52 research outputs found

    Array languages and the N-body problem

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    This paper is a description of the contributions to the SICSA multicore challenge on many body planetary simulation made by a compiler group at the University of Glasgow. Our group is part of the Computer Vision and Graphics research group and we have for some years been developing array compilers because we think these are a good tool both for expressing graphics algorithms and for exploiting the parallelism that computer vision applications require. We shall describe experiments using two languages on two different platforms and we shall compare the performance of these with reference C implementations running on the same platforms. Finally we shall draw conclusions both about the viability of the array language approach as compared to other approaches used in the challenge and also about the strengths and weaknesses of the two, very different, processor architectures we used

    A compiler extension for parallelizing arrays automatically on the cell heterogeneous processor

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    This paper describes the approaches taken to extend an array programming language compiler using a Virtual SIMD Machine (VSM) model for parallelizing array operations on Cell Broadband Engine heterogeneous machine. This development is part of ongoing work at the University of Glasgow for developing array compilers that are beneficial for applications in many areas such as graphics, multimedia, image processing and scientific computation. Our extended compiler, which is built upon the VSM interface, eases the parallelization processes by allowing automatic parallelisation without the need for any annotations or process directives. The preliminary results demonstrate significant improvement especially on data-intensive applications

    A new parallelisation technique for heterogeneous CPUs

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    Parallelization has moved in recent years into the mainstream compilers, and the demand for parallelizing tools that can do a better job of automatic parallelization is higher than ever. During the last decade considerable attention has been focused on developing programming tools that support both explicit and implicit parallelism to keep up with the power of the new multiple core technology. Yet the success to develop automatic parallelising compilers has been limited mainly due to the complexity of the analytic process required to exploit available parallelism and manage other parallelisation measures such as data partitioning, alignment and synchronization. This dissertation investigates developing a programming tool that automatically parallelises large data structures on a heterogeneous architecture and whether a high-level programming language compiler can use this tool to exploit implicit parallelism and make use of the performance potential of the modern multicore technology. The work involved the development of a fully automatic parallelisation tool, called VSM, that completely hides the underlying details of general purpose heterogeneous architectures. The VSM implementation provides direct and simple access for users to parallelise array operations on the Cellā€™s accelerators without the need for any annotations or process directives. This work also involved the extension of the Glasgow Vector Pascal compiler to work with the VSM implementation as a one compiler system. The developed compiler system, which is called VP-Cell, takes a single source code and parallelises array expressions automatically. Several experiments were conducted using Vector Pascal benchmarks to show the validity of the VSM approach. The VP-Cell system achieved significant runtime performance on one accelerator as compared to the master processorā€™s performance and near-linear speedups over code runs on the Cellā€™s accelerators. Though VSM was mainly designed for developing parallelising compilers it also showed a considerable performance by running C code over the Cellā€™s accelerators

    Model-Based Performance Prediction for Concurrent Software on Multicore Architectures

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    Model-based performance prediction is a well-known concept to ensure the quality of software.Current approaches are based on a single-metric model, which leads to inaccurate predictions for modern architectures. This thesis presents a multi-strategies approach to extend performance prediction models to support multicore architectures.We implemented the strategies into Palladio and significantly increased the performance prediction power

    Design and implementation of an array language for computational science on a heterogeneous multicore architecture

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    The packing of multiple processor cores onto a single chip has become a mainstream solution to fundamental physical issues relating to the microscopic scales employed in the manufacture of semiconductor components. Multicore architectures provide lower clock speeds per core, while aggregate floating-point capability continues to increase. Heterogeneous multicore chips, such as the Cell Broadband Engine (CBE) and modern graphics chips, also address the related issue of an increasing mismatch between high processor speeds, and huge latency to main memory. Such chips tackle this memory wall by the provision of addressable caches; increased bandwidth to main memory; and fast thread context switching. An associated cost is often reduced functionality of the individual accelerator cores; and the increased complexity involved in their programming. This dissertation investigates the application of a programming language supporting the first-class use of arrays; and capable of automatically parallelising array expressions; to the heterogeneous multicore domain of the CBE, as found in the Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3). The language is a pre-existing and well-documented proper subset of Fortran, known as the ā€˜Fā€™ programming language. A bespoke compiler, referred to as E , is developed to support this aim, and written in the Haskell programming language. The output of the compiler is in an extended C++ dialect known as Offload C++, which targets the PS3. A significant feature of this language is its use of multiple, statically typed, address spaces. By focusing on generic, polymorphic interfaces for both the generated and hand constructed code, a number of interesting design patterns relating to the memory locality are introduced. A suite of medium-sized (100-700 lines), real-world benchmark programs are used to evaluate the performance, correctness, and scalability of the compiler technology. Absolute speedup values, well in excess of one, are observed for all of the programs. The work ultimately demonstrates that an array language can significantly reduce the effort expended to utilise a parallel heterogeneous multicore architecture, while retaining high performance. A substantial, related advantage in using standard ā€˜Fā€™ is that any Fortran compiler can create debuggable, and competitively performing serial programs

    Indexed dependence metadata and its applications in software performance optimisation

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    To achieve continued performance improvements, modern microprocessor design is tending to concentrate an increasing proportion of hardware on computation units with less automatic management of data movement and extraction of parallelism. As a result, architectures increasingly include multiple computation cores and complicated, software-managed memory hierarchies. Compilers have difficulty characterizing the behaviour of a kernel in a general enough manner to enable automatic generation of efficient code in any but the most straightforward of cases. We propose the concept of indexed dependence metadata to improve application development and mapping onto such architectures. The metadata represent both the iteration space of a kernel and the mapping of that iteration space from a given index to the set of data elements that iteration might use: thus the dependence metadata is indexed by the kernelā€™s iteration space. This explicit mapping allows the compiler or runtime to optimise the program more efficiently, and improves the program structure for the developer. We argue that this form of explicit interface specification reduces the need for premature, architecture-specific optimisation. It improves program portability, supports intercomponent optimisation and enables generation of efficient data movement code. We offer the following contributions: an introduction to the concept of indexed dependence metadata as a generalisation of stream programming, a demonstration of its advantages in a component programming system, the decoupled access/execute model for C++ programs, and how indexed dependence metadata might be used to improve the programming model for GPU-based designs. Our experimental results with prototype implementations show that indexed dependence metadata supports automatic synthesis of double-buffered data movement for the Cell processor and enables aggressive loop fusion optimisations in image processing, linear algebra and multigrid application case studies

    A metadata-enhanced framework for high performance visual effects

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    This thesis is devoted to reducing the interactive latency of image processing computations in visual effects. Film and television graphic artists depend upon low-latency feedback to receive a visual response to changes in effect parameters. We tackle latency with a domain-specific optimising compiler which leverages high-level program metadata to guide key computational and memory hierarchy optimisations. This metadata encodes static and dynamic information about data dependence and patterns of memory access in the algorithms constituting a visual effect ā€“ features that are typically difficult to extract through program analysis ā€“ and presents it to the compiler in an explicit form. By using domain-specific information as a substitute for program analysis, our compiler is able to target a set of complex source-level optimisations that a vendor compiler does not attempt, before passing the optimised source to the vendor compiler for lower-level optimisation. Three key metadata-supported optimisations are presented. The first is an adaptation of space and schedule optimisation ā€“ based upon well-known compositions of the loop fusion and array contraction transformations ā€“ to the dynamic working sets and schedules of a runtimeparameterised visual effect. This adaptation sidesteps the costly solution of runtime code generation by specialising static parameters in an offline process and exploiting dynamic metadata to adapt the schedule and contracted working sets at runtime to user-tunable parameters. The second optimisation comprises a set of transformations to generate SIMD ISA-augmented source code. Our approach differs from autovectorisation by using static metadata to identify parallelism, in place of data dependence analysis, and runtime metadata to tune the data layout to user-tunable parameters for optimal aligned memory access. The third optimisation comprises a related set of transformations to generate code for SIMT architectures, such as GPUs. Static dependence metadata is exploited to guide large-scale parallelisation for tens of thousands of in-flight threads. Optimal use of the alignment-sensitive, explicitly managed memory hierarchy is achieved by identifying inter-thread and intra-core data sharing opportunities in memory access metadata. A detailed performance analysis of these optimisations is presented for two industrially developed visual effects. In our evaluation we demonstrate up to 8.1x speed-ups on Intel and AMD multicore CPUs and up to 6.6x speed-ups on NVIDIA GPUs over our best hand-written implementations of these two effects. Programmability is enhanced by automating the generation of SIMD and SIMT implementations from a single programmer-managed scalar representation

    PrologPF: Parallel Logic and Functions on the Delphi Machine

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    PrologPF is a parallelising compiler targeting a distributed system of general purpose workstations connected by a relatively low performance network. The source language extends standard Prolog with the integration of higher-order functions. The execution of a compiled PrologPF program proceeds in a similar manner to standard Prolog, but uses oracles in one of two modes. An oracle represents the sequence of clauses used to reach a given point in the problem search tree, and the same PrologPF executable can be used to build oracles, or follow oracles previously generated. The parallelisation strategy used by PrologPF proceeds in two phases, which this research shows can be interleaved. An initial phase searches the problem tree to a limited depth, recording the discovered incomplete paths. In the second phase these paths are allocated to the available processors in the network. Each processor follows its assigned paths and fully searches the referenced subtree, sending solutions back to a control processor. This research investigates the use of the technique with a one-time partitioning of the problem and no further scheduling communication, and with the recursive application of the partitioning technique to effect dynamic work reassignment. For a problem requiring all solutions to be found, execution completes when all the distributed processors have completed the search of their assigned subtrees. If one solution is required, the execution of all the path processors is terminated when the control processor receives the first solution. The presence of the extra-logical Prolog predicate cut in the user program conflicts with the use of oracles to represent valid open subtrees. PrologPF promotes the use of higher-order functional programming as an alternative to the use of cut. The combined language shows that functional support can be added as a consistent extension to standard Prolog
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