8 research outputs found

    Challenges of Harmonizing 40 Years of AVHRR Data: The TIMELINE Experience

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    Earth Observation satellite data allows for the monitoring of the surface of our planet at predefined intervals covering large areas. However, there is only one medium resolution sensor family in orbit that enables an observation time span of 40 and more years at a daily repeat interval. This is the AVHRR sensor family. If we want to investigate the long-term impacts of climate change on our environment, we can only do so based on data that remains available for several decades. If we then want to investigate processes with respect to climate change, we need very high temporal resolution enabling the generation of long-term time series and the derivation of related statistical parameters such as mean, variability, anomalies, and trends. The challenges to generating a well calibrated and harmonized 40-year-long time series based on AVHRR sensor data flown on 14 different platforms are enormous. However, only extremely thorough pre-processing and harmonization ensures that trends found in the data are real trends and not sensor-related (or other) artefacts. The generation of European-wide time series as a basis for the derivation of a multitude of parameters is therefore an extremely challenging task, the details of which are presented in this paper

    Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS and In Situ LST—A TIMELINE Thematic Processor

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    Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an important parameter for tracing the impact of changing climatic conditions on our environment. Describing the interface between long- and shortwave radiation fluxes, as well as between turbulent heat fluxes and the ground heat flux, LST plays a crucial role in the global heat balance. Satellite-derived LST is an indispensable tool for monitoring these changes consistently over large areas and for long time periods. Data from the AVHRR (Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer) sensors have been available since the early 1980s. In the TIMELINE project, LST is derived for the entire operating period of AVHRR sensors over Europe at a 1 km spatial resolution. In this study, we present the validation results for the TIMELINE AVHRR daytime LST. The validation approach consists of an assessment of the temporal consistency of the AVHRR LST time series, an inter-comparison between AVHRR LST and in situ LST, and a comparison of the AVHRR LST product with concurrent MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) LST. The results indicate the successful derivation of stable LST time series from multi-decadal AVHRR data. The validation results were investigated regarding different LST, TCWV and VA, as well as land cover classes. The comparisons between the TIMELINE LST product and the reference datasets show seasonal and land cover-related patterns. The LST level was found to be the most determinative factor of the error. On average, an absolute deviation of the AVHRR LST by 1.83 K from in situ LST, as well as a difference of 2.34 K from the MODIS product, was observed

    Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS and In Situ LST—A TIMELINE Thematic Processor

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    Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an important parameter for tracing the impact of changing climatic conditions on our environment. Describing the interface between long- and shortwave radiation fluxes, as well as between turbulent heat fluxes and the ground heat flux, LST plays a crucial role in the global heat balance. Satellite-derived LST is an indispensable tool for monitoring these changes consistently over large areas and for long time periods. Data from the AVHRR (Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer) sensors have been available since the early 1980s. In the TIMELINE project, LST is derived for the entire operating period of AVHRR sensors over Europe at a 1 km spatial resolution. In this study, we present the validation results for the TIMELINE AVHRR daytime LST. The validation approach consists of an assessment of the temporal consistency of the AVHRR LST time series, an inter-comparison between AVHRR LST and in situ LST, and a comparison of the AVHRR LST product with concurrent MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) LST. The results indicate the successful derivation of stable LST time series from multi-decadal AVHRR data. The validation results were investigated regarding different LST, TCWV and VA, as well as land cover classes. The comparisons between the TIMELINE LST product and the reference datasets show seasonal and land cover-related patterns. The LST level was found to be the most determinative factor of the error. On average, an absolute deviation of the AVHRR LST by 1.83 K from in situ LST, as well as a difference of 2.34 K from the MODIS product, was observed

    AVHRR NDVI Compositing Method Comparison and Generation of Multi-decadal Time Series —A TIMELINE Thematic Processor

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    Remote sensing image composites are crucial for a wide range of remote sensing applications, such as multi-decadal time series analysis. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instrument provides daily data since the early 1980s at a spatial resolution of 1 km, allowing analyses of climate change related environmental processes. For monitoring vegetation condition, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is the most widely used metric. However, to actually enable such analyses, a consistent NDVI time series over the AVHRR time-span needs to be created. In this context, the aim of this study is to thoroughly assess the effect of different compositing procedures on AVHRR NDVI composites, as there is no standard procedure established. 13 different compositing methods have been implemented, daily, decadal and monthly composites over Europe and Northern Africa have been calculated for the year 2007, and the resulting data sets have been thoroughly evaluated according to six criteria. The median approach was selected as the best performing compositing algorithm considering all investigated aspects. However, also the combination of NDVI value and viewing and illumination angles as criteria for best-pixel selection proved to be a promising approach. The generated NDVI time series, currently ranging from 1981 - 2018, shows a consistent behavior and a close agreement to the standard MODIS NDVI product. The conducted analyses demonstrate the strong influence of compositing procedures on the resulting AVHRR NDVI composites

    Space and Earth Sciences, Computer Systems, and Scientific Data Analysis Support, Volume 1

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    This Final Progress Report covers the specific technical activities of Hughes STX Corporation for the last contract triannual period of 1 June through 30 Sep. 1993, in support of assigned task activities at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). It also provides a brief summary of work throughout the contract period of performance on each active task. Technical activity is presented in Volume 1, while financial and level-of-effort data is presented in Volume 2. Technical support was provided to all Division and Laboratories of Goddard's Space Sciences and Earth Sciences Directorates. Types of support include: scientific programming, systems programming, computer management, mission planning, scientific investigation, data analysis, data processing, data base creation and maintenance, instrumentation development, and management services. Mission and instruments supported include: ROSAT, Astro-D, BBXRT, XTE, AXAF, GRO, COBE, WIND, UIT, SMM, STIS, HEIDI, DE, URAP, CRRES, Voyagers, ISEE, San Marco, LAGEOS, TOPEX/Poseidon, Pioneer-Venus, Galileo, Cassini, Nimbus-7/TOMS, Meteor-3/TOMS, FIFE, BOREAS, TRMM, AVHRR, and Landsat. Accomplishments include: development of computing programs for mission science and data analysis, supercomputer applications support, computer network support, computational upgrades for data archival and analysis centers, end-to-end management for mission data flow, scientific modeling and results in the fields of space and Earth physics, planning and design of GSFC VO DAAC and VO IMS, fabrication, assembly, and testing of mission instrumentation, and design of mission operations center

    Automated Improvement of Geolocation Accuracy in AVHRR Data Using a Two-Step Chip Matching Approach—A Part of the TIMELINE Preprocessor.

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    The geolocation of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data is known to be imprecise due to minor satellite position and orbit uncertainties. These uncertainties lead to distortions once the data are projected based on the provided orbit parameters. This can cause geolocation errors of up to 10 km per pixel which is an obstacle for applications such as time series analysis, compositing/mosaicking of images, or the combination with other satellite data. Therefore, a fusion of two techniques to match the data in orbit projection has been developed to overcome this limitation, even without the precise knowledge of the orbit parameters. Both techniques attempt to find the best match between small image chips taken from a reference water mask in the first, and from a median Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) mask in the second round. This match is determined shifting around the small image chips until the best correlation between reference and satellite data source is found for each respective image part. Only if both attempts result in the same shift in any direction, the position in the orbit is included in a third order polynomial warping process that will ultimately improve the geolocation accuracy of the AVHRR data. The warping updates the latitude and longitude layers and the contents of the data layers itself remain untouched. As such, original sensor measurements are preserved. An included automated quality assessment generates a quality layer that informs about the reliability of the matching