2,413 research outputs found

    Relationship between Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension among ESL Students

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    Assessing the word recognition skills of german elementary students in silent reading - Psychometric properties of an item pool to generate curriculum-based measurements

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    Given the high proportion of struggling readers in school and the long-term negative consequences of underachievement for those affected, the question of prevention options arises. The early identification of central indicators for reading literacy is a noteworthy starting point. In this context, curriculum-based measurements have established themselves as reliable and valid instruments for monitoring the progress of learning processes. This article is dedicated to the assessment of word recognition in silent reading as an indicator of adequate reading fluency. The process of developing an item pool is described, from which instruments for learning process diagnostics can be derived. A sample of 4268 students from grades 1ā€“4 processed a subset of items. Each student template included anchor items, which all students processed. Using Item Response Theory, item statistics were estimated for the entire sample and all items. After eliminating unsuitable items (N = 206), a one-dimensional, homogeneous pool of items remained. In addition, there are high correlations with another established reading test. This provides the first evidence that the recording of word recognition skills for silent reading can be seen as an economic indicator for reading skills. Although the item pool forms an important basis for the extraction of curriculum-based measurements, further investigations to assess the diagnostic suitability (e.g., the measurement invariance over different test times) are still pending

    The Effect of Using Authentic Videos on English Major Students' Prosodic Competence

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of using authentic videos on the prosodic competence of foreign language learners. It is hypothesized worldwide that authentic videos have a positive effect on the EFL learners' supra segmental competence. The population of the study included 32 students majoring in English Language at Taibah University in KSA during the academic year 2011/2012. The sample consisted of two sections, a control group and an experimental one. A pretest was administered to both groups to ensure that they were homogeneous. The control group was taught supra segmental aspects of language using a traditional approach while the experimental group was taught authentic videos. About four months later, a posttest was administered. The results of the study showed that there was much progress in the experimental group which significantly outperformed the control group in the different aspects of prosody. These findings confirm the hypothesis which read videos can have a positive effect on the EFL learners' supra segmental competence.Ā  Keywords :Supra segmental competence, authentic videos ,Saudi English major students asĀ  EFL learners, Intonation, Pronunciation, Stress, Pause , Juncture , Rhyme ,Ā  and Prosodic aspects of language

    Assessment of Prosodic Communicative Efficiency in Parkinson's Disease As Judged by Professional Listeners

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    This study examines the impact of Parkinson's disease (PD) on communicative efficiency conveyed through prosody. A new assessment method for evaluating productive prosodic skills in Dutch speaking dysarthric patients was devised and tested on 36 individuals (18 controls, 18 PD patients). Three professional listeners judged the intended meanings in four communicative functions of Dutch prosody: Boundary Marking, Focus, Sentence Typing, and Emotional Prosody. Each function was tested through reading and imitation. Interrater agreement was calculated. Results indicated that healthy speakers, compared to PD patients, performed significantly better on imitation of Boundary Marking, Focus, and Sentence Typing. PD patients with a moderate or severe dysarthria performed significantly worse on imitation of Focus than on reading of Focus. No significant differences were found for Emotional Prosody. Judges agreed well on all tasks except Emotional Prosody. Future research will focus on elaborating the assessment and on developing a therapy programme paralleling the assessment

    Unpacking the science of reading research

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    The science of reading (SoR) is a term used for a body of evidence encompassing multi-disciplinary research from education, cognitive psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience. This evidence points to six key constructs that contribute to proficient reading: oral language, phonological awareness including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension. Research around these constructs provides researchers and teachers with an evidence base of the knowledge, skills and strategies involved in competent reading and describes how reading develops in both typical and atypical readers. This paper synthesises evidence reviews conducted by ACER researchers that unpack the science of reading. The aim of this synthesis is to demonstrate the impact that research in reading development is having on current ACER research and products. Most importantly, it supports understanding of the importance of embracing the complexity and nuance of reading research and the need for improved efforts to clearly communicate evolving research evidence. ACER draws on the evolving evidence of the science of reading to inform its approach to developing assessments and resources for teachers, and also refers to this evidence to describe where children are in their reading journey. This means a studentsā€™ progress through each construct as described in this paper can be tracked and used to inform teaching and learning

    Receptive and expressive prosodic abilities in adults with Down syndrome

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    Individuals with Down syndrome, a population that often struggles with communication, present a unique linguistic profile of strengths and weaknesses. Almost no research has examined prosody in adults with DS, despite the important role it plays in effective communication. The present study investigated the prosodic profile of seven adults with Down syndrome (18;07-34;11 years) using the Profiling Elements of Prosody for Speech and Communication (PEPS-C), and compared the groupā€™s expressive and receptive prosodic abilities to a group of seven adults with mixed-etiology intellectual and developmental disability (29;02-37;07 years) matched on nonverbal ability. Data analyses showed that the group with Down syndrome had a marginally significant lower score than the group with mixed-etiology intellectual and developmental disability on expressive contrastive stress. The group with Down syndrome also had relative weaknesses in expressive and receptive contrastive stress, expressive affect, and imitation but relative strengths in receptive affect, expressive and receptive turn-end, and expressive boundary. Although these observations mirrored aspects of the linguistic profile of Down syndrome, the results suggest a unique prosodic profile for Down syndrome that is not exclusively determined by their larger linguistic profile
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