2,259 research outputs found

    Proposing a secure component-based-application logic and system’s integration testing approach

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    Software engineering moved from traditional methods of software enterprise applications to com-ponent based development for distributed system’s applications. This new era has grown up forlast few years, with component-based methods, for design and rapid development of systems, butfact is that , deployment of all secure software features of technology into practical e-commercedistributed systems are higher rated target for intruders. Although most of research has been con-ducted on web application services that use a large share of the present software, but on the otherside Component Based Software in the middle tier ,which rapidly develops application logic, alsoopen security breaching opportunities .This research paper focus on a burning issue for researchersand scientists ,a weakest link in component based distributed system, logical attacks, that cannotbe detected with any intrusion detection system within the middle tier e-commerce distributed ap-plications. We proposed An Approach of Secure Designing application logic for distributed system,while dealing with logically vulnerability issue

    Nástroj pro penetrační testování webových aplikací

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    Abstract As hackers become more skilled and sophisticated and with cyber-attacks becoming the norm, it is more important than ever before to undertake regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and ensure on a regular basis that the cyber controls are working. In this thesis the importance and working of penetration testing and web application based penetration testing are discussed, followed by comparison and information’s about various testing tools and techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. The next section of the thesis mainly focuses on the past, current and future state of penetration testing in the computer systems and application security, importance of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Content Management system (CMS) followed by the main goal of the thesis which explains the existing solutions in automated tools for vulnerability detection of web application their techniques, positive and negative results of the conducted tests and their merits and demerits. In the next section, based on the comparison of various existing tools selecting appropriate algorithm for discussing the importance of scanning the ports which are usually focused in very few existing web application tools, the following section practically demonstrate the scanning of ports which gives information regarding, the state of ports to understand the service information running on the server. Finally the result of the experiment will be compared with the existing web application tools.Abstraktní Vzhledem k tomu, že se hackeři stávají zkušenějšími a sofistikovanějšími a kybernetické útoky se stávají normou, je důležitější než kdy jindy provádět pravidelné kontroly zranitelnosti a penetrační testování, aby bylo možné identifikovat zranitelná místa a pravidelně zajišťovat fungování kybernetických kontrol. V této práci je diskutován význam a fungování penetračního testování a penetračního testování založeného na webových aplikacích, následuje srovnání a informace o různých testovacích nástrojích a technikách a jejich výhodách a nevýhodách. Další část práce se zaměřuje především na minulý, současný a budoucí stav penetračního testování v počítačových systémech a zabezpečení aplikací, význam nařízení o obecné ochraně údajů (GDPR) a redakčního systému (CMS) následovaného hlavním cílem práce, která vysvětluje stávající řešení v automatizovaných nástrojích pro zjišťování zranitelnosti webové aplikace, jejich techniky, pozitivní a negativní výsledky provedených testů a jejich přednosti a nedostatky. V další části, založené na srovnání různých existujících nástrojů, které vybírají vhodný algoritmus pro diskusi o důležitosti skenování portů, které jsou obvykle zaměřeny na velmi málo stávajících webových aplikací, následující část prakticky demonstruje skenování portů, které poskytují informace týkající se, stav portů pro pochopení informací o službě běžících na serveru. Nakonec bude výsledek experimentu porovnán s existujícími nástroji webové aplikace.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Web application penetration testing: an analysis of a corporate application according to OWASP guidelines

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    During the past decade, web applications have become the most prevalent way for service delivery over the Internet. As they get deeply embedded in business activities and required to support sophisticated functionalities, the design and implementation are becoming more and more complicated. The increasing popularity and complexity make web applications a primary target for hackers on the Internet. According to Internet Live Stats up to February 2019, there is an enormous amount of websites being attacked every day, causing both direct and significant impact on huge amount of people. Even with support from security specialist, they continue having troubles due to the complexity of penetration procedures and the vast amount of testing case in both penetration testing and code reviewing. As a result, the number of hacked websites per day is increasing. The goal of this thesis is to summarize the most common and critical vulnerabilities that can be found in a web application, provide a detailed description of them, how they could be exploited and how a cybersecurity tester can find them through the process of penetration testing. To better understand the concepts exposed, there will be also a description of a case of study: a penetration test performed over a company's web application

    Detection of the Security Vulnerabilities in Web Applications

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    The contemporary organizations develop business processes in a very complex environment. The IT&C technologies are used by organizations to improve their competitive advantages. But, the IT&C technologies are not perfect. They are developed in an iterative process and their quality is the result of the lifecycle activities. The audit and evaluation processes are required by the increased complexity of the business processes supported by IT&C technologies. In order to organize and develop a high-quality audit process, the evaluation team must analyze the risks, threats and vulnerabilities of the information system. The paper highlights the security vulnerabilities in web applications and the processes of their detection. The web applications are used as IT&C tools to support the distributed information processes. They are a major component of the distributed information systems. The audit and evaluation processes are carried out in accordance with the international standards developed for information system security assurance.security, vulnerability, web application, audit

    Attack Taxonomy Methodology Applied to Web Services

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    With the rapid evolution of attack techniques and attacker targets, companies and researchers question the applicability and effectiveness of security taxonomies. Although the attack taxonomies allow us to propose a classification scheme, they are easily rendered useless by the generation of new attacks. Due to its distributed and open nature, web services give rise to new security challenges. The purpose of this study is to apply a methodology for categorizing and updating attacks prior to the continuous creation and evolution of new attack schemes on web services. Also, in this research, we collected thirty-three (33) types of attacks classified into five (5) categories, such as brute force, spoofing, flooding, denial-of-services, and injection attacks, in order to obtain the state of the art of vulnerabilities against web services. Finally, the attack taxonomy is applied to a web service, modeling through attack trees. The use of this methodology allows us to prevent future attacks applied to many technologies, not only web services.Con la rápida evolución de las técnicas de ataque y los objetivos de los atacantes, las empresas y los investigadores cuestionan la aplicabilidad y eficacia de las taxonomías de seguridad. Si bien las taxonomías de ataque nos permiten proponer un esquema de clasificación, son fácilmente inutilizadas por la generación de nuevos ataques. Debido a su naturaleza distribuida y abierta, los servicios web plantean nuevos desafíos de seguridad. El propósito de este estudio es aplicar una metodología para categorizar y actualizar ataques previos a la continua creación y evolución de nuevos esquemas de ataque a servicios web. Asimismo, en esta investigación recolectamos treinta y tres (33) tipos de ataques clasificados en cinco (5) categorías, tales como fuerza bruta, suplantación de identidad, inundación, denegación de servicios y ataques de inyección, con el fin de obtener el estado del arte de las vulnerabilidades contra servicios web. Finalmente, se aplica la taxonomía de ataque a un servicio web, modelado a través de árboles de ataque. El uso de esta metodología nos permite prevenir futuros ataques aplicados a muchas tecnologías, no solo a servicios web

    An empirical comparison of commercial and open‐source web vulnerability scanners

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    Web vulnerability scanners (WVSs) are tools that can detect security vulnerabilities in web services. Although both commercial and open-source WVSs exist, their vulnerability detection capability and performance vary. In this article, we report on a comparative study to determine the vulnerability detection capabilities of eight WVSs (both open and commercial) using two vulnerable web applications: WebGoat and Damn vulnerable web application. The eight WVSs studied were: Acunetix; HP WebInspect; IBM AppScan; OWASP ZAP; Skipfish; Arachni; Vega; and Iron WASP. The performance was evaluated using multiple evaluation metrics: precision; recall; Youden index; OWASP web benchmark evaluation; and the web application security scanner evaluation criteria. The experimental results show that, while the commercial scanners are effective in detecting security vulnerabilities, some open-source scanners (such as ZAP and Skipfish) can also be effective. In summary, this study recommends improving the vulnerability detection capabilities of both the open-source and commercial scanners to enhance code coverage and the detection rate, and to reduce the number of false-positives

    JoanAudit: A tool for auditing common injection vulnerabilities

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    JoanAudit is a static analysis tool to assist security auditors in auditing Web applications and Web services for common injection vulnerabilities during software development. It automatically identifies parts of the program code that are relevant for security and generates an HTML report to guide security auditors audit the source code in a scalable way. JoanAudit is configured with various security-sensitive input sources and sinks relevant to injection vulnerabilities and standard sanitization procedures that prevent these vulnerabilities. It can also automatically fix some cases of vulnerabilities in source code — cases where inputs are directly used in sinks without any form of sanitization — by using standard sanitization procedures. Our evaluation shows that by using JoanAudit, security auditors are required to inspect only 1% of the total code for auditing common injection vulnerabilities. The screen-cast demo is available at https://github.com/julianthome/joanaudit