480 research outputs found

    Automated semantic trajectory annotation with indoor point-of-interest visits in urban areas

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    User trajectories contain a wealth of implicit information. The places that people visit, provide us with information about their preferences and needs. Furthermore, it provides us with information about the popularity of places, for example at which time of the year or day these places are frequently visited. The potential for behavioral analysis of trajectories is widely discussed in literature, but all of these methods need a pre-processing step: the geometric trajectory data needs to be transformed into a semantic collection or sequence of visited points-of-interest that is more suitable for data mining. Especially indoor activities in urban areas are challenging to detect from raw trajectory data. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for the automated detection of visited points-of-interest. This algorithm extracts the actual visited points-of-interest well, both in terms of precision and recall, even for the challenging urban indoor activity detection. We demonstrate the strength of the algorithm by comparing it to three existing and widely used algorithms, using annotated trajectory data, collected through an experiment with students in the city of Hengelo, The Netherlands. Our algorithm, which combines multiple trajectory pre-processing techniques from existing work with several novel ones, shows significant improvements

    Movement Analytics: Current Status, Application to Manufacturing, and Future Prospects from an AI Perspective

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    Data-driven decision making is becoming an integral part of manufacturing companies. Data is collected and commonly used to improve efficiency and produce high quality items for the customers. IoT-based and other forms of object tracking are an emerging tool for collecting movement data of objects/entities (e.g. human workers, moving vehicles, trolleys etc.) over space and time. Movement data can provide valuable insights like process bottlenecks, resource utilization, effective working time etc. that can be used for decision making and improving efficiency. Turning movement data into valuable information for industrial management and decision making requires analysis methods. We refer to this process as movement analytics. The purpose of this document is to review the current state of work for movement analytics both in manufacturing and more broadly. We survey relevant work from both a theoretical perspective and an application perspective. From the theoretical perspective, we put an emphasis on useful methods from two research areas: machine learning, and logic-based knowledge representation. We also review their combinations in view of movement analytics, and we discuss promising areas for future development and application. Furthermore, we touch on constraint optimization. From an application perspective, we review applications of these methods to movement analytics in a general sense and across various industries. We also describe currently available commercial off-the-shelf products for tracking in manufacturing, and we overview main concepts of digital twins and their applications

    A visual analytics approach for visualisation and knowledge discovery from time-varying personal life data

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in ful filment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyToday, the importance of big data from lifestyles and work activities has been the focus of much research. At the same time, advances in modern sensor technologies have enabled self-logging of a signi cant number of daily activities and movements. Lifestyle logging produces a wide variety of personal data along the lifespan of individuals, including locations, movements, travel distance, step counts and the like, and can be useful in many areas such as healthcare, personal life management, memory recall, and socialisation. However, the amount of obtainable personal life logging data has enormously increased and stands in need of effective processing, analysis, and visualisation to provide hidden insights owing to the lack of semantic information (particularly in spatiotemporal data), complexity, large volume of trivial records, and absence of effective information visualisation on a large scale. Meanwhile, new technologies such as visual analytics have emerged with great potential in data mining and visualisation to overcome the challenges in handling such data and to support individuals in many aspects of their life. Thus, this thesis contemplates the importance of scalability and conducts a comprehensive investigation into visual analytics and its impact on the process of knowledge discovery from the European Commission project MyHealthAvatar at the Centre for Visualisation and Data Analytics by actively involving individuals in order to establish a credible reasoning and effectual interactive visualisation of such multivariate data with particular focus on lifestyle and personal events. To this end, this work widely reviews the foremost existing work on data mining (with the particular focus on semantic enrichment and ranking), data visualisation (of time-oriented, personal, and spatiotemporal data), and methodical evaluations of such approaches. Subsequently, a novel automated place annotation is introduced with multilevel probabilistic latent semantic analysis to automatically attach relevant information to the collected personal spatiotemporal data with low or no semantic information in order to address the inadequate information, which is essential for the process of knowledge discovery. Correspondingly, a multi-signi ficance event ranking model is introduced by involving a number of factors as well as individuals' preferences, which can influence the result within the process of analysis towards credible and high-quality knowledge discovery. The data mining models are assessed in terms of accurateness and performance. The results showed that both models are highly capable of enriching the raw data and providing significant events based on user preferences. An interactive visualisation is also designed and implemented including a set of novel visual components signifi cantly based upon human perception and attentiveness to visualise the extracted knowledge. Each visual component is evaluated iteratively based on usability and perceptibility in order to enhance the visualisation towards reaching the goal of this thesis. Lastly, three integrated visual analytics tools (platforms) are designed and implemented in order to demonstrate how the data mining models and interactive visualisation can be exploited to support different aspects of personal life, such as lifestyle, life pattern, and memory recall (reminiscence). The result of the evaluation for the three integrated visual analytics tools showed that this visual analytics approach can deliver a remarkable experience in gaining knowledge and supporting the users' life in certain aspects


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    Privacy-preserving human mobility and activity modelling

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    The exponential proliferation of digital trends and worldwide responses to the COVID-19 pandemic thrust the world into digitalization and interconnectedness, pushing increasingly new technologies/devices/applications into the market. More and more intimate data of users are collected for positive analysis purposes of improving living well-being but shared with/without the user's consent, emphasizing the importance of making human mobility and activity models inclusive, private, and fair. In this thesis, I develop and implement advanced methods/algorithms to model human mobility and activity in terms of temporal-context dynamics, multi-occupancy impacts, privacy protection, and fair analysis. The following research questions have been thoroughly investigated: i) whether the temporal information integrated into the deep learning networks can improve the prediction accuracy in both predicting the next activity and its timing; ii) how is the trade-off between cost and performance when optimizing the sensor network for multiple-occupancy smart homes; iii) whether the malicious purposes such as user re-identification in human mobility modelling could be mitigated by adversarial learning; iv) whether the fairness implications of mobility models and whether privacy-preserving techniques perform equally for different groups of users. To answer these research questions, I develop different architectures to model human activity and mobility. I first clarify the temporal-context dynamics in human activity modelling and achieve better prediction accuracy by appropriately using the temporal information. I then design a framework MoSen to simulate the interaction dynamics among residents and intelligent environments and generate an effective sensor network strategy. To relieve users' privacy concerns, I design Mo-PAE and show that the privacy of mobility traces attains decent protection at the marginal utility cost. Last but not least, I investigate the relations between fairness and privacy and conclude that while the privacy-aware model guarantees group fairness, it violates the individual fairness criteria.Open Acces

    (LC)2^2: LiDAR-Camera Loop Constraints For Cross-Modal Place Recognition

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    Localization has been a challenging task for autonomous navigation. A loop detection algorithm must overcome environmental changes for the place recognition and re-localization of robots. Therefore, deep learning has been extensively studied for the consistent transformation of measurements into localization descriptors. Street view images are easily accessible; however, images are vulnerable to appearance changes. LiDAR can robustly provide precise structural information. However, constructing a point cloud database is expensive, and point clouds exist only in limited places. Different from previous works that train networks to produce shared embedding directly between the 2D image and 3D point cloud, we transform both data into 2.5D depth images for matching. In this work, we propose a novel cross-matching method, called (LC)2^2, for achieving LiDAR localization without a prior point cloud map. To this end, LiDAR measurements are expressed in the form of range images before matching them to reduce the modality discrepancy. Subsequently, the network is trained to extract localization descriptors from disparity and range images. Next, the best matches are employed as a loop factor in a pose graph. Using public datasets that include multiple sessions in significantly different lighting conditions, we demonstrated that LiDAR-based navigation systems could be optimized from image databases and vice versa.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, Accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L