9 research outputs found

    StoryDroid: Automated Generation of Storyboard for Android Apps

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    Mobile apps are now ubiquitous. Before developing a new app, the development team usually endeavors painstaking efforts to review many existing apps with similar purposes. The review process is crucial in the sense that it reduces market risks and provides inspiration for app development. However, manual exploration of hundreds of existing apps by different roles (e.g., product manager, UI/UX designer, developer) in a development team can be ineffective. For example, it is difficult to completely explore all the functionalities of the app in a short period of time. Inspired by the conception of storyboard in movie production, we propose a system, StoryDroid, to automatically generate the storyboard for Android apps, and assist different roles to review apps efficiently. Specifically, StoryDroid extracts the activity transition graph and leverages static analysis techniques to render UI pages to visualize the storyboard with the rendered pages. The mapping relations between UI pages and the corresponding implementation code (e.g., layout code, activity code, and method hierarchy) are also provided to users. Our comprehensive experiments unveil that StoryDroid is effective and indeed useful to assist app development. The outputs of StoryDroid enable several potential applications, such as the recommendation of UI design and layout code

    Efficiency Matters: Speeding Up Automated Testing with GUI Rendering Inference

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    Due to the importance of Android app quality assurance, many automated GUI testing tools have been developed. Although the test algorithms have been improved, the impact of GUI rendering has been overlooked. On the one hand, setting a long waiting time to execute events on fully rendered GUIs slows down the testing process. On the other hand, setting a short waiting time will cause the events to execute on partially rendered GUIs, which negatively affects the testing effectiveness. An optimal waiting time should strike a balance between effectiveness and efficiency. We propose AdaT, a lightweight image-based approach to dynamically adjust the inter-event time based on GUI rendering state. Given the real-time streaming on the GUI, AdaT presents a deep learning model to infer the rendering state, and synchronizes with the testing tool to schedule the next event when the GUI is fully rendered. The evaluations demonstrate the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of our approach. We also integrate our approach with the existing automated testing tool to demonstrate the usefulness of AdaT in covering more activities and executing more events on fully rendered GUIs.Comment: Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineerin

    Owl Eyes: Spotting UI Display Issues via Visual Understanding

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    Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides a visual bridge between a software application and end users, through which they can interact with each other. With the development of technology and aesthetics, the visual effects of the GUI are more and more attracting. However, such GUI complexity posts a great challenge to the GUI implementation. According to our pilot study of crowdtesting bug reports, display issues such as text overlap, blurred screen, missing image always occur during GUI rendering on different devices due to the software or hardware compatibility. They negatively influence the app usability, resulting in poor user experience. To detect these issues, we propose a novel approach, OwlEye, based on deep learning for modelling visual information of the GUI screenshot. Therefore, OwlEye can detect GUIs with display issues and also locate the detailed region of the issue in the given GUI for guiding developers to fix the bug. We manually construct a large-scale labelled dataset with 4,470 GUI screenshots with UI display issues and develop a heuristics-based data augmentation method for boosting the performance of our OwlEye. The evaluation demonstrates that our OwlEye can achieve 85% precision and 84% recall in detecting UI display issues, and 90% accuracy in localizing these issues. We also evaluate OwlEye with popular Android apps on Google Play and F-droid, and successfully uncover 57 previously-undetected UI display issues with 26 of them being confirmed or fixed so far.Comment: Accepted to 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 20

    Improving the Efficiency of Mobile User Interface Development through Semantic and Data-Driven Analyses

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    Having millions of mobile applications from Google Play and Apple's App store, the smartphone is becoming a necessity in our life. People could access a wide variety of services by using the mobile application, between which user interfaces (UIs) work as an important proxy.A well-designed UI makes an application easy, practical, and efficient to use. However, due to the rapid application iteration speed and the shortage of UI designers, developers are required to design the UIs and implement them in a short time.As a result, they may be unaware of or compromise some important factors related to usability and accessibility during the process of developing user interfaces of mobile applications.Therefore, efficient and useful tools are needed to enhance the efficiency of the development of user interfaces. In this thesis, I proposed three techniques to improve the efficiency of designing and developing user interfaces through semantic and data-driven analyses. First, I proposed a UI design search engine to help designers or developers quickly create trendy and practical UI designs by exposing them to UI designs in real applications. I collected a large-scale UI design dataset by automatically exploring UIs from top-downloaded Android applications, and designed an image autoencoder-based UI design engine to enable finer-grained UI design search. Second, during the process of understanding the real UIs implementation, I found that existing applications have a severe accessibility issue of lacking labels for image-based buttons. Such an issue will hinder the blind users to access the key functionalities on UIs. As blind users need to rely on screen readers to read content on UIs, it requires the developers to set up appropriate labels for image-based buttons.Therefore, I proposed LabelDroid, which aims to automatically generate labels (i.e., the content description) of image-based buttons while developers implement UIs. Finally, as the above techniques all require the view hierarchical information, which contains the bounds and type of contained elements, to achieve the goal, it is essential to generalize these techniques to a broader scope. For example, UIs in the design-sharing platforms do not have any metadata about the elements. To do this, I conducted the first large-scale empirical study on evaluating existing object detection methods of detecting elements in UIs. By understanding the unique characteristics of UI elements and UIs, I proposed a hybrid method to boost the accuracy and precision of detecting elements on user interfaces. Such a fundamental method can be beneficial to many downstream applications, such as UI design search, UI code generation, and UI testing. In conclusion, I proposed three techniques to enhance the efficiency of designing and developing the user interfaces on mobile applications through semantic and data-driven analyses. Such methods could easily generalize to a broader scope, such as user interfaces of desktop apps and websites.I expect my proposed techniques and the understanding of user interfaces can facilitate the following research

    Intelligent Software Tooling For Improving Software Development

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    Software has eaten the world with many of the necessities and quality of life services people use requiring software. Therefore, tools that improve the software development experience can have a significant impact on the world such as generating code and test cases, detecting bugs, question and answering, etc. The success of Deep Learning (DL) over the past decade has shown huge advancements in automation across many domains, including Software Development processes. One of the main reasons behind this success is the availability of large datasets such as open-source code available through GitHub or image datasets of mobile Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) with RICO and ReDRAW to be trained on. Therefore, the central research question my dissertation explores is: In what ways can the software development process be improved through leveraging DL techniques on the vast amounts of unstructured software engineering artifacts? We coin the approaches that leverage DL to automate or augment various software development task as Intelligent Software Tools. To guide our research of these intelligent software tools, we performed a systematic literature review to understand the current landscape of research on applying DL techniques to software tasks and any gaps that exist. From this literature review, we found code generation to be one of the most studied tasks with other tasks and artifacts such as impact analysis or tasks involving images and videos to be understudied. Therefore, we set out to explore the application of DL to these understudied tasks and artifacts as well as the limitations of DL models under the well studied task code completion, a subfield in code generation. Specifically, we developed a tool for automatically detecting duplicate mobile bug reports from user submitted videos. We used the popular Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn important features from a large collection of mobile screenshots. Using this model, we could then compute similarity between a newly submitted bug report and existing ones to produce a ranked list of duplicate candidates that can be reviewed by a developer. Next, we explored impact analysis, a critical software maintenance task that identifies potential adverse effects of a given code change on the larger software system. To this end, we created Athena, a novel approach to impact analysis that integrates knowledge of a software system through its call-graph along with high-level representations of the code inside the system to improve impact analysis performance. Lastly, we explored the task of code completion, which has seen heavy interest from industry and academia. Specifically, we explored various methods that modify the positional encoding scheme of the Transformer architecture for allowing these models to incorporate longer sequences of tokens when predicting completions than seen during their training as this can significantly improve training times

    Automatic Identification of Presentation Failures in Responsive Web Pages

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    With the increasing number and variety of devices being used to access the World Wide Web, providing a good browsing experience to all users, regardless of device, is a critical task. To do this, many web developers now use responsive web design (RWD) to build web pages that provide a bespoke layout tailored to the specific characteristics of the device in use, normally the viewport width. However, implementing responsive web pages is an error-prone task, as web page elements can behave in unpredictable ways as the viewport expands and contracts. This leads to presentation failures — errors in the visual appearance of the web page. As well-designed responsive web pages can have an array of benefits, identifying presentation failures quickly and accurately is an important task. Unfortunately, current approaches to detecting presentation failures in web pages are insufficient. The huge number of different viewport widths that require support makes thorough checking of the layout on all devices infeasible. Furthermore, the current range of developer tools only provide limited support for testing responsive web pages. This thesis tackles these problems by making the following contributions. First, it proposes the responsive layout graph (RLG), a model of the dynamic layout of modern responsive web pages. Then, it explores how the RLG can be used to automatically detect potentially unseen side-effects of small changes to the source code of a web page. Next, it investigates the detection of several common types of layout failures, leveraging implicit oracle information in place of an explicit oracle. Experiments showed both the approach for detecting potentially unseen side-effects and the approach for identifying common types of layout failure to be highly effective. The manual effort required by the user is further reduced by an approach that automatically grouped related failures together. Finally, a case study of 33 real-world responsive layout failures investigates how difficult such failures are to fix. These approaches have all been implemented into a software tool, ReDeCheck, which helps web developers create better responsive web pages