11 research outputs found

    Co-Authorship Networks among DRDO Life Science Scientists

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    The modern scientific ecosphere increasingly involves collaborative research, wherein diverse talent pools fuse to produce a research output, and ‘co-authorship’ can be treated a quantifiable measure of scientific collaboration. The present initiative of a Life Science Journal catering to the needs of life-science/bio-medical science researchers offers a suitable occasion to investigate the existing social structure of science in the defence life science research establishment in India. This short communication describes a meta-analysis of co-authorship networks of this community and we find very interesting inter-disciplinary connections that highlight the significance of this new journal for research impact in the long term

    Measuring Patent-Citations of LIS Literature: An analytical study of the Journal Scientometrics

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the utility and application of Library and Information Science (LIS) research in patents representing innovations, inventions and new knowledge. With this research, we have tried to bridge a gap between LIS research and patents, which is unavailable to date in the literature. To conduct the study, various patent search databases were used. Data in the form of DOIs were extracted from the Scopus database for the journal Scientometrics and were processed and analysed in visualisation software and spreadsheet software. The findings reveal how industries filing patents derive valuable inputs from LIS research in terms of its utilization, recognition and acceptance. This research paper will enhance the understanding regarding Library and information science, what is its value in Research and Development (R&D). Normally, it is believed that only STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Medical) research is fruitful for patents and innovations. The study breaks the glass ceiling as it provides an evidence-based approach to justify the LIS research does play a crucial role in the growth, development and progress of the society through its existence and proven integration with the patents. The findings reveal that LIS research is influencing Patents as they are being cited regularly with the growth in this discipline

    Co-authorship trends and collaboration patterns in the Slovenian sociological community

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    The article deals with some processes generating increases in research collaboration; one of the most characteristic tendencies of modern science. The major empirical focus is the increasing tendency to co-authorship in sociological publications in Slovenia. Bibliometric analyses, based on two joint national research information systems (SICRIS and COBISS), show the amount of coauthored publications in the field of sociology have increased over the last two decades. Blockmodeling of co-authorship networks in sociology has shown that sociologists who are not systematically tied to strongly connected and wellestablished research groups produce the best scientific publications in their field

    Infometrics : history ans trends

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    Numa releitura da história das metrias da informação em todas suas variantes, o presente Capítulo resgata a contribuição de numerosos pesquisadores da Ïndia, bem como da Europa Oriental e da antiga União Soviética, estes últimos notadamente no domínio da cientometria. O Interesse pelos estudos infométricos no Brasil, e mais particularmente pela bibliometria, nos anos 70-80 do passado século, experimentou posteriormente um declínio significativo, para renascer com nova pujança nos últimos anos, emnumerosas aplicações. A intenção deste longo Capítulo é mostrar, com o auxílio de exemplos concretos, a variedade de aplicações das metrias da informação e, o que é mais importante, ―como fazer‖. Sob uma variedade de nomes – bibliometria, infometria, cientometria, webmetria, etc. – as técnicas infométricas abrem à ciência da informação um brilhante leque de aplicações nos procesos informacionais de representação, organização, gestão, recuperação, planejamento, inferência, tomada de decisão, competitividade, inovação, e todos os desdobramentos políticos, sociais, econômicos, educativos e culturais.In a new reading of the history of infometrics in its whole variety, this Capter uncovers the contribution of a number of Indian, as well as East-European and Russian researchers, the last ones mainly in the domain of scientometrics. The interest, in Brazil, on infometrics, and more precisely in bibliometrics, in the decades of the s seventies and eighties of the last century suffered later on a significant decrease by a recent and strong revival in numerous issues. Special attention is paid in this lon Chapter to show, with the support of numerous examples, to the diversity of infometrics uses and, more important, to ―how to do it‖.Under a variety of names – bibliometrics, infometrics, scientometrics, webmetrics, and so one – infometrics opens a wide and briklliant diversity of actual applications in information recording, organizining, managing, processing, retrieving, forecasting, innovating, decision-making, as well as founding social, economic, cuktural and educationa policies

    The Interdependence of Scientists in the Era of Team Science: An Exploratory Study Using Temporal Network Analysis

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    How is the rise in team science and the emergence of the research group as the fundamental unit of organization of science affecting scientists’ opportunities to collaborate? Are the majority of scientists becoming dependent on a select subset of their peers to organize the intergroup collaborations that are becoming the norm in science? This dissertation set out to explore the evolving nature of scientists’ interdependence in team-based research environments. The research was motivated by the desire to reconcile emerging views on the organization of scientific collaboration with the theoretical and methodological tendencies to think about and study scientists as autonomous actors who negotiate collaboration in a dyadic manner. Complex Adaptive Social Systems served as the framework for understanding the dynamics involved in the formation of collaborative relationships. Temporal network analysis at the mesoscopic level was used to study the collaboration dynamics of a specific research community, in this case the genomic research community emerging around GenBank, the international nucleotide sequence databank. The investigation into the dynamics of the mesoscopic layer of a scientific collaboration networked revealed the following—(1) there is a prominent half-life to collaborative relationships; (2) the half-life can be used to construct weighted decay networks for extracting the group structure influencing collaboration; (3) scientists across all levels of status are becoming increasingly interdependent, with the qualification that interdependence is highly asymmetrical, and (4) the group structure is increasingly influential on the collaborative interactions of scientists. The results from this study advance theoretical and empirical understanding of scientific collaboration in team-based research environments and methodological approaches to studying temporal networks at the mesoscopic level. The findings also have implications for policy researchers interested in the career cycles of scientists and the maintenance and building of scientific capacity in research areas of national interest

    Razvoj scienotometrije praćen kroz časopis Scientometrics od početka izlaženja 1978. do 2010. godine

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    Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su: 1. kvantitativno opisati glavno tijelo scientometrijske literature s posebnim fokusom na razvoj kroz vrijeme i 2. versatilno implementirati glavne scientometrijske postupke te opisati metodološku problematiku scientometrije. Prvi doprinos ovog rada je dakle u razumijevanju i uopće validaciji scientometrije kao zasebne pod- discipline informacijskih znanosti kroz primarno kvantitativnu obradu svih radova objavljenih u časopisu Scientometrics od početka objavljivanja 1978. do 2010. godine s posebnim naglaskom na članke. Među provedenim analizama posebno se mogu istaknuti analize autorstva i suradnje, citatne i ko-citatne analize te pregled u odnosu na glavnu tematiku radova. Drugi doprinos je u prikazu, implementaciji i povezivanju tradicionalnih metodoloških scientometrijskih postupaka s analizom mreža i tekstova radova. S obzirom na kompleksnost ulaznih podataka koji u većini slučajeva nisu stvoreni pod kontrolom istraživača, u sklopu prikaza metodologije posebno je detaljno prikazana i priprema podataka. Rad pruža kratak uvod o znanosti i istraživanjima znanosti s fokusom na proučavanje znanosti kroz znanstvenu literaturu. Nakon toga slijedi poglavlje o metodologiji podijeljeno u dva dijela: priprema i analiza. Radi promatranja ovog tijela literature s više aspekata, rezultati i rasprava su prikazani zajedno i slijede nakon metodologije. Rad završava kratkim zaključkom o razvoju i relevantnosti scientometrije kao i o sve većoj zainteresiranosti za istu. U prilogu 1. prenesen je Python kôd kojim su implementirani postupci opisani u metodologiji, kao i proizvedene tablice i većina slika koji se koriste u tekstu