11 research outputs found

    Towards Compensable SLAs

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    In Cooperative Information Systems, service level agreements (SLA) can be used to describe the rights and obligations of parties involved in the transaction (typically the service consumer and the service provider); amongst other information, SLA could define guarantees associated with the idea of service level objectives (SLOs) that normally represent key performance indicators of either the consumer or the provider. in case the guarantee is under-fulfilled or over-fulfilled SLAs could also define some compensations (i.e. penalties or rewards). in such a context, during the last years there have been important steps towards the automation of the management of SLAs, however the formalization of compensations in SLAs still remains as an important challenge. in this paper we aim to provide a characterization model to create SLAs with compensations; specifically, the main contributions are twofold: (i) the conceptualization of the Compensation Function to express consistently penalties and rewards and (ii) a model for Compensable Guarantees that associate SLOs with Compensation Functions. This formalization models aims to establish a foundation to elaborate tools that could provide an automated support to the modeling and analysis of SLAs with compensations. Additionally, in order to validate our approach, we model and analyze a set of guarantee terms from three real world examples of SLAs and our formalization proves to be useful for detecting mistakes that are ty

    Edge and Cloud Pricing for the Sharing Economy

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    As technology resonates in all layers of society, the impulse of shifting toward new spaces for a cooperative economy can be envisioned. Smart cities repre-sent an ideal laboratory to design and explore new opportunities, offering a significant impact to citizens’ lives.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-186

    Towards assessing open source communities' health using SOC concepts

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    Quality of an open source software ecosystem (OSS ecosystem) is key for different ecosystem actors such as contributors or adopters. In fact, the consideration of several quality aspects(e.g., activeness, visibility, interrelatedness, etc.) as a whole may provide a measure of the healthiness of OSS ecosystems. The more health a OSS ecosystem is, the more and better contributors and adopters it will gather. Some research tools have been developed to gather specific quality information from open source community data sources. However, there exist no frameworks available that can be used to evaluate their quality as a whole in order to obtain the health of an OSS ecosystem. To assess the health of these ecosystems, we propose to adopt robust principles and methods from the Service Oriented Computing field.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Elasticity-aware Governance Platform for Cloud Service Delivery

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    In cloud service provisioning scenarios with a changing demand from consumers, it is appealing for cloud providers to leverage only a limited amount of the virtualized resources required to provide the service. However, it is not easy to determine how much resources are required to satisfy consumers expectations in terms of Quality of Service (QoS). Some existing frameworks provide mechanisms to adapt the required cloud resources in the service delivery, also called an elastic service, but only for consumers with the same QoS expectations. The problem arises when the service provider must deal with several consumers, each demanding a different QoS for the service. In such an scenario, cloud resources provisioning must deal with trade-offs between different QoS, while fulfilling these QoS, within the same service deployment. In this paper we propose an elasticity-aware governance platform for cloud service delivery that reacts to the dynamic service load introduced by consumers demand. Such a reaction consists of provisioning the required amount of cloud resources to satisfy the different QoS that is offered to the consumers by means of several service level agreements. The proposed platform aims to keep under control the QoS experienced by multiple service consumers while maintaining a controlled cost.Junta de Andalucía P12--TIC--1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-32273Agencia Estatal de Investigación TIN2014-53986-RED

    Automated Validation of Compensable SLAs

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    A Service Level Agreement (SLA) regulates the provisioning of a service by defining a set of guarantees. Each guarantee sets a Service Level Objective (SLO) on some service metrics, and optionally a compensation that is applied when the SLO is unfulfilled or overfulfilled. Currently, there are software tools and research proposals that use the information about compensations to automate and optimise certain parts of the service management. However, they assume that compensations are well defined, which is too optimistic in some circumstances and can lead to undesirable situations. In this article we discuss about the notion of validity of guarantees with a compensation, which we refer to as compensable guarantees (CG). We describe an abstract model of CGs and we provide a technique that leverages constraint satisfaction problem solvers to automatically validate them. We also present a materialisation of the model of CGs in iAgree, a language to specify SLAs and a tooling support that implements our whole approach. An assessment over 319 CGs taken from 24 real-world SLAs suggests that the expressiveness and effectiveness of our proposal can pave the way for using CGs in a safer and more reliable way.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BELI (TIN2015-70560-R)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades TIN2016-81978-REDTJunta de Andalucía P12--TIC--186

    Automated metamorphic testing of variability analysis tools

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    Variability determines the capability of software applications to be configured and customized. A common need during the development of variability–intensive systems is the automated analysis of their underlying variability models, e.g. detecting contradictory configuration options. The analysis operations that are performed on variability models are often very complex, which hinders the testing of the corresponding analysis tools and makes difficult, often infeasible, to determine the correctness of their outputs, i.e. the well–known oracle problem in software testing. In this article, we present a generic approach for the automated detection of faults in variability analysis tools overcoming the oracle problem. Our work enables the generation of random variability models together with the exact set of valid configurations represented by these models. These test data are generated from scratch using step–wise transformations and assuring that certain constraints (a.k.a. metamorphic relations) hold at each step. To show the feasibility and generalizability of our approach, it has been used to automatically test several analysis tools in three variability domains: feature models, CUDF documents and Boolean formulas. Among other results, we detected 19 real bugs in 7 out of the 15 tools under test.CICYT TIN2012-32273CICYT IPT-2012- 0890-390000Junta de Andalucía TIC-5906Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC- 186

    Service level agreement specification for IoT application workflow activity deployment, configuration and monitoring

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    PhD ThesisCurrently, we see the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) within various domains such as healthcare, smart homes, smart cars, smart-x applications, and smart cities. The number of applications based on IoT and cloud computing is projected to increase rapidly over the next few years. IoT-based services must meet the guaranteed levels of quality of service (QoS) to match users’ expectations. Ensuring QoS through specifying the QoS constraints using service level agreements (SLAs) is crucial. Also because of the potentially highly complex nature of multi-layered IoT applications, lifecycle management (deployment, dynamic reconfiguration, and monitoring) needs to be automated. To achieve this it is essential to be able to specify SLAs in a machine-readable format. currently available SLA specification languages are unable to accommodate the unique characteristics (interdependency of its multi-layers) of the IoT domain. Therefore, in this research, we propose a grammar for a syntactical structure of an SLA specification for IoT. The grammar is based on a proposed conceptual model that considers the main concepts that can be used to express the requirements for most common hardware and software components of an IoT application on an end-to-end basis. We follow the Goal Question Metric (GQM) approach to evaluate the generality and expressiveness of the proposed grammar by reviewing its concepts and their predefined lists of vocabularies against two use-cases with a number of participants whose research interests are mainly related to IoT. The results of the analysis show that the proposed grammar achieved 91.70% of its generality goal and 93.43% of its expressiveness goal. To enhance the process of specifying SLA terms, We then developed a toolkit for creating SLA specifications for IoT applications. The toolkit is used to simplify the process of capturing the requirements of IoT applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the toolkit using a remote health monitoring service (RHMS) use-case as well as applying a user experience measure to evaluate the tool by applying a questionnaire-oriented approach. We discussed the applicability of our tool by including it as a core component of two different applications: 1) a contextaware recommender system for IoT configuration across layers; and 2) a tool for automatically translating an SLA from JSON to a smart contract, deploying it on different peer nodes that represent the contractual parties. The smart contract is able to monitor the created SLA using Blockchain technology. These two applications are utilized within our proposed SLA management framework for IoT. Furthermore, we propose a greedy heuristic algorithm to decentralize workflow activities of an IoT application across Edge and Cloud resources to enhance response time, cost, energy consumption and network usage. We evaluated the efficiency of our proposed approach using iFogSim simulator. The performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithm minimized cost, execution time, networking, and Cloud energy consumption compared to Cloud-only and edge-ward placement approaches