolean equation systems. The general problem of solving a Boolean equation system is a computationally hard task, and no polynomial time solution technique for the problem has been discovered so far. In this thesis, techniques for finding solutions to Boolean equation systems are studied and new methods for solving such systems are devised. The thesis presents a general framework that allows for dividing Boolean equation systems into individual blocks and solving these blocks in isolation with special techniques. Three special techniques are presented, namely: (i) new specialized algorithms for disjunctive and conjunctive form Boolean equation systems, (ii) a new encoding of a general form Boolean equation system into answer set programming, and (iii) new encodings of a general form Boolean equation systems into satisfiability problems. The approaches (ii) and (iii) are motivated by the recent success of answer set programming solvers and satisfiability solvers in formal verification. First, the thesis presents especially fast solution algorithms for disjunctive and conjunctive classes of Boolean equation systems. These special algorithms are useful because many practically relevant model checking problems can be represented as Boolean equation systems that are disjunctive or conjunctive. The new algorithms have been implemented and the performance of the algorithms has been compared experimentally on communication protocol verification examples. Second, the thesis gives a translation of the problem of solving a general form Boolean equation system into the problem of finding a stable model of a logic program. The translation allows to use implementations of answer set programming solvers to solve Boolean equation systems. Experimental tests have been performed using the presented approach and these experiments indicate the usefulness of answer set programming in this problem domain. Third, the thesis presents reductions from the problem of solving general form Boolean equation systems to the satisfiability problems of difference logic and propositional logic. The reductions allow to use implementations of satisfiability solvers to solve Boolean equation systems. The presented reductions have been implemented and it is shown via experiments that the new approach leads to practically efficient methods to solve general Boolean equation systems.Boolen yhtälöryhmät ovat kiintopisteoperaattoreilla varustettuja Boolen yhtälöitä. Boolen yhtälöryhmät luovat hyödyllisen viitekehyksen tietokoneavusteiselle verifioinnille, sillä monet määrittely- ja verifiointiongelmat voidaan kuvata tällaisten kiintopisteyhtälöiden avulla. Työssä kehitetään uusia menetelmiä Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Työssä esitetään yleinen viitekehys Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen, joka yksinkertaistaa ratkaisun laskemista jakamalla yhtälöryhmät yksinkertaisempiin aliongelmiin. Työssä esitetään kolme uutta mentelmää Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Konjunktiivisten ja disjunktiivisten Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen kehitetään uusia algoritmeja, sekä esitetään näiden toteutukset ja suorituskykyjä koskevia koetuloksia. Työssä kehitetään käännös Boolen yhtälöryhmän ratkaisemisesta logiikkaohjelman stabiilin mallin löytämiseen sekä menetelmän toimivuutta koskevia koetuloksia. Käännös mahdollistaa logiikkaohjelmointiympäristöjen toteutusten käytön Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Koetulokset osoittavat rajoitepohjaisen logiikkaohjelmointiympäristön tehokkuuden Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemisessa. Työssä kehitetään myös käännökset Boolen yhtälöryhmän ratkaisemisesta differenssilogiikan sekä lauselogiikan toteutuvuusongelmiin. Käännökset mahdollistavat toteutuvuustarkastimien käytön Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemiseen. Koetulokset osoittavat esitettyjen menetelmien tehokkuuden Boolen yhtälöryhmien ratkaisemisessa.reviewe

    URSA: A System for Uniform Reduction to SAT

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