34,925 research outputs found

    High throughput microbalance and methods of using same

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    The method and apparatus is particularly adapted for providing microbalance measurement of solid materials as part of a combinatorial research program. The method and apparatus contemplate monitoring the response of a resonator holding a sample and correlating the response with mass change in the samples

    High throughput microbalance and methods of using same

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    A method and apparatus for measurement of mass of small sample sizes. The method and apparatus is particularly adapted for providing microbalance measurement of solid materials as part of a combinatorial research program. The method and apparatus contemplate monitoring the response of a resonator holding a sample and correlating the response with mass change in the samples

    Method and apparatus for filtering visual documents

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    A method and apparatus for producing an abstract or condensed version of a visual document is presented. The frames comprising the visual document are first sampled to reduce the number of frames required for processing. The frames are then subjected to a structural decomposition process that reduces all information in each frame to a set of values. These values are in turn normalized and further combined to produce only one information content value per frame. The information content values of these frames are then compared to a selected distribution cutoff point. This effectively selects those values at the tails of a normal distribution, thus filtering key frames from their surrounding frames. The value for each frame is then compared with the value from the previous frame, and the respective frame is finally stored only if the values are significantly different. The method filters or compresses a visual document with a reduction in digital storage on the ratio of up to 700 to 1 or more, depending on the content of the visual document being filtered

    Advanced Text Analytics and Machine Learning Approach for Document Classification

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    Text classification is used in information extraction and retrieval from a given text, and text classification has been considered as an important step to manage a vast number of records given in digital form that is far-reaching and expanding. This thesis addresses patent document classification problem into fifteen different categories or classes, where some classes overlap with other classes for practical reasons. For the development of the classification model using machine learning techniques, useful features have been extracted from the given documents. The features are used to classify patent document as well as to generate useful tag-words. The overall objective of this work is to systematize NASA’s patent management, by developing a set of automated tools that can assist NASA to manage and market its portfolio of intellectual properties (IP), and to enable easier discovery of relevant IP by users. We have identified an array of methods that can be applied such as k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), two variations of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms, and two tree based classification algorithms: Random Forest and J48. The major research steps in this work consist of filtering techniques for variable selection, information gain and feature correlation analysis, and training and testing potential models using effective classifiers. Further, the obstacles associated with the imbalanced data were mitigated by adding synthetic data wherever appropriate, which resulted in a superior SVM classifier based model

    Advanced Text Analytics and Machine Learning Approach for Document Classification

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    Text classification is used in information extraction and retrieval from a given text, and text classification has been considered as an important step to manage a vast number of records given in digital form that is far-reaching and expanding. This thesis addresses patent document classification problem into fifteen different categories or classes, where some classes overlap with other classes for practical reasons. For the development of the classification model using machine learning techniques, useful features have been extracted from the given documents. The features are used to classify patent document as well as to generate useful tag-words. The overall objective of this work is to systematize NASA’s patent management, by developing a set of automated tools that can assist NASA to manage and market its portfolio of intellectual properties (IP), and to enable easier discovery of relevant IP by users. We have identified an array of methods that can be applied such as k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), two variations of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms, and two tree based classification algorithms: Random Forest and J48. The major research steps in this work consist of filtering techniques for variable selection, information gain and feature correlation analysis, and training and testing potential models using effective classifiers. Further, the obstacles associated with the imbalanced data were mitigated by adding synthetic data wherever appropriate, which resulted in a superior SVM classifier based model

    The emergence of commercial genomics: analysis of the rise of a biotechnology subsector during the Human Genome Project, 1990 to 2004.

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    BackgroundDevelopment of the commercial genomics sector within the biotechnology industry relied heavily on the scientific commons, public funding, and technology transfer between academic and industrial research. This study tracks financial and intellectual property data on genomics firms from 1990 through 2004, thus following these firms as they emerged in the era of the Human Genome Project and through the 2000 to 2001 market bubble.MethodsA database was created based on an early survey of genomics firms, which was expanded using three web-based biotechnology services, scientific journals, and biotechnology trade and technical publications. Financial data for publicly traded firms was collected through the use of four databases specializing in firm financials. Patent searches were conducted using firm names in the US Patent and Trademark Office website search engine and the DNA Patent Database.ResultsA biotechnology subsector of genomics firms emerged in parallel to the publicly funded Human Genome Project. Trends among top firms show that hiring, capital improvement, and research and development expenditures continued to grow after a 2000 to 2001 bubble. The majority of firms are small businesses with great diversity in type of research and development, products, and services provided. Over half the public firms holding patents have the majority of their intellectual property portfolio in DNA-based patents.ConclusionsThese data allow estimates of investment, research and development expenditures, and jobs that paralleled the rise of genomics as a sector within biotechnology between 1990 and 2004

    Automated weld torch guidance control system

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    A device for automatically controlling the movement of a welding torch while welding an elongated joint is described. A charge injection television camera is carried on a movable support. The camera includes a matrix of individual light sensing video elements which generate voltages responsive to light reflected off of the joint and surrounding areas of the work piece. The voltages produced by the pixels are converted to digital words which are fed to a microprocessor for generating an error signal. This error signal is fed to a digital motor which is used to drive a movable support upon which the television camera is carried

    Flow detectors having mechanical oscillators, and use thereof in flow characterization systems

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    An improved system (100), resonator flow detector (102) and method for characterizing a fluid sample that includes o injecting a fluid sample into a mobile phase of a flow characterization system (106), and detecting a property of the fluid sample > or of a component thereof with a flow detector (102) comprising a mechanical resonator (120), preferably one that is operated at a frequency less than about 1 MHz, such as tuning fork resonator

    In-Suit Doppler Technology Assessment

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    The objective of this program was to perform a technology assessment survey of non-invasive air embolism detection utilizing Doppler ultrasound methodologies. The primary application of this technology will be a continuous monitor for astronauts while performing extravehicular activities (EVA's). The technology assessment was to include: (1) development of a full understanding of all relevant background research; and (2) a survey of the medical ultrasound marketplace for expertise, information, and technical capability relevant to this development. Upon completion of the assessment, LSR was to provide an overview of technological approaches and R&D/manufacturing organizations
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