11 research outputs found

    Automata Column: The Complexity of Reachability in Vector Addition Systems

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    International audienceThe program of the 30th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science held in 2015 in Kyoto included two contributions on the computational complexity of the reachability problem for vector addition systems: Blondin, Finkel, Göller, Haase, and McKenzie [2015] attacked the problem by providing the first tight complexity bounds in the case of dimension 2 systems with states, while Leroux and Schmitz [2015] proved the first complexity upper bound in the general case. The purpose of this column is to present the main ideas behind these two results, and more generally survey the current state of affairs

    Reachability in Vector Addition Systems is Primitive-Recursive in Fixed Dimension

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    The reachability problem in vector addition systems is a central question, not only for the static verification of these systems, but also for many inter-reducible decision problems occurring in various fields. The currently best known upper bound on this problem is not primitive-recursive, even when considering systems of fixed dimension. We provide significant refinements to the classical decomposition algorithm of Mayr, Kosaraju, and Lambert and to its termination proof, which yield an ACKERMANN upper bound in the general case, and primitive-recursive upper bounds in fixed dimension. While this does not match the currently best known TOWER lower bound for reachability, it is optimal for related problems

    Deciding Piecewise Testable Separability for Regular Tree Languages

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    The piecewise testable separability problem asks, given two input languages, whether there exists a piecewise testable language that contains the first input language and is disjoint from the second. We prove a general characterisation of piecewise testable separability on languages in a well-quasiorder, in terms of ideals of the ordering. This subsumes the known characterisations in the case of finite words. In the case of finite ranked trees ordered by homeomorphic embedding, we show using effective representations for tree ideals that it entails the decidability of piecewise testable separability when the input languages are regular. A final byproduct is a new proof of the decidability of whether an input regular language of ranked trees is piecewise testable, which was first shown in the unranked case by Bojanczyk, Segoufin, and Straubing [Log. Meth. in Comput. Sci., 8(3:26), 2012]

    Reachability for Bounded Branching VASS

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    In this paper we consider the reachability problem for bounded branching VASS. Bounded VASS are a variant of the classic VASS model where all values in all configurations are upper bounded by a fixed natural number, encoded in binary in the input. This model gained a lot of attention in 2012 when Haase et al. showed its connections with timed automata. Later in 2013 Fearnley and Jurdzinski proved that the reachability problem in this model is PSPACE-complete even in dimension 1. Here, we investigate the complexity of the reachability problem when the model is extended with branching transitions, and we prove that the problem is EXPTIME-complete when the dimension is 2 or larger

    Polynomial-Space Completeness of Reachability for Succinct Branching VASS in Dimension One

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    Whether the reachability problem for branching vector addition systems, or equivalently the provability problem for multiplicative exponential linear logic, is decidable has been a long-standing open question. The one-dimensional case is a generalisation of the extensively studied one-counter nets, and it was recently established polynomial-time complete provided counter updates are given in unary. Our main contribution is to determine the complexity when the encoding is binary: polynomial-space complete

    Reachability in two-dimensional unary vector addition systems with states is NL-complete

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    Blondin et al. showed at LICS 2015 that two-dimensional vector addition systems with states have reachability witnesses of length exponential in the number of states and polynomial in the norm of vectors. The resulting guess-and-verify algorithm is optimal (PSPACE), but only if the input vectors are given in binary. We answer positively the main question left open by their work, namely establish that reachability witnesses of pseudo-polynomial length always exist. Hence, when the input vectors are given in unary, the improved guess-and-verify algorithm requires only logarithmic space

    Implicit Automata in Typed ?-Calculi I: Aperiodicity in a Non-Commutative Logic

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    Implicit Automata in Typed λ-Calculi I: Aperiodicity in a Non-Commutative Logic

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    Reachability in Two-Dimensional Unary Vector Addition Systems with States is NL-Complete

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    Blondin et al. showed at LICS 2015 that two-dimensional vector addition systems with states have reachability witnesses of length exponential in the number of states and polynomial in the norm of vectors. The resulting guess-and-verify algorithm is optimal (PSPACE), but only if the input vectors are given in binary. We answer positively the main question left open by their work, namely establish that reachability witnesses of pseudo-polynomial length always exist. Hence, when the input vectors are given in unary, the improved guess-and-verify algorithm requires only logarithmic space

    The Complexity of Diagnosability and Opacity Verification for Petri Nets

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    International audienceDiagnosability and opacity are two well-studied problems in discrete-event systems. We revisit these two problems with respect to expressiveness and complexity issues. We first relate different notions of diagnosability and opacity. We consider in particular fairness issues and extend the definition of Germanos et al. [ACM TECS, 2015] of weakly fair diagnosability for safe Petri nets to general Petri nets and to opacity questions. Second, we provide a global picture of complexity results for the verification of diagnosability and opacity. We show that diagnosability is NL-complete for finite state systems, PSPACE-complete for safe Petri nets (even with fairness), and EXPSPACE-complete for general Petri nets without fairness, while non diagnosability is inter-reducible with reachability when fault events are not weakly fair. Opacity is ESPACE-complete for safe Petri nets (even with fairness) and undecidable for general Petri nets already without fairness