438 research outputs found

    Compiling dataflow graphs into hardware

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    Department Head: L. Darrell Whitley.2005 Fall.Includes bibliographical references (pages 121-126).Conventional computers are programmed by supplying a sequence of instructions that perform the desired task. A reconfigurable processor is "programmed" by specifying the interconnections between hardware components, thereby creating a "hardwired" system to do the particular task. For some applications such as image processing, reconfigurable processors can produce dramatic execution speedups. However, programming a reconfigurable processor is essentially a hardware design discipline, making programming difficult for application programmers who are only familiar with software design techniques. To bridge this gap, a programming language, called SA-C (Single Assignment C, pronounced "sassy"), has been designed for programming reconfigurable processors. The process involves two main steps - first, the SA-C compiler analyzes the input source code and produces a hardware-independent intermediate representation of the program, called a dataflow graph (DFG). Secondly, this DFG is combined with hardware-specific information to create the final configuration. This dissertation describes the design and implementation of a system that performs the DFG to hardware translation. The DFG is broken up into three sections: the data generators, the inner loop body, and the data collectors. The second of these, the inner loop body, is used to create a computational structure that is unique for each program. The other two sections are implemented by using prebuilt modules, parameterized for the particular problem. Finally, a "glue module" is created to connect the various pieces into a complete interconnection specification. The dissertation also explores optimizations that can be applied while processing the DFG, to improve performance. A technique for pipelining the inner loop body is described that uses an estimation tool for the propagation delay of the nodes within the dataflow graph. A scheme is also described that identifies subgraphs with the dataflow graph that can be replaced with lookup tables. The lookup tables provide a faster implementation than random logic in some instances

    VHDL implementation and synthesis of adaptive thresholding

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    As the world of mobile multimedia computing continues to grow, so does the need for small, high performance, low power microchips. The implementation of the software algorithms used in these systems therefore has become an increasingly important issue in more recent applications. In order to realize the goals of our technological society and keep up with the speed at which computing technology is growing, the hardware implementation of these algorithms must be examined. This thesis describes the implementation and system simulation of four image binarization algorithms. The first algorithm is a simple global thresholding algorithm, while the remaining three adapt to the luminescent properties of the image. A high-level design philosophy was utilized throughout the course of the research. Each algorithm was first modeled in MATLAB, implemented and simulated in VHDL, and then synthesized to an FPGA where their operation was tested using a custom PC interface. High-level programming methods were used in both the modeling and VHDL implementations of the algorithms. The algorithms were synthesized to an Altera 20K200E FPGA on the Excalibur NIOS development board. Of the four algorithms, the local thresholding algorithm would not synthesize due to the high-level VHDL loop commands which were utilized in the implementation. The remaining three, global thresholding, running average thresholding, and quick adaptive thresholding were synthesized and written to the target device with 7.12%, 89.76% and 58.52% utilization of the devices on the FPGA respectively. The global thresholding algorithm achieved a clock frequency of 62.1 MHz, running thresholding achieved 17.6 MHz, and quick thresholding obtained a frequency of 21.4 MHz

    Application-Specific Number Representation

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    Reconfigurable devices, such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), enable application- specific number representations. Well-known number formats include fixed-point, floating- point, logarithmic number system (LNS), and residue number system (RNS). Such different number representations lead to different arithmetic designs and error behaviours, thus produc- ing implementations with different performance, accuracy, and cost. To investigate the design options in number representations, the first part of this thesis presents a platform that enables automated exploration of the number representation design space. The second part of the thesis shows case studies that optimise the designs for area, latency or throughput from the perspective of number representations. Automated design space exploration in the first part addresses the following two major issues: ² Automation requires arithmetic unit generation. This thesis provides optimised arithmetic library generators for logarithmic and residue arithmetic units, which support a wide range of bit widths and achieve significant improvement over previous designs. ² Generation of arithmetic units requires specifying the bit widths for each variable. This thesis describes an automatic bit-width optimisation tool called R-Tool, which combines dynamic and static analysis methods, and supports different number systems (fixed-point, floating-point, and LNS numbers). Putting it all together, the second part explores the effects of application-specific number representation on practical benchmarks, such as radiative Monte Carlo simulation, and seismic imaging computations. Experimental results show that customising the number representations brings benefits to hardware implementations: by selecting a more appropriate number format, we can reduce the area cost by up to 73.5% and improve the throughput by 14.2% to 34.1%; by performing the bit-width optimisation, we can further reduce the area cost by 9.7% to 17.3%. On the performance side, hardware implementations with customised number formats achieve 5 to potentially over 40 times speedup over software implementations

    Fast Semivariogram Computation Using FPGA Architectures

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    The semivariogram is a statistical measure of the spatial distribution of data, and is based on Markov Random Fields (MRFs). Semivariogram analysis is a computationally intensive algorithm that has typically seen applications in the geosciences and remote sensing areas. Recently, applications in the area of medical imaging have been investigated, resulting in the need for efficient real time implementation of the algorithm. A semi-variance, ÃŽ(h), is defined as the half of the expected squared differences of pixel values between any two data locations with a lag distance of h. Due to the need to examine each pair of pixels in the image or sub-image being processed, the base algorithm complexity for an image window with n pixels is O (n2). Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are an attractive solution for such demanding applications due to their parallel processing capability. FPGAs also tend to operate at relatively modest clock rates measured in a few hundreds of megahertz. This thesis presents a technique for the fast computation of the semivariogram using two custom FPGA architectures. A modular architecture approach is chosen to allow for replication of processing units. This allows for high throughput due to concurrent processing of pixel pairs. The current implementation is focused on isotropic semivariogram computations only. The algorithm is benchmarked using VHDL on a Xilinx XUPV5-LX110T development Kit, which utilizes the Virtex5 FPGA. Medical image data from MRI scans are utilized for the experiments. Implementation results of the first architecture shows that a significant advantage in computational speed is attained by the architectures with respect to Matlab implementation on a personal computer with an Intel i7 multi-core processor. It is also observed that the massively pipelined architecture is nearly 100 times faster than the non-pipelined architecture

    High Performance Computing via High Level Synthesis

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    As more and more powerful integrated circuits are appearing on the market, more and more applications, with very different requirements and workloads, are making use of the available computing power. This thesis is in particular devoted to High Performance Computing applications, where those trends are carried to the extreme. In this domain, the primary aspects to be taken into consideration are (1) performance (by definition) and (2) energy consumption (since operational costs dominate over procurement costs). These requirements can be satisfied more easily by deploying heterogeneous platforms, which include CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs to provide a broad range of performance and energy-per-operation choices. In particular, as we will see, FPGAs clearly dominate both CPUs and GPUs in terms of energy, and can provide comparable performance. An important aspect of this trend is of course design technology, because these applications were traditionally programmed in high-level languages, while FPGAs required low-level RTL design. The OpenCL (Open Computing Language) developed by the Khronos group enables developers to program CPU, GPU and recently FPGAs using functionally portable (but sadly not performance portable) source code which creates new possibilities and challenges both for research and industry. FPGAs have been always used for mid-size designs and ASIC prototyping thanks to their energy efficient and flexible hardware architecture, but their usage requires hardware design knowledge and laborious design cycles. Several approaches are developed and deployed to address this issue and shorten the gap between software and hardware in FPGA design flow, in order to enable FPGAs to capture a larger portion of the hardware acceleration market in data centers. Moreover, FPGAs usage in data centers is growing already, regardless of and in addition to their use as computational accelerators, because they can be used as high performance, low power and secure switches inside data-centers. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is the methodology that enables designers to map their applications on FPGAs (and ASICs). It synthesizes parallel hardware from a model originally written C-based programming languages .e.g. C/C++, SystemC and OpenCL. Design space exploration of the variety of implementations that can be obtained from this C model is possible through wide range of optimization techniques and directives, e.g. to pipeline loops and partition memories into multiple banks, which guide RTL generation toward application dependent hardware and benefit designers from flexible parallel architecture of FPGAs. Model Based Design (MBD) is a high-level and visual process used to generate implementations that solve mathematical problems through a varied set of IP-blocks. MBD enables developers with different expertise, e.g. control theory, embedded software development, and hardware design to share a common design framework and contribute to a shared design using the same tool. Simulink, developed by MATLAB, is a model based design tool for simulation and development of complex dynamical systems. Moreover, Simulink embedded code generators can produce verified C/C++ and HDL code from the graphical model. This code can be used to program micro-controllers and FPGAs. This PhD thesis work presents a study using automatic code generator of Simulink to target Xilinx FPGAs using both HDL and C/C++ code to demonstrate capabilities and challenges of high-level synthesis process. To do so, firstly, digital signal processing unit of a real-time radar application is developed using Simulink blocks. Secondly, generated C based model was used for high level synthesis process and finally the implementation cost of HLS is compared to traditional HDL synthesis using Xilinx tool chain. Alternative to model based design approach, this work also presents an analysis on FPGA programming via high-level synthesis techniques for computationally intensive algorithms and demonstrates the importance of HLS by comparing performance-per-watt of GPUs(NVIDIA) and FPGAs(Xilinx) manufactured in the same node running standard OpenCL benchmarks. We conclude that generation of high quality RTL from OpenCL model requires stronger hardware background with respect to the MBD approach, however, the availability of a fast and broad design space exploration ability and portability of the OpenCL code, e.g. to CPUs and GPUs, motivates FPGA industry leaders to provide users with OpenCL software development environment which promises FPGA programming in CPU/GPU-like fashion. Our experiments, through extensive design space exploration(DSE), suggest that FPGAs have higher performance-per-watt with respect to two high-end GPUs manufactured in the same technology(28 nm). Moreover, FPGAs with more available resources and using a more modern process (20 nm) can outperform the tested GPUs while consuming much less power at the cost of more expensive devices

    Type-driven automated program transformations and cost modelling for optimising streaming programs on FPGAs

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    In this paper we present a novel approach to program optimisation based on compiler-based type-driven program transformations and a fast and accurate cost/performance model for the target architecture. We target streaming programs for the problem domain of scientific computing, such as numerical weather prediction. We present our theoretical framework for type-driven program transformation, our target high-level language and intermediate representation languages and the cost model and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by comparison with a commercial toolchain

    Automatic mapping of graphical programming applications to microelectronic technologies

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    Adaptive computing systems (ACSs) and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) can serve as flexible hardware accelerators for applications in domains such as image processing and digital signal processing. However, the mapping of applications onto ACSs and ASICs using the traditional methods can take months for a hardware engineer to develop and debug. In this dissertation, a new approach for automatic mapping of software applications onto ACSs and ASICs has been developed, implemented and validated. This dissertation presents the design flow of the software environment called CHAMPION, which is being developed at the University of Tennessee. This environment permits high-level design entry using the Cantata graphical programming software fromKRI. Using Cantata as the design entry, CHAMPION hides from the user the low-level details of the hardware architecture and the finer issues of application mapping onto the hardware. Validation of the CHAMPION environment was performed using multiple applications of moderate complexity. In one case, theapplication mapping time which required six weeks to perform manually took only six minutes for CHAMPION, yet comparable results were produced. Furthermore, the CHAMPION environment was constructed such that retargeting to a new adaptive computing system could be accomplished in just a few hours as opposed to weeks using manual methods. Thus, CHAMPION permits both ACSs and ASICs to be utilized by a wider audience and application development accomplished in less time

    Efficient implementation of video processing algorithms on FPGA

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    The work contained in this portfolio thesis was carried out as part of an Engineering Doctorate (Eng.D) programme from the Institute for System Level Integration. The work was sponsored by Thales Optronics, and focuses on issues surrounding the implementation of video processing algorithms on field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). A description is given of FPGA technology and the currently dominant methods of designing and verifying firmware. The problems of translating a description of behaviour into one of structure are discussed, and some of the latest methodologies for tackling this problem are introduced. A number of algorithms are then looked at, including methods of contrast enhancement, deconvolution, and image fusion. Algorithms are characterised according to the nature of their execution flow, and this is used as justification for some of the design choices that are made. An efficient method of performing large two-dimensional convolutions is also described. The portfolio also contains a discussion of an FPGA implementation of a PID control algorithm, an overview of FPGA dynamic reconfigurability, and the development of a demonstration platform for rapid deployment of video processing algorithms in FPGA hardware
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