2 research outputs found

    Dynamic monitoring and assessment for digital transformation in higher education

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    The development of information technology applied to college institutions is experiencing rapid growth. Information technology can solve problems faced in educational institutions. Universities are increasing the use of information and digital technologies for improved service, data management, and accurate reporting. Monitoring and assessment are an essential part of college development. The parameters used in monitoring and assessment use a parameter on the strategic plan of the college. The comparative study of the strategic plan is targeted at two universities that have different characteristics, namely public universities and Islamic state universities. The method used in building dynamic monitoring and assessment uses machine learning. Parameters in monitoring and assessment include Tri Dharma Higher Education such as research, education, and community development. Based on these problems can be formulated implementation of dynamic monitoring and assessment for digital transformation in Higher Education as well as prototype models of dynamic monitoring and assessment based on machine learning. The results obtained show that parameter testing yields an average of 78%. This indicates that the level of accuracy using machine learning can implement dynamic monitoring and assessment in digital transformation at higher education

    An interactive approach to control systems analysis and design by the root locus technique

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    [EN] The root locus is a classic method for linear control systems analysis. Since its interruption in the fifties, it has been included in introductory undergraduate courses on control systems. The emergence of interactive control system design software tools, which easily draw the root locus, allows teachers to focus on explaining how the introduction of new poles/zeros in the openloop transfer function affects the root locus, instead of explaining its building rules. In this work, a new teaching methodology in presented to introduce the root locus technique in introductory courses on control systems that encourages the use of an interactive tool, such as the LCSD tool developed by the authors, to reinforce their learning.[ES] El lugar de las raíces es un método clásico para el análisis y diseño de sistemas lineales de control que ha formado parte desde su irrupción en los años cincuenta de los programas de los cursos básicos de control automático. La aparición de herramientas software de diseño interactivo de sistemas de control, que dibujan fácilmente el lugar de las raíces, permite a los docentes centrarse en explicar cómo afecta al lugar de las raíces la introducción de nuevos polos/ceros en la función de transferencia en lazo abierto, en vez de en explicar sus reglas de construcción. En este trabajo se presenta una nueva metodología docente para introducir la técnica del lugar de las raíces en cursos básicos de control que fomenta la utilización de una herramienta interactiva, como por ejemplo la herramienta LCSD desarrollada por los autores, para reforzar su aprendizaje.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades bajo los proyectos ECoDiC ref. RTI2018-094665-B-I00 y DOVELAR ref. RTI2018-096001-B-C32.Díaz, JM.; Costa-Castelló, R.; Dormido, S. (2021). Un enfoque interactivo para el análisis y diseño de sistemas de control utilizando el método del lugar de las raíces. 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Calerga, Lausanne.Vargas, H., Heradio, R., Chacon, J., de La Torre, L., Farias, G., Galan, D., Dormido, S., 2019. Automated Assessment and Monitoring Support for Competency-Based Courses, IEEE Access, 7, 41043-41051. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2908160Vargas, H., Marín, L., de la Torre, L., Heradio, R., Díaz, J. M., Dormido, S., 2020. Evidence-based control engineering education: evaluating theLCSD simulation tool, IEEE Access, 8, 170183-170194, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.302391