17,289 research outputs found

    The modal logic of Reverse Mathematics

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    The implication relationship between subsystems in Reverse Mathematics has an underlying logic, which can be used to deduce certain new Reverse Mathematics results from existing ones in a routine way. We use techniques of modal logic to formalize the logic of Reverse Mathematics into a system that we name s-logic. We argue that s-logic captures precisely the "logical" content of the implication and nonimplication relations between subsystems in Reverse Mathematics. We present a sound, complete, decidable, and compact tableau-style deductive system for s-logic, and explore in detail two fragments that are particularly relevant to Reverse Mathematics practice and automated theorem proving of Reverse Mathematics results

    Lemmas: Generation, Selection, Application

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    Noting that lemmas are a key feature of mathematics, we engage in an investigation of the role of lemmas in automated theorem proving. The paper describes experiments with a combined system involving learning technology that generates useful lemmas for automated theorem provers, demonstrating improvement for several representative systems and solving a hard problem not solved by any system for twenty years. By focusing on condensed detachment problems we simplify the setting considerably, allowing us to get at the essence of lemmas and their role in proof search

    Automated Generation of User Guidance by Combining Computation and Deduction

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    Herewith, a fairly old concept is published for the first time and named "Lucas Interpretation". This has been implemented in a prototype, which has been proved useful in educational practice and has gained academic relevance with an emerging generation of educational mathematics assistants (EMA) based on Computer Theorem Proving (CTP). Automated Theorem Proving (ATP), i.e. deduction, is the most reliable technology used to check user input. However ATP is inherently weak in automatically generating solutions for arbitrary problems in applied mathematics. This weakness is crucial for EMAs: when ATP checks user input as incorrect and the learner gets stuck then the system should be able to suggest possible next steps. The key idea of Lucas Interpretation is to compute the steps of a calculation following a program written in a novel CTP-based programming language, i.e. computation provides the next steps. User guidance is generated by combining deduction and computation: the latter is performed by a specific language interpreter, which works like a debugger and hands over control to the learner at breakpoints, i.e. tactics generating the steps of calculation. The interpreter also builds up logical contexts providing ATP with the data required for checking user input, thus combining computation and deduction. The paper describes the concepts underlying Lucas Interpretation so that open questions can adequately be addressed, and prerequisites for further work are provided.Comment: In Proceedings THedu'11, arXiv:1202.453

    Automated theorem proving for mathematics : real analysis in PVS

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    Computer Algebra Systems (CASs), such as Maple and Mathematica, are now widely used in both industry and education. In many areas of mathematics they perform well. However, many well-established methods in mathematics, such as definite integration via the fundamental theorem of calculus, rely on analytic side conditions which CASs in general do not support. This thesis presents our work with automatic, formal mathematics using the theorem prover PVS. Based on an existing real analysis library for PVS, we have implemented transcendental functions such as exp, cos, sin, tan and their inverses, and we have provided strategies to prove that a function is continuous at a given point. In general, this is undecidable, but using certain restrictions we can still provide proofs for a large collection of functions. Similarly, we can prove that a function has a limit at a point. We illustrate how the extended library may be used with Maple to provide correct results where Maple's are incorrect. We present a case study of definite integration in the CASs axiom. Maple, Mathematica and Matlab. The case study clearly shows that apart from axiom the systems do not fully check the necessary conditions for the definite integral to exist, thus giving results varying from plain incorrect to correct, even if the latter is difficult to detect without manipulating the result. The extension and correction of the PVS library consists of around 1000 theorems proven by around 18000 PVS proof commands. We also have a test suite of 88 lemmas for the automatic checks for continuity and existence of limits. Thus we have devised and tested automatic computational logic support for the use of formal mathematics in applications, particularly computer algebra

    Towards Ranking Geometric Automated Theorem Provers

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    The field of geometric automated theorem provers has a long and rich history, from the early AI approaches of the 1960s, synthetic provers, to today algebraic and synthetic provers. The geometry automated deduction area differs from other areas by the strong connection between the axiomatic theories and its standard models. In many cases the geometric constructions are used to establish the theorems' statements, geometric constructions are, in some provers, used to conduct the proof, used as counter-examples to close some branches of the automatic proof. Synthetic geometry proofs are done using geometric properties, proofs that can have a visual counterpart in the supporting geometric construction. With the growing use of geometry automatic deduction tools as applications in other areas, e.g. in education, the need to evaluate them, using different criteria, is felt. Establishing a ranking among geometric automated theorem provers will be useful for the improvement of the current methods/implementations. Improvements could concern wider scope, better efficiency, proof readability and proof reliability. To achieve the goal of being able to compare geometric automated theorem provers a common test bench is needed: a common language to describe the geometric problems; a comprehensive repository of geometric problems and a set of quality measures.Comment: In Proceedings ThEdu'18, arXiv:1903.1240

    A Vernacular for Coherent Logic

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    We propose a simple, yet expressive proof representation from which proofs for different proof assistants can easily be generated. The representation uses only a few inference rules and is based on a frag- ment of first-order logic called coherent logic. Coherent logic has been recognized by a number of researchers as a suitable logic for many ev- eryday mathematical developments. The proposed proof representation is accompanied by a corresponding XML format and by a suite of XSL transformations for generating formal proofs for Isabelle/Isar and Coq, as well as proofs expressed in a natural language form (formatted in LATEX or in HTML). Also, our automated theorem prover for coherent logic exports proofs in the proposed XML format. All tools are publicly available, along with a set of sample theorems.Comment: CICM 2014 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (2014
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