71 research outputs found

    Collaborative Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia by Enriching a Semantic Wiki’s Output

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    This research is concerned with harnessing collaborative approaches for the authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH) systems. It involves the enhancement of Semantic Wikis with pedagogy aware features to this end. There are many challenges in understanding how communities of interest can efficiently collaborate for learning content authoring, in introducing pedagogy to the developed knowledge models and in specifying user models for efficient delivery of AEH systems. The contribution of this work will be the development of a model of collaborative authoring which includes domain specification, content elicitation, and definition of pedagogic approach. The proposed model will be implemented in a prototype AEH authoring system that will be tested and evaluated in a formal education context

    Model-driven transformation and validation of adaptive educational hypermedia using CAVIAr

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    Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia is a complex activity requiring the combination of a range of design and validation techniques.We demonstrate how Adaptive Educational Hypermedia can be transformed into CAVIAr courseware validation models allowing for its validation. The model-based representation and analysis of different concerns and model-based mappings and transformations are key contributors to this integrated solution. We illustrate the benefits of Model Driven Engineering methodologies that allow for interoperability between CAVIAr and a well known Adaptive Educational Hypermedia framework. By allowing for the validation of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia, the course creator limits the risk of pedagogical problems in migrating to Adaptive Educational Hypermedia from static courseware

    A meta level to LAG for adaptation language re-use

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    Recently, a growing body of research targets authoring of content and adaptation strategies for adaptive systems. The driving force behind it is semantics-based reuse: the same adaptation strategy can be used for various domains, and vice versa. E.g., a Java course can be taught via a strategy differentiating between beginner and advanced users, or between visual versus verbal users. Whilst using an Adaptation Language (LAG) to express reusable adaptation strategies, we noticed, however, that: a) the created strategies have common patterns that, themselves, could be reused; b) templates based on these patterns could reduce the designers' work; c) there is a strong preference towards XML-based processing and interfacing. This has lead us to define a new meta-language for the LAG Adaptation Language, facilitating the extraction of common design patterns. This paper provides more insight into the LAG language, as well as describes this meta-language, and shows how introducing it can overcome some redundancy issues

    Defining adaptation in a generic multi layer model : CAM: the GRAPPLE conceptual adaptation model

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    Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia is a difficult and time consuming task. Reference models like LAOS and AHAM separate adaptation and content in different layers. Systems like AHA! offer graphical tools based on these models to allow authors to define adaptation without knowing any adaptation language. The adaptation that can be defined using such tools is still limited. Authoring systems like MOT are more flexible, but usability of adaptation specification is low. This paper proposes a more generic model which allows the adaptation to be defined in an arbitrary number of layers, where adaptation is expressed in terms of relationships between concepts. This model allows the creation of more powerful yet easier to use graphical authoring tools. This paper presents the structure of the Conceptual Adaptation Models used in adaptive applications created within the GRAPPLE adaptive learning environment, and their representation in a graphical authoring tool

    Defining adaptation in a generic multi layer model : CAM: the GRAPPLE conceptual adaptation model

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    Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia is a difficult and time consuming task. Reference models like LAOS and AHAM separate adaptation and content in different layers. Systems like AHA! offer graphical tools based on these models to allow authors to define adaptation without knowing any adaptation language. The adaptation that can be defined using such tools is still limited. Authoring systems like MOT are more flexible, but usability of adaptation specification is low. This paper proposes a more generic model which allows the adaptation to be defined in an arbitrary number of layers, where adaptation is expressed in terms of relationships between concepts. This model allows the creation of more powerful yet easier to use graphical authoring tools. This paper presents the structure of the Conceptual Adaptation Models used in adaptive applications created within the GRAPPLE adaptive learning environment, and their representation in a graphical authoring tool

    Utilising ontology-based modelling for learning content management

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    Learning content management needs to support a variety of open, multi-format Web-based software applications. We propose multidimensional, model-based semantic annotation as a way to support the management of access to and change of learning content. We introduce an information architecture model as the central contribution that supports multi-layered learning content structures. We discuss interactive query access, but also change management for multi-layered learning content management. An ontology-enhanced traceability approach is the solution

    Multimedia package for learning English based on learners’ profile

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    The current advancement of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), especially the advancement in multimedia technology, has spurred the use of computers in education setting. The use of multimedia technology for teaching and learning have been proved that to be essential and more effective compared to the conventional approach. Research have stated that multimedia technology application can help the students in their learning process by attracting and engaging the learners, providing a better learning retention time, making learners more self reliant and proactive in their learning environment.This research aims to study the development of a multimedia package based on learners` profile in English.The multimedia package was developed based on two main objectives : I) developing a learners` profile to determine learners` learning style, II) developing a multimedia package for learning English.The development of this multimedia package took into consideration various aspects such as : principles of instructional design in the development of learning materials and the development methodology of a package; multimedia elements and the integration of learning and cognitive theories in package development.The multimedia package consists of three main modules to meet the needs of each type of the preferred modality learning style of learners : visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style.The evaluation of the multimedia package was conducted to test the system based on its strengths and weaknesses amongst the students.Findings of the research showed that despite a number of weaknessess of the system, the modules of the system based on specific learner’s learning styles managed to attract the interest of learners based on their matching learning styles.The fuzzy logic and neural network have been applied at this stage to analyse the ouput data for evaluation purposes

    MOT meets AHA!

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    MOT (My Online Teacher) is an adaptive hypermedia system (AHS) web-authoring environment. MOT is now being further developed according to the LAOS five-layer adaptation model for adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-material, containing a domain -, goal -, user -, adaptation – and presentation model. The adaptation itself follows the LAG three-layer granularity structure, figuring direct adaptation techniques and rules, an adaptation language and adaptation strategies. In this paper we shortly describe the theoretical basis of MOT, i.e., LAOS and LAG, and then give some information about the current state of MOT. The purpose of this paper is to show how we plan the design and development of MOT and the well-known system AHA! (Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture), developed at the Technical University of Eindhoven since 1996. We aim especially at the integration with AHA! 2.0. Although AHA! 2.0 represents a progress when compared to the previous versions, a lot of adaptive features that are described by the LAOS and the adaptation granulation model and that are being implemented into MOT are not yet (directly) available. So therefore AHA! can benefit from MOT. On the other hand, AHA! offers a running platform for the adaptation engine, which can benefit MOT in return

    Organization and Usage of Learning Objects within Personal Computers

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    Research report of the ProLearn Network of Excellence (IST 507310), Deliverable 7.6To promote the integration of Desktop related Knowledge Management and Technology Enhanced Learning this deliverable aims at increasing the awareness of Desktop research within the Professional Learning community and at familiarizing the e-Learning researchers with the state-of-the-art in the relevant areas of Personal Information Management (PIM), as well as with the currently on-going activities and some of the regular PIM publication venues
