2,311 research outputs found

    FilmArray, an Automated Nested Multiplex PCR System for Multi-Pathogen Detection: Development and Application to Respiratory Tract Infection

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    The ideal clinical diagnostic system should deliver rapid, sensitive, specific and reproducible results while minimizing the requirements for specialized laboratory facilities and skilled technicians. We describe an integrated diagnostic platform, the “FilmArray”, which fully automates the detection and identification of multiple organisms from a single sample in about one hour. An unprocessed biologic/clinical sample is subjected to nucleic acid purification, reverse transcription, a high-order nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction and amplicon melt curve analysis. Biochemical reactions are enclosed in a disposable pouch, minimizing the PCR contamination risk. FilmArray has the potential to detect greater than 100 different nucleic acid targets at one time. These features make the system well-suited for molecular detection of infectious agents. Validation of the FilmArray technology was achieved through development of a panel of assays capable of identifying 21 common viral and bacterial respiratory pathogens. Initial testing of the system using both cultured organisms and clinical nasal aspirates obtained from children demonstrated an analytical and clinical sensitivity and specificity comparable to existing diagnostic platforms. We demonstrate that automated identification of pathogens from their corresponding target amplicon(s) can be accomplished by analysis of the DNA melting curve of the amplicon

    Measurement of substrate thermal resistance using DNA denaturation temperature

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    Heat Transfer and Thermal Management have become important aspects of the developing field of uTAS systems particularly in the application of the the uTAS philosophy to thermally driven analysis techniques such as PCR. Due to the development of flowing PCR thermocyclers in the field of uTAS, the authors have previously developed a melting curve analysis technique that is compatible with these flowing PCR thermocyclers. In this approach a linear temperature gradient is induced along a sample carrying microchannel. Any flow passing through the microchannel is subject to linear heating. Fluorescent monitoring of DNA in the flow results in the generation of DNA melting curve plots. This works presents an experimental technique where DNA melting curve analysis is used to measure the thermal resistance of microchannel substrates. DNA in solution is tested at a number of different ramp rates and the di®erent apparent denaturation temperatures measured are used to infer the thermal resistance of the microchannel substrates. The apparent variation in denaturation temperature is found to be linearly proportional to flow ramp rate. Providing knowledge of the microchannel diameter and a non-varying cross-section in the direction of heat flux the thermal resistance measurement technique is independent of knowledge of substrate dimensions, contact surface quality and substrate composition/material properties. In this approach to microchannel DNA melting curve analysis the difference between the measured and actual denaturation temperatures is proportional to the substrate thermal resistance and the ramp-rate seen by the sample. Therefore quantitative knowledge of the substrate thermal resistance is required when using this technique to measure accurately DNA denaturation temperatur

    How to perform RT-qPCR accurately in plant species?: a case study on flower colour gene expression in an azalea (Rhododendron simsii hybrids) mapping population

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    Background: Flower colour variation is one of the most crucial selection criteria in the breeding of a flowering pot plant, as is also the case for azalea (Rhododendron simsii hybrids). Flavonoid biosynthesis was studied intensively in several species. In azalea, flower colour can be described by means of a 3-gene model. However, this model does not clarify pink-coloration. The last decade gene expression studies have been implemented widely for studying flower colour. However, the methods used were often only semi-quantitative or quantification was not done according to the MIQE-guidelines. We aimed to develop an accurate protocol for RT-qPCR and to validate the protocol to study flower colour in an azalea mapping population. Results: An accurate RT-qPCR protocol had to be established. RNA quality was evaluated in a combined approach by means of different techniques e.g. SPUD-assay and Experion-analysis. We demonstrated the importance of testing noRT-samples for all genes under study to detect contaminating DNA. In spite of the limited sequence information available, we prepared a set of 11 reference genes which was validated in flower petals; a combination of three reference genes was most optimal. Finally we also used plasmids for the construction of standard curves. This allowed us to calculate gene-specific PCR efficiencies for every gene to assure an accurate quantification. The validity of the protocol was demonstrated by means of the study of six genes of the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway. No correlations were found between flower colour and the individual expression profiles. However, the combination of early pathway genes (CHS, F3H, F3'H and FLS) is clearly related to co-pigmentation with flavonols. The late pathway genes DFR and ANS are to a minor extent involved in differentiating between coloured and white flowers. Concerning pink coloration, we could demonstrate that the lower intensity in this type of flowers is correlated to the expression of F3'H. Conclusions: Currently in plant research, validated and qualitative RT-qPCR protocols are still rare. The protocol in this study can be implemented on all plant species to assure accurate quantification of gene expression. We have been able to correlate flower colour to the combined regulation of structural genes, both in the early and late branch of the pathway. This allowed us to differentiate between flower colours in a broader genetic background as was done so far in flower colour studies. These data will now be used for eQTL mapping to comprehend even more the regulation of this pathway

    High resolution melting analysis for the rapid and sensitive detection of mutations in clinical samples: KRAS codon 12 and 13 mutations in non-small cell lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The development of targeted therapies has created a pressing clinical need for the rapid and robust molecular characterisation of cancers. We describe here the application of high-resolution melting analysis (HRM) to screen for KRAS mutations in clinical cancer samples. In non-small cell lung cancer, KRAS mutations have been shown to identify a group of patients that do not respond to EGFR targeted therapies and the identification of these mutations is thus clinically important. METHODS: We developed a high-resolution melting (HRM) assay to detect somatic mutations in exon 2, notably codons 12 and 13 of the KRAS gene using the intercalating dye SYTO 9. We tested 3 different cell lines with known KRAS mutations and then examined the sensitivity of mutation detection with the cell lines using 189 bp and 92 bp amplicons spanning codons 12 and 13. We then screened for KRAS mutations in 30 non-small cell lung cancer biopsies that had been previously sequenced for mutations in EGFR exons 18–21. RESULTS: Known KRAS mutations in cell lines (A549, HCT116 and RPMI8226) were readily detectable using HRM. The shorter 92 bp amplicon was more sensitive in detecting mutations than the 189 bp amplicon and was able to reliably detect as little as 5–6% of each cell line DNA diluted in normal DNA. Nine of the 30 non-small cell lung cancer biopsies had KRAS mutations detected by HRM analysis. The results were confirmed by standard sequencing. Mutations in KRAS and EGFR were mutually exclusive. CONCLUSION: HRM is a sensitive in-tube methodology to screen for mutations in clinical samples. HRM will enable high-throughput screening of gene mutations to allow appropriate therapeutic choices for patients and accelerate research aimed at identifying novel mutations in human cancer

    Fluorescent Duplex Allele-Specific PCR and Amplicon Melting for Rapid Homogeneous mtDNA Haplogroup H Screening and Sensitive Mixture Detection

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    BACKGROUND:For large scale studies aiming at a better understanding of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), sequence variation in particular mt haplogroups (hgs) and population structure, reliable low-cost high-throughput genotyping assays are needed. Furthermore, methods facilitating sensitive mixture detection and relative quantification of allele proportions are indispensable for the study of heteroplasmy, mitochondrial sequence evolution, and mitochondrial disorders. Here the properties of a homogeneous competitive duplex allele specific PCR (ARMS) assay were scrutinized in the light of these requirements. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:A duplex ARMS assay amplifying either the ancestral mtDNA 2706G allele (non-hg H samples) or the derived 7028C allele (hg H samples) in the presence of SYBR Green fluorescent reporter dye was developed and characterized. Product detection, allele calling, and hg inference were based on the amplicon-characteristic melting-point temperatures obtained with on-line post-PCR fluorescent dissociation curve analysis (DCA). The analytical window of the assay covered at least 5 orders of magnitude of template DNA input with a detection limit in the low picogram range of genomic DNA. A set of forensically relevant test specimens was analyzed successfully. The presence of mtDNA mixtures was detected over a broad range of input DNA amounts and mixture ratios, and the estimation of allele proportions in samples with known total mtDNA content was feasible with limitations. A qualified DNA analyst successfully analyzed approximately 2,200 DNA extracts within three regular working days, without using robotic lab-equipment. By performing the amplification on-line, the assay also facilitated absolute mtDNA quantification. CONCLUSIONS:Although this assay was developed just for a particular purpose, the approach is general in that it is potentially suitable in a broad variety of assay-layouts for many other applications, including the analysis of mixtures. Homogeneous ARMS-DCA is a valuable tool for large-volume studies targeting small numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

    A One-Step Real-Time Multiplex PCR for Screening Y-Chromosomal Microdeletions without Downstream Amplicon Size Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Y-chromosomal microdeletions (YCMD) are one of the major genetic causes for non-obstructive azoospermia. Genetic testing for YCMD by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an established method for quick and robust screening of deletions in the AZF regions of the Y-chromosome. Multiplex PCRs have the advantage of including a control gene in every reaction and significantly reducing the number of reactions needed to screen the relevant genomic markers. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The widely established "EAA/EMQN best practice guidelines for molecular diagnosis of Y-chromosomal microdeletions (2004)" were used as a basis for designing a real-time multiplex PCR system, in which the YCMD can simply be identified by their melting points. For this reason, some AZF primers were substituted by primers for regions in their genomic proximity, and the ZFX/ZFY control primer was exchanged by the AMELX/AMELY control primer. Furthermore, we substituted the classical SybrGreen I dye by the novel and high-performing DNA-binding dye EvaGreen™ and put substantial effort in titrating the primer combinations in respect to optimal melting peak separation and peak size. SIGNIFICANCE: With these changes, we were able to develop a platform-independent and robust real-time based multiplex PCR, which makes the need for amplicon identification by electrophoretic sizing expendable. By using an open-source system for real-time PCR analysis, we further demonstrate the applicability of automated melting point and YCMD detection

    New Strategy for Rapid Diagnosis and Characterization of Fungal Infections: The Example of Corneal Scrapings

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    PURPOSE: The prognosis of people infected with Fungi especially immunocompromised depends on rapid and accurate diagnosis to capitalize on time administration of specific treatments. However, cultures produce false negative results and nucleic-acid amplification techniques require complex post-amplification procedures to differentiate relevant fungal types. The objective of this work was to develop a new diagnostic strategy based on real-time polymerase-chain reaction high-resolution melting analysis (PCR-HRM) that a) detects yeasts and filamentous Fungi, b) differentiates yeasts from filamentous Fungi, and c) discriminates among relevant species of yeasts. METHODS: PCR-HRM detection limits and specificity were assessed with a) isolated strains; b) human blood samples experimentally infected with Fungi; c) blood experimentally infected with other infectious agents; d) corneal scrapings from patients with suspected fungal keratitis (culture positive and negative) and e) scrapings from patients with suspected bacterial, viral or Acanthamoeba infections. The DNAs were extracted and mixed with primers diluted in the MeltDoctor® HRM Master Mix in 2 tubes, the first for yeasts, containing the forward primer CandUn (5'CATGCCTGTTTGAGCGTC) and the reverse primer FungUn (5'TCCTCCGCTT ATTGATATGCT) and the second for filamentous Fungi, containing the forward primer FilamUn (5'TGCCTGTCCGAGCGTCAT) and FungUn. Molecular probes were not necessary. The yields of DNA extraction and the PCR inhibitors were systematically monitored. RESULTS: PCR-HRM detected 0.1 Colony Forming Units (CFU)/µl of yeasts and filamentous Fungi, differentiated filamentous Fungi from yeasts and discriminated among relevant species of yeasts. PCR-HRM performances were higher than haemoculture and sensitivity and specificity was 100% for culture positive samples, detecting and characterizing Fungi in 7 out 10 culture negative suspected fungal keratitis. CONCLUSIONS: PCR-HRM appears as a new, sensitive, specific and inexpensive test that detects Fungi and differentiates filamentous Fungi from yeasts. It allows direct fungal detection from clinical samples and experimentally infected blood in less than 2.30 h after DNA extraction

    The development of molecular assays for the detection and identification of inherited disorders of haemoglobin in a highly heterogeneous population

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    Inherited disorders of haemoglobin are the most common monogenic diseases in the world. These conditions arise as a result of deletions or point mutations affecting the globin genes. Gap polymerase chain reaction (Gap-PCR) is commonly used to detect globin gene deletions, however this technique is not ideal since it is time consuming and only able to detect known deletions with well-defined breakpoints. To address these issues an alternative technique called Gene Ratio Assay Copy Enumeration (GRACE) PCR was developed. In contrast to Gap-PCR, GRACE-PCR is a rapid, closed tube technique, requiring no further hands on time after the initial PCR setup. Furthermore, since it is based on copy number determination, GRACE-PCR does not require prior knowledge of the breakpoints and can thus be used for the detection of both known and novel deletions. GRACE-PCR methods were validated for the most clinically significant globin genes, HBA1, HBA2 and HBB. The large number of point mutations associated with the HBB gene make gene scanning by High Resolution Melting (HRM) PCR a potentially attractive diagnostic method. HRM-PCR assays have been previously described, however interference from certain Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) limited their ability to detect some mutations. Through the use of unlabelled probes and primers incorporating universal bases, it was possible to develop a more universally applicable HRM-PCR assay that was not affected by common SNPs. Additionally, a number of examples of two very rare haemoglobins, Hb Fontainebleau and Hb Handsworth were encountered during the course of this work. Each of these variants had previously been reported in just ten individuals worldwide. The diagnostic features of these two rare variants are described